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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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This is not a serious discussion. This just posting a bunch of memes and pics. :banghead:
Drone strikes take out 50 percent of Saudi arabias oil production, this isn't what worries me but the fact that terrorist are finally catching on to drone technology and are about to create worldwide destruction. this is about 5 percent of world oil production, while they believe it came from yemen, iran is thought to be involved.
Not backing Saudi here but just pointing out if you don't have Faith, hold on because its gonna get worse. The attack didn't cause it all, because Saudis shut down some as a preventative.
Joe T
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while they believe it came from yemen, iran is thought to be involved.

The only evidence they have that it came from Yemen was that Yemen said so themselves and proudly took credit for it. The evidence that it came from Iran is that the US really wants to go to war with Iran.

So the obvious conclusion is that it came from Iran.

You really can't believe anything media outlets like CNN, Fox, NY Times say. They report what they are told. They are also heavily staffed these days with "former" military and intelligence officials.
The only evidence they have that it came from Yemen was that Yemen said so themselves and proudly took credit for it. The evidence that it came from Iran is that the US really wants to go to war with Iran.

So the obvious conclusion is that it came from Iran.

You really can't believe anything media outlets like CNN, Fox, NY Times say. They report what they are told. They are also heavily staffed these days with "former" military and intelligence officials.

No matter where it came from I think it is gonna get a lot worse once others see how effective drone technology is
Joe T
Horrific moment a gang targeting drunk people for their cellphones viciously beats, stomps on and strips a man before hitting him with a potted plant and riding over him with a bicycle
  • On August 3, a gang of 12 teens and young men attacked and robbed a man near Target Field in Minneapolis
  • Surveillance video from the scene shows assailants punching, kicking and repeatedly jumping on victim after removing his pants
  • At one point, one suspected gang member rides over victim's chest with a bike
  • A similar attack targeting drunk people took place on August 29, leaving a victim unconscious
  • Police conducted a three-day bust and arrested 16 suspects between ages 13-25, half of them juveniles

Just imagine if the victim was black... all the Liberal TV networks around the globe would be showing this for months!

I am white and I feel like I am the biggest threat to me.

Seriously though. Obviously you don’t want to single out race (never feels or sounds right because you are painting with a way too big of a brush) but when you study history, white countries have committed the worst crimes against humanity. The Inquisition and the Holocaust are 2 most obvious examples that stand out in history. But then if you want to dive into the clandestine acts, traditionally white nations have caused the immigration/exodus problem, propped up regimes that massacred their own people, toppled governments which led to decades long wars (for oil), bombed innocents, which led to those nations resorting to terrorism as the only way to fight back (because they don’t stand a chance on the battlefield and want white people to feel the same pain they feel). Then you have mentally deranged white guys who believe the propaganda bs (and they feed their anger online by likeminded people on social sites), pick up assault rifles (because they are readily accessible and most effective killing tool) and start shooting who they perceive as illegal immigrants or just because they are pissed off at their classmates or whomever. There is a disease spreading in the world and no one is attacking the problem.
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Obviously you don’t want to single out race

Obviously.... and then you spend a long post doing exactly that.

There are too many rebuttals I could make to your claims, I'd rather enjoy my free morning. But a cursory study of world history (not whatever rubbish they teach in North America these days) would show that "crimes against humanity" were pretty much the order of the day until recently, wherever one lived, and whatever one's skin color was. You are telling me that the Hutus who killed a million people in a matter of months using machetes wouldn't use a nuclear bomb? If whites have been better at killing in the 20th century, it's only because their nations had advanced technology. Murderers rule everywhere.

There is some truth to what you say about terrorism, though you seem to be making excuses for it. Again, if terrorists have advanced weaponry, they will use it - no matter what the color of their skin.

"Mentally deranged" people also come in all colors, as one would expect. Certainly mental illness is widespread and mostly untreated. Even encouraged at times. I say this often, but look at the use of drugs that alter the brain among Americans, prescribed and otherwise. A significant portion of the country takes drugs with multiple side effects on the personality. Add to this the general deterioration of any sense of society, family and common values. People are unmoored and set loose to make for themselves. With some drugs to help. What can go wrong?

This "white man is the cause of all evil" is the kind of rubbish being taught in schools to young minds who have never been taught basic history or critical thinking. It is simply a kind of racist propaganda that serves to worsen the many problems existing today.

In the words of Sandor Clegane, "the world is built by killers."

Obviously.... and then you spend a long post doing exactly that.

There are too many rebuttals I could make to your claims, I'd rather enjoy my free morning.

Yes, let's leave the heavy discussions for another day. Not on Sunday morning. I did talk about race. My race. I think the only people who have the authority to talk about a race (in a critical way) and not come across as racist is if they talk about their own race. That's why I may have sounded too liberal in my use of the word "white" for emphasis. But I would love to discuss with you who has caused the most damage in history at a later time. My point is that traditionally white nations have caused more hurt outside of their borders. We can trace this back to the Roman Empire and even before then. Europe (and my country of origin in particular) has been devastated by white against white conflict.

This "white man is the cause of all evil" is the kind of rubbish being taught in schools to young minds who have never been taught basic history or critical thinking. It is simply a kind of racist propaganda that serves to worsen the many problems existing today.

I don't prescribe to that notion that "white man is the cause of all evil" and never heard it being taught anywhere. Evil has no skin color. History cannot be rewritten. It is what it is.

You are telling me that the Hutus who killed a million people in a matter of months using machetes wouldn't use a nuclear bomb? If whites have been better at killing in the 20th century, it's only because their nations had advanced technology. Murderers rule everywhere.

Your argument that white nations killed more people is because they have better technology and are better at it? You may actually be right there. Most of the world super-powers in history have been mostly white nations and when you give someone a lot of power with little to no accountability, it's not usually their best instincts that take over. Especially when they stoke fear of the "others" and revel in the power to the point of craving more of it.

Also, think about this. People as individuals, in general, act civil, love their families, and try to be good neighbors, not hurt others. But many of these same people acting in concert as a nation or political party or some other partisan group are capable of doing horrific acts. Skin color aside.

That's why in the Bible, nations are pictured as wild beasts.

In the words of Sandor Clegane, "the world is built by killers."

Is that from Game of Thrones? Stopped watching after first episode. That statement seems to suggest that humans built the world. Which is false. I would clarify that "the system of things is built by killers". The world was perfectly designed.
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@GILSAN, what is your point? Make your argument, brother. Don't post silly pictures. And BTW, I don't feel any guilt. I enjoy my autonomy.
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This is one of the issues that is part of the problem.

It is this group think mentality that divides people.

Because you're of a certain skin color puts you into a certain ideology category? You can't say certain things and must think other things just because that group ideology dictates what you must say and think?

Be your own person.

I don't feel guilty and don't feel the need to apologize for actions I had nothing to do with. Any suggestion otherwise is utterly ridiculous.

And I am not a liberal. I have no political affiliation. I think of myself as a free thinker and don't subscribe to any particular political leaning. As close as I come to being liberal is that I feel liberated.
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I don't feel guilty and don't feel the need to apologize for actions I had nothing to do with. Any suggestion otherwise is utterly ridiculous.
That's good to know. Now, on a previous post you laid out a bunch of evil actions that the "white" man perpetrated, but not a peep on the evil of others, making you sound extremely biased against whites.

Now tell me something, did the white man do any good to mankind, or like your Prime Minister Trudeau would say, in his oh, so PC manner... "peoplekind"?
That's good to know. Now, on a previous post you laid out a bunch of evil actions that the "white" man perpetrated, but not a peep on the evil of others, making you sound extremely biased against whites.

I will try to be more balanced in the future. Apologies. My white guilt is showing. It was not my intent to say white people did not do anything good. Obviously they have done a lot of good as well, not because of their race but because every race has smart, kind, brilliant people. No one is denying that.

But I think there is a lot of unfair vitriol against immigrants who today happen to be of color. In the past there was a lot of vitriol against Italian, Irish and Polish immigrants, among others, from decades past. I was at the end of those so I know how it feels. Now somehow we'd love to have more people from those countries. Seems odd and ironic.

Finally, don't let the group mentality control you. This is the biggest point I would like to make. It is destroying countries like Ruanda with the Hutus and the Tutsis that was mentioned by @Domainace and the Mid East with Shiites and the Sunnis. Those are 2 extreme examples to illustrate that group thinking leads to terrible consequences. IMO. We don't have to agree on everything but we should be all be able to agree that the sky is blue and grass is green. In other words, look for common ground and don't call people stupid or idiots because that only closes doors and doesn't accomplish anything healthy.
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Now that you've established that the White man was so evil, how come nothing was mentioned about the Chinese, the Koreans, the Japanese, Indo-China (Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia etc) and all the killing done by them.

How about all of Africa (for some reason, the northern countries of Morocco to Egypt are never mentioned when Africa comes up). From the beginning of time to today, blood thirsty people inhabit most of Africa.

And not to forget the Arabs, the Muslims....
The Turks and their Ottoman Empire and more.
Whites as a whole have not killed as many as those mentioned above....

Then there is India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan etc. etc.... lots of fireworks happened in that part of the world as well... and still does!

History shows that the British Empire sure slowed down the number of people killed... after all they were the first to stop Slavery from Africa, much to the disappointment of African warlords, who suddenly lost their main source of income and power.... Slavery!

The African warlords would round up their African brothers and sisters, then march them by force to the various ports on the West African coast to be traded to the White Slave Traders. In my opinion, they (the warlords) were just as evil, if not worse than the European Slave Traders!

They don't teach you the other evil side of the story in school do they?

Oh and BTW, not sure if you know about it but the Arab Muslims were already enslaving Africans at least 700 years before the Europeans discovered that lucrative business.

And you know what's even more shocking? Slavery is still practiced in several African countries in this day and age! Isn't that something?
There is a lot of stuff in your post. I will comment on this first:

Now that you've established that the White man was so evil, how come nothing was mentioned about the Chinese, the Koreans, the Japanese, Indo-China (Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia etc) and all the killing done by them.

Don't put words in my mouth. I am white so if that is true that I "established that the White man was so evil" (why is white capitalized?) it means I am calling myself evil.

Those countries and wars you outlined are huge rabbit holes I would be happy to go down with you. But you can bet your behind the US and their allies where involved. Do you know what a proxy war is?

You should also add El Salvador and Nicaragua to the list.
I will try to be more balanced in the future. Apologies. My white guilt is showing. It was not my intent to say white people did not do anything good. Obviously they have done a lot of good as well, not because of their race but because every race has smart, kind, brilliant people. No one is denying that.
Good to know that.
But I think there is a lot of unfair vitriol against immigrants who today happen to be of color. In the past there was a lot of vitriol against Italian, Irish and Polish immigrants, among others, from decades past. I was at the end of those so I know how it feels. Now somehow we'd love to have more people from those countries. Seems odd and ironic.

Finally, don't let the group mentality control you. This is the biggest point I would like to make. It is destroying countries like Ruanda with the Hutus and the Tutsis that was mentioned by @Domainace and the Mid East with Shiites and the Sunnis. Those are 2 extreme examples to illustrate that group thinking leads to terrible consequences. IMO. We don't have to agree on everything but we should be all be able to agree that the sky is blue and grass is green. In other words, look for common ground and don't call people stupid or idiots because that only closes doors and doesn't accomplish anything healthy.
Once again I have to remind you that I'm absolutely fine with LEGAL immigration. It's the ILLEGAL ones that I totally oppose. People who cross any countries border illegally is totally wrong and should be sent back to their countries.

Also, trying to compare immigrants from 40, 60 or more years ago to today's illegals is not possible. Those Italians, Poles and Irish didn't have any safety net in the form of help by Sanctuary cities and States, or other forms of Social help, like the recent arrivals have.

They had to work right away or they would starve.

The avalanche of refugees and illegals that entered Europe in the last decade or two aare all given free housing, medical, dentist, school, transport, translators and on top of that they get some pocket money every month, which can vary from €25 to €45 depending on what country they are in. The EU governments spend aprox. 4000-5000 Euros per month for each of these people.

A very high % of them prefer to get all these freebies and do nothing. They can go on getting these generous free benefits for years and years without ever working.

Who supports all of this? It's the taxpayer naturally. And who are all these people that entered Europe illegally? At least 95% come from Arab countries and Africa and the vast majority are Muslim, a religion that believes is superior to the rest of the other Infidel Religions or Atheists.

These are the raw stats and numbers. And then there is also the vastly different cultural and religious habits that are so different from ours. The fact that such a high % of them is not interested in assimilating is also worrying, but that is basically because of their religion...

Why Liberals don't want to acknowledge this is beyond my understanding. Why the filthy rich neighboring countries of Syria like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Emirates, Kuwait, Oman didn't take ONE single Syrian refugee is also incomprehensible and something the Liberal Media NEVER mentions or questions.

Yeah, lots of other other stuff I could mention except I'm getting tired to having to constantly compare LEGAL to ILLEGAL immigration.
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Fury in Germany over Syrian Muslim refugee who gets state hand-outs for his FOUR wives and 22 children
  • Ghazia A. fled Syria in 2015 and headed to Germany via Turkey
  • He has another daughter who married and is living in Saudi Arabia
  • The refugee had to choose one wife to be his 'official' partner
  • The 49-year-old is not often at this main home as he visits his other wives
A German financial manager released his calculation of what the German state is paying to the entire family annually. On the website of the Employers' Association he estimated that the refugees are getting roughly 360,000 Euro per year.

In Western countries if any man marries more than 1 wife he can go to jail.

So I ask... why are Muslims allowed to have up to 4 wives in Europe? Muslim Privilege?
First off, I want to state that it is great that you are engaging in a dialogue. There needs to be more adult conversation between individuals with differing views. So just want you to know I think that is welcome. And let's have a civil discussion. As much as our busy time permits.

Once again I have to remind you that I'm absolutely fine with LEGAL immigration. It's the ILLEGAL ones that I totally oppose. People who cross any countries border illegally is totally wrong and should be sent back to their countries.

Don't have to remind me. I understand you. However, the way certain politicians (both lifelong and rookie) talk about immigrants it is impossible to separate the legal from illegal. For example, one spoke of Mexicans sending their worst people. Actually the vast majority of immigrants seeking asylum are from south of Mexico. The language used is blurring the line between legal and illegal so all are viewed the same and also those that seek asylum are now put in the same basket as illegals.

Also, trying to compare immigrants from 40, 60 or more years ago to today's illegals is not possible. Those Italians, Poles and Irish didn't have any safety net in the form of help by Sanctuary cities and States, or other forms of Social help, like the recent arrivals have.

Speaking from a Canadian perspective. I remember when I immigrated there were enough social help programs all around for everyone. I mean, whether you were a citizen or waiting for your papers, you had free healthcare that covered dental, eyesight, and all the rest. Today, we don't have dental covered or eyesight, since about 15 years ago. I don't know if it is the same for immigrants.

As far as I understand, illegal immigrants can not get any social help. How would that be even possible?
Speaking from a Canadian perspective. I remember when I immigrated there were enough social help programs all around for everyone. I mean, whether you were a citizen or waiting for your papers, you had free healthcare that covered dental, eyesight, and all the rest. Today, we don't have dental covered or eyesight, since about 15 years ago. I don't know if it is the same for immigrants.

As far as I understand, illegal immigrants can not get any social help. How would that be even possible?
How long ago did you immigrate to Canada?

I lived in California from 1975 to 81 and didn't get one cent of help. But then again I wasn't expecting any and would feel uncomfortable getting any!

Why has Canada stopped giving dental and eyesight coverage?
How long ago did you immigrate to Canada?

I lived in California from 1975 to 81 and didn't get one cent of help. But then again I wasn't expecting any and would feel uncomfortable getting any!

Why has Canada stopped giving dental and eyesight coverage?

I immigrated back in 1982.

I was a kid but old enough to remember the whole experience. Immigration is not fun. It is a humbling experience but if you can survive it and become a citizen it is worth it. I thank Canada for teaching me English (among other things) with great schooling and teachers. English is my first language now.

My belief is that health care is the right of every person. If you see someone hurt like in a car accident or maybe heart attack or even a fall, natural reaction is to help. It is the human thing to do. One of the jobs of a government is to protect its citizens. Keep them safe.

If a country can provide the right environment to start a business then that is a form of help. Back when I was a kid, you could get a steady job for 25 to 30 years and retire comfortably. That's also a form of help. Today, I wonder. I have a business so someone else comment if that is still possible. I think anyone with healthy self-esteem does not want social help except for help to get a real job.

Canada has cut back on providing support on dental and eye care because, in my observation, the population is aging and the health care system is going bankrupt. Not enough tax paying population, population is also getting older, and the government can't afford to cover everything. That's why immigration is still needed. Unless you can convince your citizens to have more babies. But, of course, this is province by province so I can't speak definitively for the entire country.

Every single government program/agency will have politicians trying to fill their pockets. So that's a problem as well. But the alternative to have corporate execs fill their pockets even more is not a better option.

I am seeing things going down in Canada, the US, and the world. But, IMO, the problem is mostly with the politicians and their global policies/decisions plus greed. Immigrants are the scapegoat and the symptom. I'd be happy to discuss with you what led to current asylum seeking.
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