
question Can you get keyword monthly search volume on Naver? Korea’s #1 search engine?

Spaceship Spaceship


WhoaDomain.comTop Member
I own a .co.kr domain and would like to know the total monthly search volume for the keyword of my .co.kr.

It’s a single dictionary keyword. In the US it has millions in monthly search volume. Just wondering how high the monthly search volume would be on Naver.

I tried to figure it out on Naver but the language barrier made it impossible.

I need to know the monthly search volume for a keyword.

Pm me for the keyword. Rather keep it private.
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They most likely do not offer the information but if there is bidding on keywords and a cpc you might get a bit more of an idea otherwise my tools will tell you where traffic comes from.
It’s a single dictionary keyword. In the US it has millions in monthly search volume. Just wondering how high the monthly search volume would be on Naver.

I tried to figure it out on Naver but the language barrier made it impossible.

I need to know the monthly search volume for a keyword.
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