
advice What Programming Language is useful for a domainer?

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What programming language is useful for a domainer?

Sammy Jakes

Established Member
I have some free time now and I would like to learn coding.
I would like to know what programming language is useful for a domainer and what specific domaining problem can I solve with it?
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
I suggest you to learn Javascript and Python

HTML, CSS, Javascript are Mandatory
Javascript Path : Native & OOP, then Node.js, React.js, Express.js
Python Path : Native & OOP, then Django or Flask

But I prefer PHP for years

You can create API for Domain Backorder or Get Domain Name Sales from NameBio,
Generate Domain Name by Suffix or Preffix
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For API just bash script is enough, no need to learn any languages.
I suggest you to learn Javascript and Python

HTML, CSS, Javascript are Mandatory
Javascript Path : Native & OOP, then Node.js, React.js, Express.js
Python Path : Native & OOP, then Django or Flask

But I prefer PHP for years

You can create API for Domain Backorder or Get Domain Name Sales from NameBio,
Generate Domain Name by Suffix or Preffix

Are you sure Javascript is mandatory? because you later say you prefer PHP
I like COBOL, Pascal, Basic and Fortran!!!
I run BASIC and Assembly languages on the 12" floppy disks.

I still use punch cards ,JCL on the IBM mainframe 360
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Are you sure Javascript is mandatory? because you later say you prefer PHP

I am very sure. HTML, CSS, and Javascript works on Client Side, meanwhile PHP working on Server Side. two different things.

You can choose anything as you like for Server Side like PHP, Python, etc. but for Client Side the basic is HTML, CSS and Javascript
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I'm a software developer and I would say that any language is useful. I know JavaScript, C#, Python and used to know PHP but I don't use that nowadays.

If you're creating a website I would recommend using next.js and it gets you going with all of the modern tech (react, webpack) pretty much straight out of the box.
Learning some *nix as well as shell scripting is good to start... Actually, before programming, a domainer should first familiarize himself with basic network and domaining terminology - registry-registrar-registrant, whois, ports, ssl etc.
Any language is useful, just as @MadAboutDomains pointed out

If I had a gun pointed at me and the shooter shouted, saying "what programming language is useful, tell me!", and then he presses it against the side of my head, demanding I say just one ...I'd probably say Python first

In comparison to PHP and other programming languages, Python is a lot easier to read and learn. With relatively simpler coding, Python has a clear, brief and orthogonal syntax. The code written in Python is easier to understand in comparison to PHP

(In my opinion)
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In comparison to PHP and other programming languages, Python is a lot easier to read and learn. With relatively simpler coding, Python has a clear, brief and orthogonal syntax. The code written in Python is easier to understand in comparison to PHP

(In my opinion)

Python is certainly up there with many others too according to the Stackoverflow survey (83k respondents):


Source: https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021#most-popular-technologies-language

If I can provide any advice for anyone that is new to software development, scripts are completely fine if you're trying to do something specific in isolation, but if you're trying to create a website or do something that everyone else does frequently.. use an existing open source framework or library to make your life easier!

As an inexperienced coder you may find yourself trying to build things from the ground up every time you want to do something. This isn't advisable because frameworks have worked out a lot of things for you already that is written in the language of your choice.

Want to make a HTTP request?... use a library (eg Axios, flurl).
Want to build a website?... use a framework (eg Asp.net, Slim, Next.js).

Hopefully you get the idea.
Can anyone tell me the best programming language for making small websites or blogs.
And why?
Thank you
I have 20 TLDs/ccTLDs zone file, using c/c++ for processing and my portfolio.
You asked for a programming language that is good for a domainer. What you got as expected is overwhelmed with info that in most cases will lead you nowhere.

Domainers mostly look for name opportunities. If you are of the rare breed that develops sites, ignore my post.

Name opportunities appear on many sites including godaddy, dropcatch, snapnames, namejet, nameliquidate, this forum, sites that curate lists etc.

If you just want to see lists of names from many sites every day, you could visit expireddomain.net free.

If you want to gather data automatically, i.e. scrape, then build your own rules to trigger alerts, keyword placement rules, custom valuation functions, connecting to godaddys api, automatically checking specific pages for domains, searching icanns whois using their simple api etc and 100'smany of small tasks domainers do, you need to learn a programming language.

First thing, everything I just said you could do with C, C++, C#, Java, Go, Python, PHP etc. The question is, what will you reasonably learn and fast.

Most private business people that work with data choose python, it's fast, has a library for everything you could think of including graphs and the learning curve is fast. You don't have to setup a special environment as you would with web development and it has a strong community.

The downside is that for a domainer, unless you learn how to build gui's with python, it will really just burn you out creating csv's, opening them etc. You will want to learn how to use tkinter, a python library to create gui's, for example, for a domainer knowing how to use the datagrid is important.

Most private people that learn python to process data for themselves end up not using it because they fail to learn gui development.

With c# you could build guis fast but the learning curve is a lot more difficult than python.

If you absolutely want to do things using more of a web setup. Meaning, having your own dashboard you go to and run reports based on live data on some other sites plus anything else you could imagine, learn html, javascript, php and mysql, this is a bigger learning curve, however, you can use these skills for a lot more you will ever be able to do with learning python on it's own.

I will say that when you learn python and as domainer need to scrape data, you will automatically have to learn some html and JavaScript.

If you want to get good at it you will have to learn an hour a day and then spend 3 hours playing around with what you learned. After 2 months you will be good enough with programming that you will see ways to do everything more efficient and build fast solutions.
Since 1993 I'm just a front-end guy

No obsolete is what I call URL programming which is whatever you want to type in that URL bar (my cloud data online, not apps nor smart contract dapps is open sourced accessible like api or widgets to all 7 billion people no proprietary like apple turned out to become (my websites nothing to download/login/username/password/register cause front-end basic protocols the internet was built on I remembered in 1994 before any browser except mosaic gov) cliff notes for the astute domainers to point to

The webchat, dreamt something exists there, irc was 1994 --> today wwwindiatimes.com
Raising as we are creating the first computer race from these timelines here.. 2 computer systems become one and what you could write in the URL bar is 2way interaction that lasts..
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Since 1993 I'm just a front-end guy

No obsolete is what I call URL programming which is whatever you want to type in that URL bar (my cloud data online, not apps nor smart contract dapps is open sourced accessible like api or widgets to all 7 billion people no proprietary like apple turned out to become (my websites nothing to download/login/username/password/register cause front-end basic protocols the internet was built on I remembered in 1994 before any browser except mosaic gov) cliff notes for the astute domainers to point to

The webchat, dreamt something exists there, irc was 1994 --> today wwwindiatimes.com
Raising as we are creating the first computer race from these timelines here.. 2 computer systems become one and what you could write in the URL bar is 2way interaction that lasts..

One day I aspire to understand anything you just said.
Well no longer just a domainer if you can do more.
"Everybody has a windows phone" 1-7324700448
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I am very sure. HTML, CSS, and Javascript works on Client Side, meanwhile PHP working on Server Side. two different things.

You can choose anything as you like for Server Side like PHP, Python, etc. but for Client Side the basic is HTML, CSS and Javascript
Update: Javascript works well on the server side too. Node.js works pretty good if you wear a helmet and some other important armour.
Update: Javascript works well on the server side too. Node.js works pretty good if you wear a helmet and some other important armour.
Indeed, but i am talking javascript as client side.

If you saw my previous post you can understand

I suggest you to learn Javascript and Python

HTML, CSS, Javascript are Mandatory
Javascript Path : Native & OOP, then Node.js, React.js, Express.js
Python Path : Native & OOP, then Django or Flask

But I prefer PHP for years

You can create API for Domain Backorder or Get Domain Name Sales from NameBio,
Generate Domain Name by Suffix or Preffix
This is a great question and discussion that I have way too much experience with to answer in a short reply ha :)

I've been programming for over 30 years Ouch! My short answer is, use whatever programming language that makes you happy.

For me, I've been using php from way way back. Before that I used a bit of perl but I wanted a better user experience and php was it. I also coded many Flash projects using Lingo WOW!

The first language I learned of course was Basic and wrote an Asteroid Miner and Star Trek type game and saved it on punch tape - Ugh!

I then moved to Fortran, COBOL, Pascal, C and Java but I wasn't a big fan of any of them.

In the last year, I've been relearning my coding stack focusing on JavaScript and Node. I've been taking lots of Udemy courses to fill in all the technologies I've missed over the years.

I really like using all the amazing frameworks. For example, I've fallen in love with Vue, Nuxt and Quasar which are JavaScript frameworks. I considered the other major JavaScript frameworks Angular and React, but I really like Vue a lot more. Using Quasar, I can develop for all platforms with one code base which is very cool.

Here's an excellent video to see this in action.

then moved to Fortran, COBOL, Pascal
That was the time! :)

If anybody is going to learn programming today in 2021, I'd recommend to read this first (old but still good... really):

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