An Epik Statement on Racism and Injustice

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Rob Monster

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No doubt the cop hated George Floyd, but to say it was because Floyd was black is purely subjective/opinion.

Anytime a white cop kills a black man it automatically supports the racism narrative. When I write "narrative" I don´t mean to imply it is a fabrication. Anytime any police officer turns off his body cam it indicates he is conscious that he is about to do something immoral or illegal. However, it is obvious that most cops are decent moral people trying to do the right thing in enforcing the law. That´s why we have dash cam footage from a police vehicle showing other cops abusing their authority.

Another thing we must consider is that good people can become bad due to extreme experiences they have in life. A police officer will join the force because he or she believes they can make a difference in the world through that position. However, after years of witnessing the evils that people do and the injustice in the ¨justice system¨ can make them indifferent, heartless, callous, and hopeless. Many cops develop post-traumatic stress disorder, deep depression, alcoholism and some even commit suicide. I don´t know the statistics but I know it´s true. This is a very complicated matter.

Defund the police movement has a good case. Why not reallocate funds to social services that can help the average citizen as well as mental and emotional health of police officers.
Anytime a white cop kills a black man it automatically supports the racism narrative. When I write "narrative" I don´t mean to imply it is a fabrication. Anytime any police officer turns off his body cam it indicates he is conscious that he is about to do something immoral or illegal. However, it is obvious that most cops are decent moral people trying to do the right thing in enforcing the law. That´s why we have dash cam footage from a police vehicle showing other cops abusing their authority.

Another thing we must consider is that good people can become bad due to extreme experiences they have in life. A police officer will join the force because he or she believes they can make a difference in the world through that position. However, after years of witnessing the evils that people do and the injustice in the ¨justice system¨ can make them indifferent, heartless, callous, and hopeless. Many cops develop post-traumatic stress disorder, deep depression, alcoholism and some even commit suicide. I don´t know the statistics but I know it´s true. This is a very complicated matter.

Defund the police movement has a good case. Why not reallocate funds to social services that can help the average citizen as well as mental and emotional health of police officers.

You are going to have bad apples in any field. A big problem is the complete lack of accountability when it happens. For too long bad apples have used their shield to protect them from accountability.

If you have 1 bad apple, and 100 good apples that do nothing about it, you have 101 bad apples.

There needs to be better training and accountability when these abuses of public trust happen.

I also don't really think every local police department needs to be armed like a military. There could certainly be a more efficient allocation of funds.

I think there should be no stopping of protest (aggressive or otherwise) until everyone is equal.

1500 business's destroyed in Minneapolis-St. Paul. Is that the "aggressive" protest you want or do you just want to throw water bottles at the police?
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1500 business's destroyed in Minneapolis-St. Paul. Is that the "aggressive" protest you want or do you just want to throw water bottles at the police?
It's really disgusting when just 1-2% of our population can dictate to the other 98% the way things are going to be. I for one as an outspoken moderate will do anything and everything I can to STOP the FASCISTS and ANARCHISTS:xf.eek:
1500 business's destroyed in Minneapolis-St. Paul. Is that the "aggressive" protest you want or do you just want to throw water bottles at the police?
What do you suggest we do with dangerous, racist people? BTW, the world didn't start with those businesses you mention. There have been much greater injustices.

I say racists are no longer acceptable. You say destroying businesses isn't acceptable. Let's find a way to put an end to racist acts and to businesses being destroyed. One doesn't happen without the other.

That work for you? Or are you a good person living in fear of racists? Are you afraid to stand up against racists?
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What do you suggest we do with dangerous, racist people? BTW, the world didn't start with those businesses you mention. There have been much greater injustices.

I say racists are no longer acceptable. You say destroying businesses isn't acceptable. Let's find a way to put a way to end racism and to end businesses being destroyed. One doesn't happen without the other.
That work for you? Or are you a good person living in fear of racists? Are you afraid to stand up against racists?
"Racism is Rare"....Quote from Will Smith, and you can take it to the bank.
Anytime a white cop kills a black man it automatically supports the racism narrative. When I write "narrative" I don´t mean to imply it is a fabrication. Anytime any police officer turns off his body cam it indicates he is conscious that he is about to do something immoral or illegal. However, it is obvious that most cops are decent moral people trying to do the right thing in enforcing the law. That´s why we have dash cam footage from a police vehicle showing other cops abusing their authority.

Another thing we must consider is that good people can become bad due to extreme experiences they have in life. A police officer will join the force because he or she believes they can make a difference in the world through that position. However, after years of witnessing the evils that people do and the injustice in the ¨justice system¨ can make them indifferent, heartless, callous, and hopeless. Many cops develop post-traumatic stress disorder, deep depression, alcoholism and some even commit suicide. I don´t know the statistics but I know it´s true. This is a very complicated matter.

Defund the police movement has a good case. Why not reallocate funds to social services that can help the average citizen as well as mental and emotional health of police officers.
All this can happen in reverse too where bad, callous or indifferent people can be introduced to a system that's basically good and become part of the team. We don't need to be defunding the cops just to make way for a bureaucratic socialist solution. We've tried that with our federal government, and it doesn't work:xf.frown:

I voted for Barack Obama in 2008 because he had been a community organizer in Chicago. did that work out:xf.rolleyes:
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I agree with you totally Mr. Pinkus. In fact, I think I will travel to West Covina and start destroying business's there. I hear that there are nothing but fat ugly slobs in West Covina anyways, so probably no one will mind.
Would you like to have me post a picture of one of those fat ugly slobs Mr. Pinkus. He is a public figure so he really can't do anything about it.
uh, okay??????
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"Black Student Films Racist Tir.....

and how many more incidents like this has he filmed? Hundred i suppose:xf.rolleyes:

Will Smith is right, "Racism is Rare"
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"Black Student Films Racist Tir.....

and how many more incidents like this has he filmed? Hundred i suppose:xf.rolleyes:

Will Smith is right, "Racism is Rare"

Why would you care what Will Smith has to say? He has an open marriage, let's R&B singers bang his wife, then makes them coffee in the morning, is some multi-millionaire living in Hollywood, if he ever got pulled over would be instantly recognized. Some blockbuster movies in his time but not somebody I would be getting advice from. There will always be racism out there, I think it can lessen over time but it won't ever completely go away.
I don’t think it’s gonna go away either. Even now ppl coming out saying they are not racist trying to plead they case to save their reputations. But in they heart they know they racist. Ppl don’t like what the protesters doing but look on the bright side, they could be bodying em like they been doing them ... Those businesses can be replaced but a life can’t. Sometimes you gotta apply pressure...
"Black Student Films Racist Tir.....

and how many more incidents like this has he filmed? Hundred i suppose


I take it you didn't actually watch the video (n).

The student is a female.


Will Smith is right

Also in the video you either didn't watch, or insensitively referred to the student as a he.


Here's another video you'll probably comment on without watching, or fully understanding.

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Why would you care what Will Smith has to say?

Maybe he is a fan of the movie Men in Black.

Or maybe he's followed other Will Smith media excerpts...

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Will Smith Says ‘Racism Is Actually Rare,’ But Prejudice Is Everywhere

“Everybody is prejudiced.”

This is EXACTLY why I don't listen to your BS. It's been almost a year ago when Don Lemmon of CNN called me a racist one evening, and I'm about as far from being a racist as Attila the Hun is Sister Theresa.

Wake up grilled....there are a total of 3,000 members of the KKK in America, and yes they are racists. Do you know what the odds are of you ever seeing a member of the KKK? Maybe one in a have a better chance of winning the lottery. Do you know how personally offended I am when you insinuate I'm a racist when you don't even know me????? You have NO IDEA!!!!
It's been almost a year ago when Don Lemmon of CNN called me a racist one evening

whaaaa :xf.eek:

Can you share the story of when Don Lemmon of CNN called you a racist?

And just to clarify, are you referring to Don Lemon of CNN as seen below?

Do you know how personally offended I am when you insinuate I'm a racist when you don't even know me?????

First of all, if there is any insinuation whatsoever, it is regards to your content, and nothing about you, as I don't know anything about you besides domainer knowledge (e.g. what's in your signature line) that you have a GREAT call to action domain.

For all I know, you could be Silky T.


Lastly, @ThatNameGuy (not referring to Silky T) I could equally describe being offended by some of your content. Though, since this is a discussion, I'm hoping to understand others (including yours) points of views, and gain a greater understanding to question and/or solidify my opinion/understanding. If for any reason you feel others are seeing you or your content in a racist light, perhaps try further educating us, or yourself. Or just go about your merry day.

Be well :doctor:
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whaaaa :xf.eek:

Grilled....since this is a domain forum, my response to you is in the form of a domain I just registered; And yes, it was Don Lemon of CNN who insinuated in his news hour that racism is rampant in America, and for anyone who didn't agree, they must be a racist too:xf.frown: Grilled, i can't tell you all the emotions i felt when he said that, and no one knows better how I felt than me.

I told you before, I consider myself to be an outspoken moderate. I'm neither a Republican or a Democrat, nor do i care to affiliate with either party. Why? Because they blatantly tell half truths and lies to promote their agenda's. You have an agenda Grilled and it's obviously a biased agenda....i have one too.

I don't have anything more to say to you other than regardless of your rhetoric. Finally, i said earlier i didn't support Rob Monster for starting this thread titled "An Epik Statement on Racism and Injustice", however i do appreciate the opportunity to share our views on the subject of racism and justice in which i say God Bless America(y)
whaaaa :xf.eek:

Be well :doctor:

Oh...just one more thing Grilled, since yesterday, you and an anchor from WVEC Channel 13 (an ABC affiliate) in my local area inspired the following domains;

I don't think you knew that my grandfather Ben Goldstein aka Pop Pop died in my arms while listening on the radio to a Washington Redskin football game in 1965 (i was just 17). This might not mean much to you, but it means everything to me. My local media guy David Alan said on air two nights ago, "It's widely acclaimed that the term Redskin is a racial slur" Grilled, I won't bore you with the definition of "widely", but I think you know what it means. Furthermore, the name for the Washington team came about in 1933 because another team in the league were called "Braves" (named for their bravery), and because the league was associated with a game played by certain Tribes (known as Indians) the name "Redskin" was chosen.It's important to note that no one in their right mind, even back in 1933, would name their sports team after a "racial slur".

Again, let me reiterate, i'm neither a Republican or a Democrat. However, i do consider myself to be an "outspoken" moderate who happens to have voted for both Barack Obama and sadly:xf.frown: Hillary Clinton.

The last thing I'll share is, if you haven't seen the Broadway Show; 'Alexander Hamilton' - Hamilton, I would suggest you see it. It brought tears to my eyes, and if you don't know why or in what context it brought tears to my eyes you never will, and I feel very very sorry for you.
It's been almost a year ago when Don Lemmon of CNN called me a racist one evening
I'm sorry @ThatNameGuy , I'm having trouble making any sense of your seemingly incoherent rants.

In case you didn't know, the world doesn't revolve around you. Your life matters. But so does everyone elses. Including those who have been systemically oppressed, of which some chose to ignore or discredit because it doesn't materially effect them.

When news anchors talk, generally, unless called out by name, they are not speaking directly to you.

Maybe they're speaking towards your beliefs, or your thought patterns, but for you to attempt to personalize it, and ignore those directly effected, makes me wonder if your opinion is strained by solipsistic or narcissistic beliefs.

At this point, it's not about being a Republican, or Democrat. It's a matter of human decency, and how we chose to interact with others in this one precious life of ours.
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I'm sorry @ThatNameGuy , I'm having trouble making any sense of your seemingly incoherent rants.

In case you didn't know, the world doesn't revolve around you. Your life matters. But so does everyone elses. Including those who have been systemically oppressed, of which some chose to ignore or discredit because it doesn't materially effect them.

When news anchors talk, generally, unless called out by name, they are not speaking directly to you.

Maybe they're speaking towards your beliefs, or your thought patterns, but for you to attempt to personalize it, and ignore those directly effected, makes me wonder if your opinion is strained by solipsistic or narcissistic beliefs.

At this point, it's not about being a Republican, or Democrat. It's a matter of human decency, and how we chose to interact with others in this one precious life of ours.

He’s right though; you cited CNN; MSNBC

what is it with you people?

Have respect for intelligence of others;
Something less “leftist” please.
Your sources have no shame;
Apparently about being democrat if you cite;
Certainly Not News” (CNN) and MSNBC;
Media Slants Narratives; BLM Crying.
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