
question Can I buy a domain on Afternic without renewing it through GoDaddy?

Spaceship Spaceship


I Buy WebsitesTop Member
It's been years since I have bought a domain on Afternic. I went to buy one today and it was forcing me to renew it through GoDaddy, even though it was at Dynadot

I thought there was a way to pay the list price and then get an AUTH code to transfer it from the sellers registrar to my preferred registrar.

I don't want to it transferred to GD and then put on a 60 day lock

Also, I tried calling Afternic and waited on the phone for more than 50 minutes without an answer before I finally hung up. Makes me reconsider selling my own domains on there
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forcing me to renew it through GoDaddy
I just had to pay $21 to renew at GD when buying a name at Afternic a few days ago. Trust me, there is NO WAY in hell I would EVER have a name at GD by choice. I despise them with all my heart. Despite the huge renewal they force, they also lock the name there for 60 days, as you stated. If the name was pushed to you without the forced renewal, there should be no 60-day lock. But GD gets away with all these self-serving tactics somehow. GD is one of the few registrars who gets away with so many bad practices. We keep doing business with them, so why wouldn't they?

I phoned and told them I wanted to buy without renewing but the filthy pig needed to be fed. Unfortunately, there is no choice but to play their game by their rules at times like this. I wanted the name pretty badly otherwise I would have walked.

Calendar event set to transfer away at the end of 60 days! I can't get it out of there soon enough!!

Have I mentioned how much I despise GD and everything about them? As a domainer, we all should. IMO.

Domainers Go Here^^^^ (Don't Feed GoPiggy unless you like being shit on)
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GoDaddy is also adding mark-up to the selling price at checkout too.
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I just had to pay $21 to renew at GD when buying a name at Afternic a few days ago. Trust me, there is NO WAY in hell I would EVER have a name at GD by choice. I despise them with all my heart. Despite the huge renewal they force, they also lock the name there for 60 days, as you stated. GD is one of the few registrars that gets away with these practices. If the name was pushed to you without the forced renewal, there should be no 60-day lock. But GD gets away with all these self-serving tactics somehow. So, there is no choice but to play their games by their rules if you want to have the name bad enough.

I literally called them and told them I wanted to buy without renewing but the filthy pig needed to be fed. Too bad I really wanted the name or I would have walked.

Calendar event set to transfer away at the end of 60 days. I can't get it out of there soon enough!!

Have I mentioned how much I despise GD and everything about them? As a domainer, we all should. IMO.
Show attachment 267986
Domainers Go Here^^^^. Don't Feed GoPiggy. Unless you like being shit on

Since the domain I bought was at a different registrar, the renewal is categorized as a transfer, so I was able to find a coupon code, so it was slightly cheaper, but still more expensive because of their inflated prices.

The customer service I finally got through to, who had broken english did say I could call and request that the 60 day transfer lock be removed or shortened when the domain does get transferred, although I don't know how true that is

After being on the buyer side of things, I think I am going to no longer use Afternic for landing pages and go with a different marketplace. I will still list on Afternic just because they have the biggest partner network
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Try contacting the seller directly. They prob sell at least 15-20% cheaper as well
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Try contacting the seller directly. They prob sell at least 15-20% cheaper as well

The domain was a good price, if I didn't do buy now and contact them, there was a chance they would raise the price
If it has Fast Transfer enabled, just buy the domain through the registrar of your choice (as long as the registrar is part of the Premium network).
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