
Binge Happened

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
Oh dear, First buying binge in over 20 years. hand regs

Couldn't help myself, Now I've done it, I'm well into my physics and the nature of matter. So this morning I went a bit overboard, around 30 domains in total, A lot of my first choices had been taken but that still left a lot of .coms (and a couple of .orgs) for me. I know I'll sleep better now I've done it, that is until renewal time. Commercial value is possibly there. With a BIG If

I blame New Scientist for all my troubles :)
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Nothing beats the feeling of getting some fresh never-before-regged names after reading a scientific paper or article, lol.
Last week I hand-registered close to 1,000 .COMs :)
I don't think I have ever registered that many .COMs in 24 hours.
I blame New Scientist for all my troubles
I have to avoid all tech papers/mags! My registration fingers begin to twitch every time I read one.

I'm a big fan on hand regging when it comes to something 'new' or 'hip'.
Hope you at least hand reg'ed then at PorkBun where you can pick them up for $6.99 ea. And there are coupon codes bringing them down to $5.99
Oh my! Haha cancel that subscription! Well you only need one hit out of those and you've made it all back and more so good luck!!
Yes, registered them at Porkbun.
oh Bugger I should've opened an account there but done them all at dynodot. I'm happy with them but it would've been nice to have saved a few quid. After many years in a bit of a wasteland, always happy but not very well healthwise. until my big heart Op. So now that's done I'm getting back into the swing of things. When I couldn't get out and about it was nice to hang out here at NP. So now I'm going to get active on all my domains and chase some Skirt ;) when summer finally arrives

Would you believe it another non-payer at Sedo.this week This time for Screen/tools in com of course (ignore the slash). Time to try somewhere else. I'm getting more non-payers than payers at Sedo
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I have been diagnosed with chronic hand regitis..... Nothing works. NO cure. There is no escaping it. It's everywhere I go, always, domains... I just accept it now, but it took a long time.
I have been diagnosed with chronic hand regitis..... Nothing works. NO cure. There is no escaping it. It's everywhere I go, always, domains... I just accept it now, but it took a long time.

Well, the cure for this is keeping the right hand out of the mouse, below table level. There are other entertaining things to do down there.

You're welcome.
It happens... And might pay off. A couple of years ago I registered close to 7K domains within a couple of weeks.

I shat my pants... guess I needed the thrill. It did work out as expected though I wouldn't recommend it to anyone if it's not an educated bet.
7,000 in weeks how the hell do you build such a list, I can't even comprehend, takes me weeks to come across one domain I'd want to register. Makes my 30 in one go seem like playtime
They were the xyz at a penny per..
domain names and chill..
I thought this said Domains and Chilli at first, Nice combo. ;)

I'm not normally into linking Physics and domains - I'm never looking to sell to the Edu crowd but in this instance it may lead to a better understanding of atomic structures and interactions in the material world. And I think it has substance

I wont post/or promote here, but I'm happy to say I woke-up this morning thinking I could've purchased a lovely additional monitor for that money But on reviewing I'm happy to say all is good. I was surprised just how many were, apparently on the same wave-length (Hint there) as me. I had to scrape for the registrations I made but I think it worth a $300 punt. Anyway I spend Ten times that amount on yearly renewals but this investment was truly speculative, which is not normally me
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Interesting chat with dynadot over two domains (all now resolved satisfactorily ) and their so-called refund/cancellation policy.

I shall elaborate in a dedicated thread. All is not as it seems on the advertising/promotional surface. These aren't alone in what wording is used to promote in comparison to the restrictive conditions imposed in the T&C's but it needs discussing.

I'm not intending to single out Dynadot but,Try to get away with these things in any regulated business and you'll soon find yourself in serious trouble.

*note Dynadot are in my opinion very responsive with a good service
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Interesting chat with dynadot over two domains (all now resolved satisfactorily ) and their so-called refund/cancellation policy.

I shall elaborate in a dedicated thread. All is not as it seems on the advertising/promotional surface. These aren't alone in what wording is used to promote in comparison to the restrictive conditions imposed in the T&C's but it needs discussing.

I'm not intending to single out Dynadot but,Try to get away with these things in any regulated business and you'll soon find yourself in serious trouble.

*note Dynadot are in my opinion very responsive with a good service

I know Dyna keeps $3 per name... which is annoying. Spaceship gives 100% back (at least for 5 domains per month I think).
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I know Dyna keeps $3 per name... which is annoying. Spaceship gives 100% back (at least for 5 domains per month I think).
Indeed, but I'm even more interested in the 10% restriction on refund/cancellation requests, Given dynadot almost promotes domain tasting/testing.

Personally in 25 years this is the first time I've ever requested a domain cancellation (accidently inserted an additional letter in the two similar domains) So it's the first time I've looked into this area of domain registrations. It just opened-up my eyes to something Not so sweet as promoted.

Despite our personal thoughts I will give credit to thatnameguy, Richard for bringing automatic domain valuations into the spotlight. Sure we all know they are rubbish but he's right in that there is a questionable motive and dare I say deceit in their use by registration services.

We are getting very much into the 'Buyer beware' area similar to ebay with registration services these days. But these are business services Not individual sellers and that's a big difference
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7,000 in weeks how the hell do you build such a list, I can't even comprehend, takes me weeks to come across one domain I'd want to register. Makes my 30 in one go seem like playtime

Lol, long story which I might share at some point. It wasn't XYZ for sure ;) Not .com either.

Handregging takes persistence, sometimes I go months without any, sometimes I reg a couple a week.
They were the xyz at a penny per..

Nah, thought about it at the time. Didn't bother as I really, really don't like the extension.

Missed opportunity? Who knows.

That's domaining 101. You win some, you loose some.
Handregged only 1 .com this year, started receiving inquiries the following week. There's value to be discovered but it is not an easy game. I've burned thousands $$$ in my early days with "meta" hand regs.
Last week I hand-registered close to 1,000 .COMs :)
I don't think I have ever registered that many .COMs in 24 hours.
Let me guess. Most of these newly registered D.names relate to, say, artificial intelligence (AI), inflation, crypto-currency, or the demands that the AI trend shall create, e.g., enormous demand for electrical power or enormous demand for data centers to house all of those AI servers and AI networks.

Am I right? Or not even in the ballpark? Please let us know.
Am I right? Or not even in the ballpark? Please let us know.
Thanks for the guess-work paulbain

But, Nope not even close. Whilst I'm interested in all areas of physics I'm more interested in the area of dimensions and theoretical physics. So this would include Time and wave propagation.

I enjoy writing down my own formula and fairly simple modelling. I think there is so much to be gained by enhancing our current understanding of dimensions. Forget the additional Supposed dimensions. String-theory alone gave-up when it reached 12 imaginary dimensions (they were all required) So Lets stick to, and disseminate those that we are familiar with to gain a better understanding of Reality, think I.

Now comes the bloody hard part, Business application and advantage. There's a lot to be gained in advancements in theoretical physics and there is a good foundation for the work being currently done. The obvious are in materials science but I'm particularly interested in the perplexity of time itself.

This is nothing new to me, by the way. I've always been interested in the modelling aspect to complex problems and have used it on a daily basis in the workplace. The more complex the problem (With many solutions) the more it lends itself to this area of thought.

Obviously this type of problem-solving does require a fairly good insight of everything that has gone before. OR should I say those "what have I missed" moments, Then you get to look at so much more. It's a real thrill I can tell you. Though I'm not overly comfortable that I have decided to merge this thinking with domains as such. But, I'm willing to experiment.

As I have mentioned, I'm quite surprised how many of my first choice domains were already registered, Many by science foundations but quite a few by recognised institutions with solid business interests. I'm glad I've taken the plunge. I'm fully expecting to retain just twelve to 15 by the end of the year. AI modelling does play its part without a doubt so much so that I thought it best to jump in now
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But, Nope not even close. Whilst I'm interested in all areas of physics I'm more interested in the area of dimensions and theoretical physics. So this would include Time and wave propagation.
Hmm sounds like you went down the Terrence Howard rabbit hole. I'm just now returning to the surface. :xf.laugh:
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