- Impact
- 693
The top domain name sale of the day was 3D.ai selling for $100,000.00 at Private. NameBio tracked 494 domain sales $100+ for a reported total of $466,811.00 with an average price of $944.96 per sale. Compared to the day before, there was an increase of 8% in the number of sales and the total dollar volume increased by 24%. NameBio also recorded an additional 2,088 sales below $100 for a total of $31,213.
For a complete list of the day's sales visit:
Top Sales for January 9th, 2025
Market Stats for January 9th, 2025
Domain | Price | Venue |
3d.ai | $100,000 | Private |
myskin.com | $39,289 | GoDaddy |
goodinsurance.com | $10,251 | GoDaddy |
hudsonvalleygrassfedbeef.com | $10,077 | GoDaddy |
mornings.com | $8,000 | Sav.com |
hac.ai | $7,699 | Atom.com |
chriscuomo.com | $6,100 | GoDaddy |
pbl-india.com | $5,655 | GoDaddy |
tadpoletraining.com | $5,601 | GoDaddy |
citydentalnc.com | $5,555 | GoDaddy |
edfirstnc.org | $5,555 | GoDaddy |
auction24.com | $5,524 | Sedo |
siwaresorts.com | $5,100 | GoDaddy |
heard.net | $5,000 | Afternic |
cloudconnects.com | $4,949 | Afternic |
clubf.com | $4,744 | GoDaddy |
stocktonrecycles.com | $4,406 | Dynadot |
citiesprogramme.com | $4,383 | GoDaddy |
smittyshomemadeicecream.com | $4,005 | GoDaddy |
japaneserestaurantdavie.com | $3,550 | GoDaddy |
gilsofashland.com | $3,383 | GoDaddy |
mchenrycountycom.org | $3,350 | GoDaddy |
sewingclasses.com | $3,037 | GoDaddy |
pole-optitec.com | $3,000 | DropCatch |
sameside.com | $2,938 | GoDaddy |
uniquelytaylormade.com | $2,750 | GoDaddy |
aiready.de | $2,579 | Sedo |
fertilitysolution.com | $2,550 | GoDaddy |
kitajagakita.com | $2,550 | GoDaddy |
photos-hdr.com | $2,460 | DropCatch |
eventbu.com | $2,425 | Dynadot |
ghosttacosandcocktails.com | $2,358 | GoDaddy |
southalamode.com | $2,213 | GoDaddy |
rotorxaircraft.com | $2,125 | GoDaddy |
streamingcarlofelice.com | $2,075 | GoDaddy |
ikbi.org | $2,025 | GoDaddy |
resortsbatangas.com | $2,025 | GoDaddy |
verticalagents.com | $2,000 | Afternic |
blockchain.bio | $1,947 | Sedo |
carpediemwinebar.com | $1,925 | GoDaddy |
tvalogisticsinc.com | $1,881 | GoDaddy |
lifeventures.com | $1,775 | GoDaddy |
falakmusic.com | $1,725 | Namecheap |
gobare.com | $1,725 | GoDaddy |
sflaseafoodmusicfest.com | $1,561 | GoDaddy |
springfieldcolorado.com | $1,525 | GoDaddy |
pompomphilly.com | $1,525 | GoDaddy |
forestcouncil.org | $1,525 | GoDaddy |
condos.xyz | $1,500 | GoDaddy |
greekgyros.net | $1,425 | GoDaddy |
worldpeaceforum.org | $1,425 | GoDaddy |
perusurfguides.com | $1,375 | GoDaddy |
holafoodie.com | $1,375 | GoDaddy |
vintageaviation.com | $1,358 | GoDaddy |
providencecafe.com | $1,325 | GoDaddy |
cavaliersofhouston.org | $1,300 | GoDaddy |
bursakentmuzesi.com | $1,230 | GoDaddy |
ucoder.com | $1,225 | GoDaddy |
theturfcluboh.com | $1,225 | GoDaddy |
alchemylivinginc.com | $1,225 | GoDaddy |
mustafaofficial.com | $1,225 | GoDaddy |
newber.com | $1,222 | GoDaddy |
lamphowto.com | $1,110 | Namecheap |
quantumchat.com | $1,027 | GoDaddy |
beesmartsocialmedia.com | $1,025 | GoDaddy |
worldtechjournal.com | $1,009 | Namecheap |
zentekfarms.net | $1,001 | GoDaddy |
Market Stats for January 9th, 2025
TLD Type | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
gTLDs | 462 | $343,521 | $744 | $287 |
New gTLDs | 8 | $6,134 | $767 | $571 |
ccTLDs | 24 | $117,156 | $4,882 | $266 |
TLD | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
COM | 414 | $308,355 | $745 | $279 |
ORG | 31 | $23,836 | $769 | $350 |
NET | 15 | $10,820 | $721 | $305 |
AI | 12 | $112,620 | $9,385 | $539 |
CITY | 3 | $1,467 | $489 | $430 |
CC | 3 | $459 | $153 | $111 |
INFO | 2 | $510 | $255 | $255 |
ID | 2 | $407 | $204 | $204 |
XYZ | 2 | $1,706 | $853 | $853 |
CO | 2 | $353 | $177 | $177 |
IO | 2 | $303 | $152 | $152 |
BIO | 1 | $1,947 | $1,947 | $1,947 |
IT | 1 | $185 | $185 | $185 |
DE | 1 | $2,579 | $2,579 | $2,579 |
EVENTS | 1 | $227 | $227 | $227 |
COMAI | 1 | $250 | $250 | $250 |
TOYS | 1 | $787 | $787 | $787 |
Venue | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
GoDaddy | 350 | $272,325 | $778 | $304 |
Namecheap | 60 | $21,299 | $355 | $233 |
DropCatch | 40 | $17,485 | $437 | $235 |
Dynadot | 19 | $11,316 | $596 | $170 |
Sav.com | 11 | $12,284 | $1,117 | $336 |
Afternic | 5 | $13,548 | $2,710 | $2,000 |
Sedo | 5 | $10,465 | $2,093 | $1,947 |
Private | 1 | $100,000 | $100,000 | $100,000 |
Atom.com | 1 | $7,699 | $7,699 | $7,699 |
Park.io | 1 | $205 | $205 | $205 |
Catched.com | 1 | $185 | $185 | $185 |
Category | Num Sales | Dollar Volume | Average | Median |
Dictionary (English) | 11 | $17,028 | $1,548 | $450 |
Dictionary (Spanish) | 4 | $1,090 | $273 | $252 |
Keyword (x2) | 201 | $194,196 | $966 | $305 |
Keyword (x3) | 82 | $59,775 | $729 | $330 |
Keyword (x4) | 26 | $21,672 | $834 | $470 |
Geo Domains | 2 | $1,141 | $571 | $571 |
Geo + Keyword | 19 | $19,007 | $1,000 | $300 |
Surnames | 5 | $6,540 | $1,308 | $430 |
Given Names | 1 | $430 | $430 | $430 |
Domain Hacks | 0 | $0 | $0 | $0 |
Crypto Domains | 3 | $2,553 | $851 | $501 |
Cannabis Domains | 10 | $14,127 | $1,413 | $498 |
For a complete list of the day's sales visit: