Spaceship Spaceship
  • Have a super Birthday
    Hi Charles

    Thank you very much for the wish :)
    Hello Bro.

    Got your note obviously but can't give you a decent answer at the moment. But I will after I get a few things taken care of.

    Tell me a little about your schedule. When does work start? Are you on break? Will you be working and going to school at the same time? Et ....... cetera.
    Chaz, how's everything going?

    And, how's she coping?
    You too, PA! :ghost:

    Happy new year :) - Hope to serve you again :)
    That's what I was afraid of. I'm old enough to be your father. Just turned 51. But my emotional growth was stunted when I was 19 from drugs, alcohol, drugs and ... I forgot where I was going with that. :ghost:

    Have a quite large and Happy New Year dude !!!

    Hi Chaz!

    Happy holidays to you too (and Merry Christmas too)...belated :p

    Dad's 51, why :p ?
    Merry Christmas :)
    happy birthday big jelly!!!
    Happy Birthday to you!! :)
    Happy Birthday

    Nevermind on the BlackBerry front - I'll stick to mine for now (This other gadget has taken my fancy and I'll be buying that before the Berry).

    Sure thing, look forward to hearing from you :)
    Chaz! Where're you at, man :o ?
    Just saying hi :)
    Shoot !!! I KNEW I forgot something. I'll get'er next time.
    You have a good sunday too Charles, and you forgot to wash the car methinks :lol:
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