
Two Year review Afternic DomainAgents Sedo DynaDot Flippa Uniregistry UNDeveloped (DAN) marketplace

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XYNames.comTop Member
Since November 2017, I have listed my domains, all of them, approximately 1500, at UNDeveloped. During this same period of time I have listed all of my same domains at Afternic DomainAgents Sedo DynaDot Flippa Uniregistry marketplaces.

Coming up on the two year mark, I have sold a LOT of domains via Afternic DomainAgents Sedo, and received MANY price inquiries and MANY offers. I have also received MANY inquiries, MANY offers and some sales at DynaDot. I haven't sold much at Flippa and Uniregistry, but I do occasionally receive offers.

At UNDeveloped, the exact same domains have received during this nearly two year period only one joke of a hundred Euro offer, about a year ago, for a domain worth 150 times more than that.

The data, given that I have listed the EXACT same domains, during the EXACT same time period, in all of these different marketplaces, mean that Afternic DomainAgents Sedo DynaDot have the highest amount of buyers searching looking to buy in their marketplaces.

Below these would be Flippa and Uniregistry where I have received some sales and some offers.

At the very bottom is UNDeveloped marketplace, with zero sales and only one offer.

Based on my data their effectiveness as marketplaces would be more or less in this order, with Afternic at top and UNDeveloped at bottom:

DomainAgents / Sedo (Lately Sedo is doing better, before DomainAgents was doing better)
DynaDot (available only if your domains are registered there, as all of mine are)

I am careful to set a BIN on a given domain at one marketplace only at a time, to avoid the issue of the domain selling simultaneously at more than one place. Generally, I place this BIN at Afternic, because it has the highest traffic and highest sales throughput. I have very few of my domains set for BIN (very few listed at premium Afternic), because I do this only after receiving an Afternic price inquiry (which getting this inquiry in the first place reflects buyer traffic at Afternic), and then following setting the BIN many of these domains then sell at Afternic anyway, and are no longer listed anywhere.

So the comparison between the various marketplaces is very fair, and on a very even playing field.

As long as they are all free marketplaces, and non-exclusive, I don't see the downside in listing in all of them. (Keep in mind though that you must have your domains registered at DynaDot to be in their marketplace, and all of my domains are registered at DynaDot.) But the results speak for themselves as far as which have more buyer traffic.

I use my own landing pages with my own FormMail.php submission form on them. I receive almost daily inquiries (at a minimum a few weekly) and steady sales via my own landing pages too.
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Thanks for the great post! I think based on my history...Domainsagents and flippa would be best for me...because they keep your name on their platform only(I don't like over exposure, as it doesn't benefit my long term plans). My only concern is, I just checked domain agents to try and add names and i realized i already had a ton of names in my portfolio on their platform...but it showed zero stats or views at a quick glance. Are you shore buyers search through their site? Or do I need to do another step after the names are uploaded?
As I mention above, lately DomainAgents seems to have slowed down, and Sedo seems to have picked up.

DomainAgents has a program where you get $10. for every inquiry but it's not for affiliate marketplace offers. I think the way it works is that you get the $10. only for those potential buyers who pay $19.95 to make the offer. Their $19.95 is applied towards the purchase price if it ends up in a sale.

You get the $10. whether the sale closes or not. I used to get a lot of these $10. payments but not so much lately.

Again, as mentioned above, there is no downside to listing in all free non-exclusive marketplaces.

I have heard others talk about how Flippa is now charging but they haven't tried to charge me anything.
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Question: Dis you use the Options of Fast Transfer on Afternic and Sedo MLS?
Question: Dis you use the Options of Fast Transfer on Afternic and Sedo MLS?

I do use on Afternic for every domain I have set for a BIN at Afternic.

As mentioned, I don't want to have a BIN set on more than one marketplace to make sure that the domain doesn't sell at two places at once.

By the way, getting opted into this Fast Transfer at Afternic is problematic. Sometimes as soon as you set the BIN, the Afternic system automatically opts you in and then all you have to do is go to your registrar (in my case DynaDot) and click to accept at that end. But more often than not, you must message Afternic customer service and they opt you in manually.
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Did u in any point in time sell a domain that is on registry lock on afternic?
If yes,how did you go about this.
The answer is a little complicated.

First off - getting back to setting a domain for Fast Transfer upon sale to Afternic, sometimes their system erroneously comes back with a flag that the domain is Registry Locked (first 60 days) and does not allow the Premium Afternic listing until you go back in and message them manually and point out that there is no registry lock, and even then it sometimes requires a couple of back and forth emails before the Fast Transfer is engaged.

That tells me that Afternic DOES have a system in place to detect whether a domain is on Registry Lock, and that system might even be overly sensitive, coming back with false positives.

However, as far as I am aware, simply listing a Registry Locked domain for sale (regular sale, not Premium "Fast Transfer" listing) at Afternic IS allowed. (Or rather, their system is not set up to reject listing a domain for sale, regular sale, that is currently on registry lock.)

So that addresses whether it is even possible to list a domain on Registry Lock for sale at Afternic - the answer would be, yes.

But then the bottom line is, if sold, is there a way to transfer it to the buyer to complete the sale?

I tend to think No. Reason being, is that while there are ways to get around this Registry Lock with a push, such as I describe here
the transfer process for domains sold at Afternic involves either using a regular authorization code for transfer of the domain from you to the buyer, which won't work for a Registry Lock domain (you wouldn't even be able to get the authorization code), or involves a push from you to Afternic itself, which in turn then has to get the domain to the buyer.

So, unless the entire process involves only pushes and no regular transfers, meaning a push from you to Afternic followed by a push from Afternic to the buyer, I don't see a way for a domain sold at Afternic to get transferred from you to domain buyer if Registry Locked.

We could ask Afternic to come in and respond here about if they routinely push domains to the end buyer, or just do it via regular transfer. @Joe Styler
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I do use on Afternic for every domain I have set for a BIN at Afternic.

As mentioned, I don't want to have a BIN set on more than one marketplace to make sure that the domain doesn't sell at two places at once.
So that means that it's not a fair comparation between the marketplaces, because Afternic without the fast transfer registrars it's almost the same as any other. If you add that they pay in up to 15-20 days(sometimes without answering any emails for days) and the % of commission, they are as bad as any other marketplaces. I've used most of them and I use undeveloped and landing pages from them, so you can't really say that the sales are from undeveloped traffic, but mostly from landing pages. I don't think that any of us uses undeveloped for the tons of traffic they bring, but mostly as a landing page with built in escrow and fast payouts(under 24 hours, not 15-20 days like afternic).The only option will be to use your own landing pages with paypal/escrow.com, but paypal it's not secure and escrow.com I will not use it even if that means I will loose certain sales.
It is a very fair comparison because I have very few of my domains listed for Premium at Afternic - almost all are Make Offer. Only the ones that have had Afternic price inquiries are then set for BIN / Premium, and many of these then sell (at Afternic)! Once they sell, they are no longer listed anywhere. :xf.grin: Given that the price inquiry that leads to my setting a BIN comes from Afternic in the first place, this too reflects Afternic buyer traffic.

As far as your other comments about commission rates, speed of payment and so on - completely irrelevant to the discussion of how much traffic a given marketplace gets. But if you want to go down that path, at 9% UNDeveloped is one of the most expensive escrows on the planet, offering nothing more than a landing page and escrow services, no broker services whatsoever, for 9%. I think the only ones that are more expensive are places that purport to sell "branded" domains, such as SquadHelp, which charges 30% or so, or Brandbucket or Brandpa, also around 30%. Again, we're talking about commissions at places that do not have brokers on the phone hammering the potential buyers, such as is done at Afternic. If you don't want or don't need a broker, then escrow.com is a little over 3%.

escrow.com is around 3%. Plus at least with escrow.com you have the option to make buyer pay these. No such option at UNDeveloped, correct? With my own sales, of which there have been many, one time buyer and I split the escrow.com fees, rest of time buyer has paid the fees, always, always.

UNDeveloped is basically for newbies who don't know better. I mean think about it, why would I pay 9% to a co. that provides nothing but a landing page and an escrow service, when I may pay ZERO percent to escrow.com and have my buyer pay the 3% escrow. That is a 12% swing against me for choosing UNDeveloped.

Some fall into the fallacy of thinking that UNDeveloped (or any place that offers you landing pages) has anything at all to do with the traffic that your domain name receives. They do not. You will get exactly the same traffic, exactly the same amount of people landing on your domain if you have your own landing pages.
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Do you do outbounding? If so, does it work?
I'm considering landing on Undeveloped just to track IPs. Sedo instead of showing visitor or buyer IP , shows seller's private info to the public and cheaters. At Afternic, I would block price requests if I could. Only reason to list at Afternic would be to get leads from Godaddy, but Afternic domains are not listed on Godaddy. It is very annoying.
Why would you block Afternic price requests? Many of these have led to sales for me including for mid to high five figures.

Just make sure you have a decent minimum offer in place at Afternic for all domains so that any price request indicates that someone realizes that it is worth a lot more than your minimum.

I have received offers and sold domains via GoDaddy brokers for my domains listed at Afternic.

Paying UNDeveloped (DAN) 9% just to track IP address when your own landing page plus escrow.com will cost just a couple percent all two percent of which you may have the buyer pay easily? (n)

Add Google Analytics to your own landing page then and track all landings for free.
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Based on my data their effectiveness as marketplaces would be more or less in this order, with Afternic at top and UNDeveloped at bottom:

DomainAgents / Sedo (Lately Sedo is doing better, before DomainAgents was doing better)
DynaDot (available only if your domains are registered there, as all of mine are)

thanks a lot @xynames i really appreciate your share, it's absolutely precious information for me.
Price requests never lead to a sale or a real offer at Afternic, and I can't know if they are real. Having your own landing page is a good idea, if you have skills. Also although you are not happy with undeveloped, some others seem to be. I like their landing pages, much better than Sedo obviously.
I don't like Escrow.com because they may require ID, and they have a risky business model: they leave domain transfer to the seller, and buyer can say I didn't get the domain.
Thanks for this thread. Will open a afternic account. You think I can get sales there but still using Dans landing page (since I like the look)?
Thanks for the post and congo on your sales till now. Would you mind letting me know if you parked all your pages to afternic since thats a requirement for premium network ?
I do have my names on afternic but parking is at DAN.

Did you switch parking to each of these in your tests?
For example 1 month with parking at undeveloped, 1 month at afternic, 1 month at sedo

I'd expect you may get more interest depending on the landing page, since as a buyer, I'd expect most will visit the URL of the domain they want to buy, with a lower percentage searching on a marketplace.

My results are the opposite. I sold about 80% more via Undeveloped/DAN than I have with other platforms. I believe this is because I park most of mine there.

I prefer Undeveloped for these reasons;

- You can find out more about the buyer (ip, name)
- You can message buyer
- Lower commission
- Better dashboard
- Aftersales support is excellent compared to others. Very responsive

My results are based on over 2300 names
Thanks for the post and congo on your sales till now. Would you mind letting me know if you parked all your pages to afternic since thats a requirement for premium network ?
I do have my names on afternic but parking is at DAN.

Good minds think alike :) I just asked the same question
It is not a requirement to park at Afternic to get into their premium network, this has nothing to do with it.

AuthorityDomains it is impossible that you could be getting any more domain traffic parking at UNDeveloped (DAN) versus parking anywhere else including with your own landing pages. Landing traffic is based on the name has absolutely nothing to do with where the URL is parked or hosted. If that is what you are implying, that parking one place versus another will affect traffic: then Please refrain from posting impossibilities in this thread.

If you like the look of the landing page at UNDeveloped and are okay with paying them 9% for a landing page, that is your choice but where a landing page is hosted does not affect traffic whatsoever.

This study in this thread is based on the traffic at the relative MARKETPLACES, based on actual data comparing the exact same domains over the exact same time period.

It would be a waste of time to move domains around parking them at different places to try to see where there is more traffic since it is impossible that parking or hosting a URL at one place versus another would affect landing traffic whatsoever. That would be like thinking that hosting my landing page at say Hostinger versus Hostgator versus GoDaddy or any other host would affect its traffic!
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Thanks for this thread. Will open a afternic account. You think I can get sales there but still using Dans landing page (since I like the look)?
You may park your domains wherever that has nothing to do with listing them in the Afternic DomainAgents Sedo DynaDot Flippa Uniregistry UNDeveloped (DAN) marketplaces you may list in all of them they are all non-exclusive marketplaces. (Except that DynaDot marketplace is only for domains registered with them.)
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Price requests never lead to a sale or a real offer at Afternic, and I can't know if they are real.
I really don't know why you would say that. I have sold probably close to a hundred thousand dollars worth of domains via Afternic in past couple years, and every single sale came in after a Price Request because I don't even set a price on my domains at Afternic until after a price request comes in - prior to that they are all listed as Make Offer with a relatively low, but not too low, minimum offer set.

After I receive the Price Request then I set the BIN and Floor, and then they sell. Which by the way, this is all you have to do to get into the Afternic Premium listing network - set a BIN. But, I don't set a BIN at Afternic until AFTER I receive a Price Request.

Just my advice is - don't make your Afternic minimum offer too low. That way you weed out the tire kickers who are seeking a Price Request. If the minimum offer is high enough, the ones who send in a Price Request know that you're not going to sell at that minimum offer or else they would just make that offer right off the bat, which tends to mean that they will be more serious.
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It is not a requirement to park at Afternic to get into their premium network, this has nothing to do with it.

AuthorityDomains it is impossible that you could be getting any more domain traffic parking at UNDeveloped (DAN) versus parking anywhere else including with your own landing pages. Landing traffic is based on the name has absolutely nothing to do with where the URL is parked or hosted. If that is what you are implying, that parking one place versus another will affect traffic: then Please refrain from posting impossibilities in this thread.

If you like the look of the landing page at UNDeveloped and are okay with paying them 9% for a landing page, that is your choice but where a landing page is hosted does not affect traffic whatsoever.

This study in this thread is based on the traffic at the relative MARKETPLACES, based on actual data comparing the exact same domains over the exact same time period.

It would be a waste of time to move domains around parking them at different places to try to see where there is more traffic since it is impossible that parking or hosting a URL at one place versus another would affect landing traffic whatsoever. That would be like thinking that hosting my landing page at say Hostinger versus Hostgator versus GoDaddy or any other host would affect its traffic!

Yes, that's right where the domain goes to typically has no effect on its traffic. Makes no difference (it is indeed possible on the plus side with Dan.com see below). Sometimes there's a post here saying I moved my name from place 1 to place 2 because it gets more traffic at 2 :xf.smile: Not sure why but possibly some traffic stats include more bots and spam than others who do a better job filtering it out.

P.S. An important exception to that is by using DAN.COM https secure pages with a padlock icon displayed (which other providers lack) the visitor will NOT see a browser warning the page is not secure and thus exit due to that. That is one of the big reasons I Iike DAN so much.
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Thanks for the report and all the info.

Paying UNDeveloped (DAN) 9% just to track IP address when your own landing page plus escrow.com will cost just a couple percent all two percent of which you may have the buyer pay easily?

Not sure you're comparing like with like. You can "import" a lead to Dan.com and use it as pure escrow for 5%, plus VAT to me makes it 6%. Sedo Escrow is 3% but charges another 3% for paying by card or Paypal, and Escrow.com's true escrow service - where they actually hold the domain before customer gets it - adds another 3%, so to me these are broadly similar in price.
Yes, that's right where the domain goes to has no effect on its traffic. Makes no difference (exception for Dan.com see below) but for some odd reason some members believe it does. Sometimes there's a post here saying I moved my name from place 1 to place 2 because it gets more traffic at 2 :xf.smile: Not sure why but possibly some traffic stats include more bots and spam than others who do a better job filtering it out.

Some of this might depend on how visible the landing page is in search results.

Also some views are type-ins, others come from searches at a given marketplace, others come from networks or registrars partnered with a given marketplace. At Sedo the partner traffic goes to the price page, not the landing page, so you can see the difference. At Dan.com if you list a domain and do not park it there, you can see in GA that it had views on the page that make offer takes you to. Stats at Uniregistry don't seem very useful.
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