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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.

Here you can spout your USA political views.

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2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
What? The road is blocked off with all those cones. She was the right distance away.

And it says "ten feet" not what you posted, 100.
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Do you know the difference is between capitalism and socialism?

Cannuck, why I don't use quote option is because I only reply for the general audience when I get baited into it and with some benefit of formulating and hearing my own thoughts. We exchanged enough info here to know we are on the opposites of ideas and reality. Most often it seems to me that we don't understand each other's posts which makes things simply futile.

I don't know why you bring up covid funding. I don't think I qualified for it and this stuff doesn't affect me but as I mentioned before if you think money is better spent by government than yourself than I guess leave the money with the government.

I am not against tech, although technology has long term consequences to our society and some of it is probably very unhealthy. There is a lot of opposition to 5G and there are more chemical compounds being created than we can test for safety. Also, tech can and has affected human interaction in a significant way and probably not for the best.

No one here, I imagine, should be against green tech, even if it is not obvious now but competition is very healthy and utilization of hydrocarbons is not going away either. If I am against something it is the radical government taxation and subsidization and overall irresponsible public energy policy. No one is hiding green tech, if it was competitive it will be utilized. In some remote areas I don't doubt solar power is very economical and useful.

I am not a fan of fake moral stances on the environment which seems to be the mob of today's times, indoctrinating children and using them as pawns and supporting policy that will have horrible effects on society. I don't doubt your connection to the environment and your way of life. However, taxing carbon and making it more expensive is unfair to regular people that struggle to get by, first thing that is needed is to lift people from poverty so they can be a in position to care for the environment.

Politics and Science, measuring the consequences of green policy on the climate is impossible.

"this is also a problem I have with the environmentalist movement is there is a powerful stream of anti-human sentiment that motivates it and masquerading under the guise of a virtue on planetary scale"
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How misguided, it is like you know nothing about capitalism. In a voluntary capitalistic transaction both parties can win out because they are free to act in their personal interest uncoerced . This is why capitalism lifts people up from poverty far more than anything else that was tried.
Make sure you know who you're really voting for.
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Thanks in part to President Trump's leadership, new treatment approved last week. Vaccine in will be ready in record time.

While democrats were telling people not to worry, the President shutdown travel from China, then parts of Europe. Even Fauci was wrong about Covid-19.

Easy to criticize and pretend you would have done better to people who don't remember what really happened. No hospitals were overrun with patients. Lock down caused as much or more harm that the virus.

Bad Governors in NY, NJ and MI caused more deaths, misery.

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Cannuck, why I don't use quote option is because I only reply for the general audience when I get baited into it and with some benefit of formulating and hearing my own thoughts. We exchanged enough info here to know we are on the opposites of ideas and reality. Most often it seems to me that we don't understand each other's posts which makes things simply futile.

I wouldn't say opposite, just have differing points of view. People who have opposite ideas can learn from the other and meet somewhere in the middle, since they are two sides of the same coin.

I don't know why you bring up covid funding. I don't think I qualified for it and this stuff doesn't affect me but as I mentioned before if you think money is better spent by government than yourself than I guess leave the money with the government.

I pay taxes, just as any citizen. The Corporate tax rate is lower than my personal tax rate, so it makes economic sense to file separately. The Covid relief is a social program designed for those who are in need during the plandemic/pandemic, however you want to look at it. L'aissez faire economics would probably serve the same function if the general population was better prepared to deal on their own accord.

I am not against tech, although technology has long term consequences to our society and some of it is probably very unhealthy. There is a lot of opposition to 5G and there are more chemical compounds being created than we can test for safety. Also, tech can and has affected human interaction in a significant way and probably not for the best.

On this point we agree. When I was younger, technology was hyped as a way to bring us closer, but in fact, I see the opposite effect. There are indeed benefits, such as having the ability to communicate with the outside world as I am doing now. When I first came north, television hadn't even arrived. I helped install the first satellite servers in communities. The Internet has brought information in, together with the evils of society. I am now working on developing Intranet systems for community-based communications.

No one here, I imagine, should be against green tech, even if it is not obvious now but competition is very healthy and utilization of hydrocarbons is not going away either. If I am against something it is the radical government taxation and subsidization and overall irresponsible public energy policy. No one is hiding green tech, if it was competitive it will be utilized. In some remote areas I don't doubt solar power is very economical and useful.

On this point we also agree. I don't believe in carbon taxation or carbon credits any more than I support government funded oil pipelines. Radicalism is dangerous, but sometimes radical thinking is what is required in order to bring about the necessary changes. The 'business as usual' model hasn't worked either has it? Why think outside the box, when you believe there is no box?

I am not a fan of fake moral stances on the environment which seems to be the mob of today's times, indoctrinating children and using them as pawns and supporting policy that will have horrible effects on society. I don't doubt your connection to the environment and your way of life. However, taxing carbon and making it more expensive is unfair to regular people that struggle to get by, first thing that is needed is to lift people from poverty so they can be a in position to care for the environment.

We agree on this point also. I have been a proponent for green technology and a more sustainable lifestyle. I walk the talk. It's really up to people to make the necessary changes in their lives for society as a whole to move onward and upward. The changes can be as simple as their choice of product considering things like ingredients, packaging, shipping and origin. A local land-based consumer model is what I am currently living and developing. This will, in turn, reduce one's carbon footprint.

Politics and Science, measuring the consequences of green policy on the climate is impossible.

I agree with his one word answer. "no". Although Jordon Peterson may be a well-read scholar, I wonder if he has ever set foot on a glacier? The same goes for most politicians IMO. Having been there, done that, outside the political sphere, I am no-doubt biased to a particular view. I would invite all politicians to take the same steps, and see for themselves. Perhaps they would have a better perspective.

"this is also a problem I have with the environmentalist movement is there is a powerful stream of anti-human sentiment that motivates it and masquerading under the guise of a virtue on planetary scale"

On this point we also agree, that is the corporate greed vs the corporate green that I mentioned in a previous post. Again it boils down to values. I would argue that his view of social economics and science may have limited scope. Bjorn Lomberg has some very interesting reads, but how many have actually studied or read his works. I wonder if Donald has even heard of him? In any case, these are my thoughts and the predictions of well-renowned scientists. I would also argue what Science has to say about the existence of God.

New treatment approved last week. Vaccine in will be ready in record time.

Thanks in part to President Trump's leadership. While democrats were telling people not to worry, the President shutdown travel from China, then parts of Europe. Even Fauci was wrong about Covid-19.

Easy to criticize and pretend you would have done better to people who don't remember what really happened. No hospitals were overrun with patients. Lock down caused as much or more harm that the virus.

You're still living in the past.

Today Trump still:
mask shames people
lies about masks
doesn't require social distancing at his events
doesn't require masks at his events
goes at Fauci

Trump and the things you post in this thread don't lead to anything good. It literally leads to more sickness, death, hurting our economy. I went over that part earlier today in my response to the other x.

Dems would be doing what Biden and Kamala are doing now. Encouraging following the guidelines. We would have been better off if we had a Dem President now.

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How misguided, it is like you know nothing about capitalism. In a voluntary capitalistic transaction both parties can win out because they are free to act in their personal interest uncoerced . This is why capitalism lifts people up from poverty far more than anything else that was tried.

I've already addressed that in previous posts. Misguided ideas? It seems like someone is missing the boat.
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Those with money and power seize on the opportunity to remove competition, buying out smaller companies, holding trademarks and patents in order to protect their own interests and investors. How does that differ from Socialism?

They do this with the cooperation and partnership of the government. The left always seem to miss this, and so they say the solution is for more government power to control the evil corporations. It's absurd - like asking one wolf to control another for the good of the sheep. Worse, people complain about the power of partner one, the corporations - but are ready to hand more power to partner two, the government, who enforce things with guns.

IP laws need to be completely reformed, yet there is little movement in that direction. Instead of encouraging advancement, the laws are squashing it and making sure anything new goes into the pockets of the richest corporations.

You can't call what's going on in the US capitalism either. The government is integral to the whole crooked system, so expecting the government to clean it up unless forced to is naive.
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Biden's lead? Why Democrats worry they could blow it


Florida keeps Biden up at night.... we have Florida...you can go to sleep Joe

This was about the period Trump started making ground on Hillary, that's not happening this time.

9 days before Election in 2016, Hillary's lead was slipping to Hillary + 2.6, she was up higher

9 days before Election in 2020, Biden's lead is holding + 8.0


Just watched Pence speech on CNN while I was eating. Maybe 250 people showed they said, very low energy crowd. He would say something, sometimes I would hear like 4 people cheer.

Christie 'surprised' Pence to campaign after aides test positive for COVID-19

"You got to keep yourself away from everybody, and I'm a little bit surprised," he said on ABC's "This Week" in response to a question from host Martha Raddatz about the news from Pence's office."
"The whole getting of COVID to begin with and the not wearing of masks has been a problem," Christie said at the beginning of his remarks.


It's not helping in the final stretch that the head of the Coronavirus Task Force has 5 people around him that have come down with it.
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This was about the period Trump started making ground on Hillary, that's not happening this time.

9 days before Election in 2016, Hillary's lead was slipping to Hillary + 2.6, she was up higher

9 days before Election in 2020, Biden's lead is holding + 8.0


Just watched Pence speech on CNN while I was eating. Maybe 250 showed they said, very low energy crowd.

You are far underestimating Trump once again this election..... Trump knows what you all learned last election... he is not using those same tactics this election.... first off..your polls are incorrect.... i mean that seriously ... why these pollsters are pulling this once again ... i don't know ... but they are ...
You are far underestimating Trump once again this election..... Trump knows what you all learned last election... he is not using those same tactics this election.... first off..your polls are incorrect.... i mean that seriously ... why these pollsters are pulling this once again ... i don't know ... but they are ...

Whatever you need to tell yourself to get by. You want to keep comparing this election to the last, ok, I just did that.

Biden +8, when Hillary was +2.6.

Also, again, early voting, absentee voting, mail in voting, young voting, senior voting all lead Dem. World leaders, Mitch, already thinking Biden is going to win.

The difference is when people first voted for Trump, they had no idea what they would be getting. You liked him because his business experience. I just posted a long of failures and the guy is cash poor, in debt for 100's of millions of dollars, could go to prison for tax fraud.

Back to the difference. This time we have seen what a Trump administration looks like. It's why he's losing so bad. The silent majority this time is now silent and not so silent Republicans voting for Biden.
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Why the media is pure shit in America i have no idea... Why the pollsters are playing with democrats heads once again in 2020 makes not one bit of sense... at the end of the day on Nov 3rd... The results are the truth and its wrong in every way for these pollsters to try and steer elections... none of what these people do makes any sense at all.... just put up the correct percentage numbers .... media... report the true news.... because that is what the American people get at the end of every day... the truth ... but we have to find out the truth on own.... completely rape IMO
Whatever you need to tell yourself to get by. You want to keep comparing this election to the last, ok, I just did that.

Biden +8, when Hillary was +2.6.

Also, again, early voting, absentee voting, mail in voting, young voting, senior voting all lead Dem. World leaders, Mitch, already thinking Biden is going to win.

The difference is when people first voted for Trump, they had no idea what they would be getting. You liked him because his business experience. I just posted a long of failures and the guy is cash poor, in debt for 100's of millions of dollars, could go to prison for tax fraud.

Back to the difference. This time we have seen what a Trump administration looks like. It's why he's losing so bad. The silent majority this time is now silent and not so silent Republicans voting for Biden.

We have Florida, Texas, Pennsylvania , Wisconsin , North Carolina ..... we don't have Michigan .. we wont need it Mich
Why the media is pure shit in America i have no idea... Why the pollsters are playing with democrats heads once again in 2020 makes not one bit of sense... at the end of the day on Nov 3rd... The results are the truth and its wrong in every way for these pollsters to try and steer elections... none of what these people do makes any sense at all.... just put up the correct percentage numbers .... media... report the true news.... because that is what the American people get at the end of every day... the truth ... but we have to find out the truth on own.... completely rape IMO

Yeah, you said that before. Problem is what I've told you many times. The one I use was only 1% off, sorry. And the reason why it's so accurate is because they have a balance of both left and right leaning polls in the mix.
They do this with the cooperation and partnership of the government. The left always seem to miss this, and so they say the solution is for more government power to control the evil corporations. It's absurd - like asking one wolf to control another for the good of the sheep. Worse, people complain about the power of partner one, the corporations - but are ready to hand more power to partner two, the government, who enforce things with guns.

IP laws need to be completely reformed, yet there is little movement in that direction. Instead of encouraging advancement, the laws are squashing it and making sure anything new goes into the pockets of the richest corporations.

You can't call what's going on in the US capitalism either. The government is integral to the whole crooked system, so expecting the government to clean it up unless forced to is naive.

I was unable to respond earlier due to community wide blackout, internet failure normally associated with storms and ionic disturbance in the atmosphere etc., but in this case was transformer malfunction due to old-fashioned diesel power generation. I never had that problem on my solar farm. I had constant, continuous power even though I wasn't hooked up to the grid. Local alternative energy systems are the solution and the best option IMO, although it may not work in big cities where high population density prohibits due to unavailable space, but rooftops are plentiful and solar shingles efficiency could be improved.

I wouldn't say that our political views differ all that much, since we see the problem from both sides of the fence. Remove the bloody fence already, or at least the ramparts which hold them firm. There are solutions that would benefit the greater good vs those in power alone. That's been my case all along.

Government contracts doled out to rich corporate interests, the lobbyists who change the course of politics, religious zealots who rebuke science, science which is bent on destruction ...upward, downward, left or right, why can't people meet somewhere in the middle? Trickle-down economics... has it worked? The buck stops somewhere in the drain pipe, resulting in government handouts to appease the masses. Where is the equity?

I'm more of a grass-roots economist, which is more like bottom-up economics. They who hold the cards probably wouldn't want to consider such an option, since it would mean relinquishing their control. IMO, we'll probably see a return to some feudal system in the not too distant future as the grip on control is loosened by these antifa characters. The party train has to leave the station, or else there'll be more strife, which is likely inevitable in any case. In the meantime, hang on to your hat, it's going to be a bumpy ride :xf.wink: We'll see if my power holds out...
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Yeah, you said that before. Problem is what I've told you many times. The one I use was only 1% off, sorry. And the reason why it's so accurate is because they have a balance of both left and right leaning polls in the mix.

Your are looking at popular vote JB ,,, Biden will 100% no doubt win the popular vote... by a good bit more than Clinton did ..... Trump will win the electoral with 313 + or - a little
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