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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.

Here you can spout your USA political views.

1. Keep it clean
2. No fighting
3. Respect the views of others.
4. US Political views, No Religious views
5. Have fun :)

The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
This is the original coyote reaction video from 2016, this girl walks away before Gavin McGinnes has time explain what the term means. Hopefully her shock didn't last for years:)

The Pinocchio Effect - each time you spin the tale and repeat the lie, the number grows. The numbers Amnesty International used are old, yet somehow apply today. :xf.confused:

Show attachment 171395
I am highlighting a point that you are advocating a collective system for others and future generations, global in fact, as to remove any alternative or competition. It is not about you or how well this system served you because you seem know better what is best for others. Capitalism is a necessity if one wants to create any egalitarian society.

What's with the file attachments, are you some kind of Trump jackyl?

Don't you know about the quote button (bottom right) just blew your cover buddy :xf.wink:

What competition? It's not a game. I never said it was about me, nor has the system done me any special favours. I'm no billionaire, I just simply want to give back and help the planet. What's your problem with that?

Did you receive a government relief or stimulus cheque during Covid? I didn't.
Yep, the people using Hunter Biden to expose Joe Biden's influence peddling are horrible.

Remember when the democrat jackals on Muller's "special" counsel forced a bankrupt General Flynn to sign a confession to protect his son from being prosecuted for lobbying.

Then when it turned out the FBI lied on court filings, the DOJ dropped all charges but the democrat Judge refused and has been playing games with Flynn's life?

Those dozens of people from Trump's campaign you like to brag about having charges brought against? Only 3 had were charged with crimes associated with work for the Trump campaign.

1) Flynn. FBI threatened Flynn, lied to the court, filed false papers.

2) Papodoplas ( spelling ?? ) plead guilty for nothing. He met with a FBI informant but failed to disclose the meeting. No other crime was committed but democrats acted like he was a Russian asset.

3) Carter Page, a former CIA agent was charged with a process crime. Refused to plead guilty was able to prove the FBI lied about him too.

Abuse and Power: How an Innocent American Was Framed in an Attempted Coup Against the President

None of that bothered you. Hard pressed to see how Bannon is worse than Andrew Weissmann or Peter Strozk.

Agree with Domainace above. Hunter is 50 years old, grown man. He's responsible for his own actions.

You guys need some actual proof of some wrongdoing with Joe.

This type of stuff might embarrass but that's about it. It might even turn a lot of people off. This is not dinner table type stuff. It has 0 to do with people's everyday lives. That's why I think it could actually backfire on Trump.

And then Rudy and Bannon behind this.

Again sketchy people:

GTV Media Group is an American company formed in April 2020 by Steve Bannon and Guo Wengui.

"The organization attracted attention following the federal grand jury indictment of Bannon, Brian Kolfage, and several of their associates on charges of conspiracy to commit fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering in connection with the We Build the Wall fundraising project"

It'll be some stuff the Right will have some fun with, won't affect the election.

Then you never know, you might have some leaks from the other side coming next week.
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Unless his father is implicated, I can't see the sick Hunter stuff being relevant. I hope people focus on that. Otherwise people might even feel sorry for Joe having such a mess for a son.

It's pretty much standard business in China to procure a girl for business guests. It's bad form to refuse. At the end of the night, you just tip the girl and send her home in a taxi instead. I would wager even Hunter sent more girls home than he bedded.

I was told by my Chinese friends that they always look for a weakness, and it's usually alcohol, women, gambling. Drugs and boys probably as well.

Agree 100%. Hunter Biden has no political influence; he has to be working with someone inside the US Government. If he lobbied legally, not a problem. But Joe & Hunter are not denying anything.

Biden referred to a Senate investigation but we don't even know what the investigation covered. And neither the Senators or Biden family say either.

The media covering for the Biden family makes me believe something else is wrong. The corruption is real, otherwise they would explain why this isn't a problem.

Trump shouldn't touch this with a 10 foot poll but I doubt he will be able to refrain.
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Biden has a 14 point lead but can't draw a crowd in PA, even with Bon Jovi.

C'mon man!
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The pot calling the kettle black...

Name one lie @sonatime has told in this forum. Has he called anyone stupid, ignorant for not accepting his point of view? Posted fake statistics?
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Name one lie @sonatime has told in this forum. Has he called anyone stupid, ignorant for not accepting his point of view? Posted fake statistics?

I'm not calling @sonatime a liar. I have no intention of creating dissonance, but it seems to apparent to me that the far-Right strategy is to attack people personally. Nor do I have to accept his or anyone's point of view. Afterall, we live in a so-called 'free society' where people are free to express their opinions, correct?

Furthermore, I am not against Capitalism.

I say, if you can't beat them, join them. Why else would I have my own corporation? The idea of Capitalist slavery is merely the notion that the rich keep getting richer, while the poor get poorer, working for Big Corp, with little or no way out of the drudgery. I'm a proponent for small business and entrepreneurship. Those with money and power seize on the opportunity to remove competition, buying out smaller companies, holding trademarks and patents in order to protect their own interests and investors. How does that differ from Socialism?

You do understand the motives of the corporate agenda to promote false narrative, don't you?

The solution is simple: replace one letter - Corporate Greed > Corporate Green.
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I'm not calling @sonatime a liar. I have no intention of creating dissonance, but it seems to apparent to me that the far-Right strategy is to attack people personally. Nor do I have to accept his or anyone's point of view. Afterall, we live in a so-called 'free society' where people are free to express their opinions, correct?

JB Lions attacks people almost every time he post. People will disagree in this forum but attacking people personally is his M.O. Hence, Sonatime's post about waking up the Hyena.

I'm not attacking you but need to point out the comparison ( pot == kettle ) isn't correct.

Furthermore, I am not against Capitalism.

I say, if you can't beat them, join them. Why else would I have my own corporation? The idea of Capitalist slavery is merely the notion that the rich keep getting richer, while the poor get poorer, working for Big Corp, with little or no way out of the drudgery. I'm a proponent for small business and entrepreneurship. Those with money and power seize on the opportunity to remove competition, buying out smaller companies, holding trademarks and patents in order to protect their own interests and investors. How does that differ from Socialism?

You do understand the motives of the corporate agenda to promote false narrative, don't you?

The solution is simple: replace one letter - Corporate Greed > Corporate Green.
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JB Lions attacks people almost every time he post. People will disagree in this forum but attacking people personally is his M.O. Hence, Sonatime's post about waking up the Hyena.

I'm not attacking you but need to point out the comparison ( pot == kettle ) isn't correct.

One can break down the argument into pieces, there's no right or wrong, People have the right, not privilege to express themselves, and hopefully beat the truth out, if there is such a thing as truth in today's world. I'm not going to mince words with you. I try to keep it simple, so that you might understand. I'll accept candid debate, but marketing propaganda is not my gig. The mainstream media does a good enough job at that. :xf.rolleyes:

Choose to ignore or accept, or manipulate reason, however you decide to vote is your prerogative.

Expressing opinions based on one's understanding of facts, that is the purpose of this thread, is it not?
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One can break down the argument into pieces, there's no right or wrong,

There is a right or wrong.

People have the right, not privilege to express themselves, and hopefully beat the truth out, if there is such a thing as truth in today's world. I'm not going to mince words with you. I try to keep it simple, so that you might understand. I'll accept candid debate, but marketing propaganda is not my gig. The mainstream media does a good enough job at that. :xf.rolleyes:

While I agree with you in part, this response has nothing to do with comparing Sonatime to JB Lions. Here is the difference, Sonatime made a harsh comment about JB's behavior in this thread. JB attacks anyone who has the temerity to disagree with him. Regularly post slander, in the past has posted pornography, accused member of this forum of being sexual deviants.


Choose to ignore or accept, or manipulate reason, however you decide to vote is your prerogative.

Expressing opinions based on one's understanding of facts, that is the purpose of this thread, is it not?
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I'm not in favour of re-spinning lies or covering up the truth, however; the fact check doesn't do justice to the truth.

According to my research, Trump did in fact suggest nuking hurricanes, which is a bad idea IMO, it would create nuclear fallout.

Does UV light help? I wouldn't suggest using UV on tissue. IMO it may help remove Covid if used properly, like in after hour sanitation, when people are not exposed.

These are a couple of debunking issues, do we need to go into further detail?

There is a right or wrong.

Do the research yourself and explain the science, right or wrong. Science is carried out by people. People are fallible, science can be also, in which case, corrections need to be made. That is how we learn and develop as a species. Scientists scaffold on prior research, as the body of evidence grows.
Twitter-Facebook Censor and Suspend Hunter Biden Drugs and Sex Video After Letting Giuliani-Borat Alleged Sex Video Trend on Platforms 2 Days Earlier
Does anyone in their right mind believe they would do this for a Trump family member?
Just three days earlier Twitter allowed the Rudy-Borat tape to go viral!
This is nothing but electioneering by Twitter and Facebook.

Way back on Wednesday Facebook and Twitter allowed salacious video and photos of former New York City Mayor and Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani to go viral on their platforms.

The leftists at Twitter and Facebook loved the story and allowed it to go viral despite the salacious nature of the report.

And, for the record, Rudy Giuliani, who is single, did NOTHING wrong by joining the beautiful 24-year-old woman for a drink in her hotel room.

Fast forward to Saturday.
Taiwanese GTV released photos and video of Hunter Biden partaking in criminal acts including illegal drugs and sexual encounters with women that he posted on his laptop.

The FBI held this computer and sat on it for several months and refused to investigate its criminal content.

This was hidden from the American public until The New York Post reported on this story 10 days ago.

G-TV released video and photos on Saturday.

But rather than allowing this information to trend on their platforms Twitter and Facebook shut it down.

The Gateway Pundit was first to post on this video — the first to be released — of Hunter Biden from his laptop from hell.

The Gateway Pundit DID NOT post any photos or video of nudity or of anyone but Hunter Biden from the video.

Twitter then suspended our account for 12 hours for publishing a news report with a photo of Hunter Biden smoking crack.


Twitter & Fascistbook are just strengthening the case for eliminating the section 230 protections they enjoy. I hope in the near future they are neck deep in lawsuits...
Oh, this is one of @mr-x hurt and whiny days. Upset about the laptop failure.

Name one lie @sonatime has told in this forum. Has he called anyone stupid, ignorant for not accepting his point of view? Posted fake statistics?

He posts fake/conspiracy sites/sources.

And you are a hypocrite about name calling.

When I use stupid, I quote and tell you why. When I use it, it may seem harsh but it's accurate.

You're upset because I use it a lot with you. I do that because you post a lot of stupid stuff.

Just look at yesterday. Post old videos, not current ones. You spend most of your time trying to find sources, usually bunk sources about masks. You lied about CDC, WHO, Fauci etc on masks, I post current stuff.

Yesterday, when I called you stupid it was accurate. I pointed out the info you were using was from 2019. I posted current stuff from a week ago. How do you respond? Posting stuff from 2019 again.

You don't like it, stop lying and stop posting stupid stuff.

Anybody who is anti-mask in the middle of a pandemic is straight up stupid. That's just the truth.
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Twitter & Fascistbook are just strengthening the case for eliminating the section 230 protections they enjoy. I hope in the near future they are neck deep in lawsuits...

I agree, these social media platforms are oppressive. I hold no credence to either. They have changed the landscape of society, and the domaining industry in particular - and not for the better IMO.
Then I just saw this:

"in the past has posted pornography,"

This is your lying.

You guys literally have a thread in the Adult section posting revenge porn type stuff/story. Those are Trumpers posts, no anti-Trumpers are in that thread.

What porn have I posted? Are you talking about the joke meme I posted about Trump getting a spray tan in a bikini? Is that it? The one your reported? Give me a break.

With your next post, give me a list of the pornography I have posted. Porn is not allowed in this forum, so it would be deleted. But next post give me a list, back what you just posted up.
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Anybody who is anti-mask in the middle of a pandemic is straight up stupid. That's just the truth.

Hard to believe we were impeaching a lying, corrupt Trump sack of shit and then they unleashed COVID as a "diversion" ...
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But really at this point the mask and wearing underwear is about the best you can do.
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I'm not calling @sonatime a liar. I have no intention of creating dissonance...

I enjoyed playing a couple games of chess with him. I hadn't played in decades and admittedly, he's a good player. We can learn from each other without debasing or succumbing to our base nature ( ie. hate.)

Here is little wisdom from a scientist on the nature of chess:

Here is little wisdom from a scientist on the nature of chess:


Technology has changed the world profoundly. I grew up in a world without computers. I had to learn and adapt. The difference being that people today can hide behind their computer screen and profess their bias without fear of repercussion. That is the difference between blood sports like martial arts (boxing, 'old school' hockey and street fighting). I have participated in all of these and even in my advanced age would challenge anyone in hand-to-hand combat. That is not the point. I have learned that it is better to find common ground and seek peace. Guns and bombs kill from a distance, drone technology shields one behind a cloaked veil. The power of words can hurt just as knives do. Why throw daggers when each has little to gain from the discourse? It is a fools game that only perpetuates the cycle. As Spock used to say, "Peace and Prosper".
Hey, lets not put down a lovely and unique, some would say majestic, animal like hyena:) I am sorry for bringing it into our thread in what was a disparaging way but trying to highlight its nature of being an all around nature's opportunist. Like the professional shill that we have become accustom to. As, I mentioned before, I respect that he has to earn a living like anyone else, but it tends to bring down the quality of exchanges we have on this tread for the rest of us. And while it is tiring to hear what information is right or wrong and how I am supposed to think, when and when not to, he is no slouch:) and hope he will be enjoying a well deserved vacation soon. 4 more years:)

I am also not ignorant to the fact that America is facing its biggest division, and I wish everyone there all the best, prosperity and safety because her problems are not disappearing anytime soon but hoping for successful resolution.
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I care about the US economy... you are correct... i don't give a damn about the plandemic

Well, they're tied together and I don't really think you do care about the economy. I'll tell you why and this is really some simple stuff.

Following guidelines - low cases

Not following guidelines - higher cases

Now which one do you think there would be a greater chance of shutting an area/businesses down? Obviously, the one where there is higher cases. I don't think we'll have some National Shutdown but areas where it's out of control, that's a possibility.

So if you care about the economy, you go the following guidelines route.

Now, some people in this thread like @mr-x are anti-mask all day long. This hurts the economy. Now, some Trumpers in this thread may even understand and agree with the wearing of masks. That's great, but if you believe that and don't call out this anti-mask bs, you're just as bad. I think some agree with wearing masks but maybe they are the go along to get along types and don't want to disagree with somebody that is on the same side (Trumpers).
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accused member of this forum of being sexual deviants.

As far as this comment, you're showing your dishonesty again, because you're not posting what came before that, context.

Lately, we haven't been having those dust ups, even tho we disagree on politics.

Let me tell you what the last incident was about.

If something is happening, people will be talking about it, that's why Twitter is good. It'll be trending.

I hop on Twitter and see the Conway daughter trending because she was upset and going at Trump because he mom caught Covid.

I posted that. The topic was the daughter getting upset with Trump about Covid, nothing else.

Do you know what reply I got? Calling me a Pedo. What in the world did that have to do with the topic I posted? Nothing. So I went back at him. It's that simple.

As I said before, I'm like a mirror. You could have discussed the actual topic I posted, not that nonsense.
And I'm still waiting from that list from you.
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