
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.

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COVID-19 epidemiology update - Cases following vaccination

Cases reported since the start of the vaccination campaign, as of October 02, 2021 (see fig 5)

Since the start of the vaccination campaign on December 14, 2020, PHAC received case-level vaccine history data for 79.8% (n=801,278) of COVID-19 cases aged 12 years or older.

Of these cases:
  • 671,339 (83.8%) were unvaccinated at the time of their episode date
  • 40,590 (5.1%) were not yet protected by the vaccine, as their episode date occurred less than 14 days after their first dose
  • 46,083 (5.8%) were only partially vaccinated, as their episode date occurred either 14 days or more after their first dose or less than 14 days after their second dose
  • 43,266 (5.4%) were fully vaccinated, as their episode date occurred 14 days or more after their second dose
COVID-19 epidemiology update - Cases following vaccination

Cases reported since the start of the vaccination campaign, as of October 02, 2021 (see fig 5)

Since the start of the vaccination campaign on December 14, 2020, PHAC received case-level vaccine history data for 79.8% (n=801,278) of COVID-19 cases aged 12 years or older.

Of these cases:
  • 671,339 (83.8%) were unvaccinated at the time of their episode date
  • 40,590 (5.1%) were not yet protected by the vaccine, as their episode date occurred less than 14 days after their first dose
  • 46,083 (5.8%) were only partially vaccinated, as their episode date occurred either 14 days or more after their first dose or less than 14 days after their second dose
  • 43,266 (5.4%) were fully vaccinated, as their episode date occurred 14 days or more after their second dose

How many were hospitalized or died? I go out on a limb here and guess less than 1%.
Some humans are not worthy of consuming air...

Owners offload dogs bought in lockdown by pretending they are strays

Rescue centres say they are seeing more and more pets their owners are now too busy to look after

People are pretending that dogs they acquired during lockdown are strays so that rescue centres take them in, after failing to sell them online, animal rescue charities and shelters have warned.

https://www.theguardian.com/lifeand...ght-in-lockdown-by-pretending-they-are-strays. (more...)
How many were hospitalized or died? I go out on a limb here and guess less than 1%.

Hospitalizations and deaths to date
Detailed case report data on 1,683,201 cases, and hospitalization status for 1,220,439 (72.5%) of them:
  • 87,352 cases (7.2%) were hospitalized, of whom:
    • 16,702 (19.1%) were admitted to the ICU
    • 2,061 (2.4%) needed mechanical ventilation
The provinces and territories provided detailed case report forms for 28,505 deaths related to COVID-19.

See: fig 6 description
Study determines natural immunity is somewhat short

A new study by the Yale School of Public Health has analyzed data on natural immunity to estimate how often unvaccinated individuals can expect to become reinfected with COVID-19.

“The overall goal of the study was to provide an answer to a question that at this point in the pandemic would be impossible to answer empirically which is: How long after you’ve been infected by SARS-CoV-2 can you expect to possess immunity against the virus before you become vulnerable to reinfection?

The study determined that natural immunity is somewhat short, and in a model where everyone has either been infected with COVID-19 or vaccinated against it, those who are unvaccinated can expect to be reinfected with the coronavirus roughly every 16-17 months.

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How many lives have coronavirus vaccines saved? We used state data on deaths and vaccination rates to find out

To check the strength of our model before playing with variables, we first compared reported deaths with an estimate that our model produced.

When we fed it all of the information available – including vaccination rates – the model calculated that by May 9, 2021, there should have been 569,193 COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. The reported death count by that date was 578,862, less than a 2% difference from our model’s prediction.

Equipped with our well-working statistical model, we were then able to “turn off” the vaccination effect and see how much of a difference vaccines made.

Using near real-time data of state vaccination rates, coronavirus cases and deaths in our model, we found that in the absence of vaccines, 708,586 people would have died by May 9, 2021. We then compared that to our model estimate of deaths with vaccines: 569,193. The difference between those two numbers is just under 140,000. Our model suggests that vaccines saved 140,000 lives by May 9, 2021.

Our study only looked at the few months just after vaccination began. Even in that short time frame, COVID-19 vaccinations saved many thousands of lives despite vaccination rates still being fairly low in several states by the end of our study period. I can say with certainty that vaccines have since then saved many more lives – and will continue to do so as long as the coronavirus is still around.

How many lives have coronavirus vaccines saved? We used state data on deaths and vaccination rates to find out

To check the strength of our model before playing with variables, we first compared reported deaths with an estimate that our model produced.

When we fed it all of the information available – including vaccination rates – the model calculated that by May 9, 2021, there should have been 569,193 COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. The reported death count by that date was 578,862, less than a 2% difference from our model’s prediction.

Equipped with our well-working statistical model, we were then able to “turn off” the vaccination effect and see how much of a difference vaccines made.

Using near real-time data of state vaccination rates, coronavirus cases and deaths in our model, we found that in the absence of vaccines, 708,586 people would have died by May 9, 2021. We then compared that to our model estimate of deaths with vaccines: 569,193. The difference between those two numbers is just under 140,000. Our model suggests that vaccines saved 140,000 lives by May 9, 2021.

Our study only looked at the few months just after vaccination began. Even in that short time frame, COVID-19 vaccinations saved many thousands of lives despite vaccination rates still being fairly low in several states by the end of our study period. I can say with certainty that vaccines have since then saved many more lives – and will continue to do so as long as the coronavirus is still around.


Screenshot from 2021-10-24 14-35-18.png
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Fox News’s Neil Cavuto ‘begs’ viewers to ‘stop the politics’ and get Covid vaccine

The Fox News host Neil Cavuto has “begged” viewers to toss out political talking points about Covid-19 vaccinations and get the shot.

“My God, stop the politics,” he told the network’s Media Buzz show.

“Life is too short to be an ass. Life is way too short to be ignorant of the promise of something that is helping people worldwide. Stop the deaths, stop the suffering, please get vaccinated, please.”

Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus). If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 4,982,177
United States: 759,939
Brazil: 606,293
India: 455,684
Russia: 233,898
United Kingdom: 139,834
France: 117,555
Italy: 131,904
Spain: 87,238
Mexico: 286,888
Poland: 76,672
South Africa: 88,987
Indonesia: 143,299
Netherlands: 18,340
Canada: 28,841
Chile: 37,691
Belgium: 25,914
Philippines: 42,348
Japan : 18,221
Bolivia: 18,903
Australia: 1,669
Peru: 200,118
Bolsonaro Accused of Crimes Against Humanity in Covid Probe


"Brazil senators said Jair Bolsonaro should be charged for nine crimes, including charlatanism, malfeasance and crimes against humanity in their conclusion of a probe into the government’s handling of the pandemic that’s unlikely to have any short-term impact on the president’s political fate.

Bolsonaro is largely blamed for Brazil’s erratic handling of the pandemic, dismissing it as just a flu, shunning face masks and vaccines and encouraging his supporters to ignore restrictions imposed by states and cities to halt the spread of the virus. The country has more than 600,000 deaths from the disease, second only to the U.S. globally, and counts more than 21 million cases."
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Cigarette sales in America were falling. Then Covid hit

New York (CNN Business)We all had to find our own ways to cope with the pandemic lockdowns last year. Some people bought Pelotons and baked bread. Others took a slightly less healthy route.

Cigarette sales in America last year rose for the first time in two decades, a new report from the Federal Trade Commission says. It was a only a slight 0.4% increase — the total number of cigarettes sold to wholesalers and retailers nationwide increased by about 8 million, from 202.9 billion in 2019 to 203.7 billion in 2020.

Analysis finds COVID-19 was the leading cause of death in Arizona

That wasn’t the case in other states where governors enacted strict anti-coronavirus measures

A new report found that COVID-19 was the leading cause of death in Arizona during the pandemic, unlike in other similar states that had more aggressive mitigation measures.

More than 20,700 people have died from the virus since the start of the pandemic in March 2020. The report, by the Arizona Public Health Association, examined how those deaths compared to the 15 leading causes of death between March 17, 2020 — the date a state of emergency was declared because of COVID-19 — to Oct. 14, 2021.

The report compared that to mortality data from the Centers for Disease Control’s Wonder Online Database in 2019, as detailed data for 2020 is still not available. The researchers noted that data for certain mortality rates have remained relatively constant over the past decade, the report states.

Heart disease has long been the top cause of death for Arizonans, taking the lives of over 12,500 Arizona residents in 2019, followed closely by cancer, which trailed heart disease by a mere 84 deaths.

COVID-19 cases reached their first peak in Arizona on June 29, when 5,480 cases were reported. Just a few weeks later on, July 17, Arizona would report its single highest reported death count for the virus at the time: 107 deaths.

As the summer months ended amid more mitigation measures implemented by Gov. Doug Ducey, cases fell and so did deaths. By October, cases began rising again, accelerating rapidly in November.

On Nov. 23, the state reported more than 6,000 cases, the most it had ever seen in a single day, and intensive care unit capacity was dwindling. The numbers then skyrocketed in December and early January, and the state repeatedly broke records for the number of confirmed cases and deaths:
  • Nov. 30, 7,971 cases reported
  • Dec. 21, 9,078 cases reported
  • Dec. 28, 11,533 cases reported
  • Jan. 4, 11,929 cases reported
  • Dec. 10, 107 deaths reported
  • Dec. 17, 130 deaths reported
  • Jan. 5, 137 deaths reported
According to the research by APHA, Arizona’s death rate is also much higher than some of it’s similarly sized states. (more...)

Searching and synthesising ‘grey literature’ and ‘grey information’ in public health


Summary of aims, methods, and results of three case studies of searching for and synthesising grey literature and grey information


Publication integrity bias check tool
A tool that can help readers, editors and institutions assess which publications to trust.


A Bioweapon or a Hoax? The Link Between Distinct Conspiracy Beliefs About the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak and Pandemic Behavior

Our results also provide strong support for the general notion that even logically incompatible conspiracy beliefs show a high correlation and are positively associated with a general mindset of conspiracy mentality.

Peer-reviewed Publication: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1948550620934692

(*see also: Supplemental Material)
Big pharma wont like this...

The antidepressant fluvoxamine can keep COVID-19 patients out of the hospital

A 10-day course may work as an easy at-home treatment for early COVID-19, a clinical trial finds

An inexpensive, easy-to-take pill could be the next weapon in the arsenal against COVID-19. Taking the antidepressant fluvoxamine within days of showing symptoms of an infection can dramatically cut the risk of hospitalization and death, suggests the largest trial to date of this FDA-approved generic drug as a COVID-19 treatment.

In newly infected COVID-19 patients at high risk of complications, a 10-day course of the antidepressant fluvoxamine cut hospitalizations by two-thirds and reduced deaths by 91 percent in patients who tolerated the medicine, researchers report October 27 in the Lancet Global Health. (more...)

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Current Covid19 death numbers as of 9:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus). If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 5,013,162
United States: 766,117
Brazil: 607,764
India: 458,219
Russia: 238,538
United Kingdom: 140,558
France: 117,671
Italy: 132,074
Spain: 87,368
Mexico: 288,276
Poland: 76,999
South Africa: 89,163
Indonesia: 143,405
Netherlands: 18,397
Canada: 28,964
Chile: 37,743
Belgium: 25,994
Philippines: 43,172
Japan : 18,261
Bolivia: 18,925
Australia: 1,735
Peru: 200,217
Canada: 28,964

I was talking with a nurse yesterday and she mentioned a new patient of her's - an unvaxxed covid guy whose unvaxxed wife died the other week from covid. Which one gave it to the other, and who else they might've infected... . He survived his covid, but has permanent lung damage.
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