Holo vs VR vs MR vs AR vs any other reality (All realities)

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5E9982A5-BEB6-457A-9160-6B61759B55FC.png Trivver: A Positive Revolution To Advertising

Trivver is the first Programmatic Ad exchange powered by blockchain. Trivver is a revolutionary platform that can be used by advertisers who advertise in 3D, VR, MR, or AR.

Also, Trivver targets being a very strong financial asset in the nearest future powered by blockchain, giving users, publishers, advertisers and brands opportunities to trade in cryptocurrencies.
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Show attachment 91648 Trivver: A Positive Revolution To Advertising

Trivver is the first Programmatic Ad exchange powered by blockchain. Trivver is a revolutionary platform that can be used by advertisers who advertise in 3D, VR, MR, or AR.

Also, Trivver targets being a very strong financial asset in the nearest future powered by blockchain, giving users, publishers, advertisers and brands opportunities to trade in cryptocurrencies.

Cool, I see they are also using XR . Smart move .

Acquired EXMR.COM

Could be a cool brand "EX" Mixed Reality, ironically it's also a crypto name....EXMR is an active cryptocurrency called Ethereum Monero lol.
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They also raised a Series D from AT&T and because of that they get exclusive consumer distribution rights. All they created is hype and delivered basically nothing, 0 credibility left.
I don't understand why corporations keep investing in this money hungry unicorn, they clearly didn't care about the devs/consumers feedback.
I'm calling it right now: They'll go bankrupt in about 3 years.

Acquired EXMR.COM

Could be a cool brand "EX" Mixed Reality, ironically it's also a crypto name....EXMR is an active cryptocurrency called Ethereum Monero lol.

Cool name .
They also raised a Series D from AT&T and because of that they get exclusive consumer distribution rights. All they created is hype and delivered basically nothing, 0 credibility left.
I don't understand why corporations keep investing in this money hungry unicorn, they clearly didn't care about the devs/consumers feedback.
I'm calling it right now: They'll go bankrupt in about 3 years.
I would not go so far as say bankrupt in 3 but nothing to show for it .
This is such a touchy subject on the thread.
They are still 2 years or more behind MS and Google and Apple. If and when they put something out there, it may very well not be changeable to that which will be on the market by that time.

It's not that they don't actually have the tech...
It's that they can not make it small/low power/low heat generation/ that works in ambient light/at a cost anyone might be interested in (to say it in a short way)

LOL I said that 2 years ago !.

in 3M we had a rift dev edition in 3B+ and 5+years, we have nothing but a set of misleading statements !
And I see those fuzzy statements for what they are. I can tell when someone is purposely not stating things for what they are. It's a investors game ! Many bought into it hook,line and sinker !

Roni has been investing all that capital in medical research co's the last 2 years. Look-it-up.

Where is the soft dev kit promised last year for the spring of this year?
They are hitting the marker for the dev edition release for this fall soon enough !
Oh... forget all of that cause it's next year ! or the year after...or the year after...or the year after...
I'm sure we will see something, but to late and to much ! Will they fail ???
I'll bet Roni's new med-co's are still around afterwards !

Fashion (AR) .com $5,000

Just decided to accept the offer outright. Probably could of got more if I countered but happy with the sale.

Gone to a end user who is launching a augmented reality product.


XR Learning (.com)

Can't disclose the exact amount but was $x,xxx range.

Fashion (AR) .com $5,000

Just decided to accept the offer outright. Probably could of got more if I countered but happy with the sale.

Gone to a end user who is launching a augmented reality product.


XR Learning (.com)

Can't disclose the exact amount but was $x,xxx range.

Great keywords, Great Sales...Well done my friend, congrats!

Fashion (AR) .com $5,000

Just decided to accept the offer outright. Probably could of got more if I countered but happy with the sale.

Gone to a end user who is launching a augmented reality product.


XR Learning (.com)

Can't disclose the exact amount but was $x,xxx range.

great sale..u may just have highest ar sale to date...but could be wrong... looks like buyer couldn't go for arfashion cause its developed and unrelated to ar... good to see some sales going on in future techs other than vr...looks like having invested in top keywords in those techs is starting to pay off... lets hope all make some money in future...vr ar xr mr holo
great sale..u may just have highest ar sale to date...but could be wrong... looks like buyer couldn't go for arfashion cause its developed and unrelated to ar... good to see some sales going on in future techs other than vr...looks like having invested in top keywords in those techs is starting to pay off... lets hope all make some money in future...vr ar xr mr holo

@alcy Yeah , looks like VR was only the beginning lol

Lately there was a 6.5k sale GeniusXR (not mine) not so much of A keyword .
shows the potential!
Also I sold ARcreator a few months back for 6k
All end user sales which is highly important (besides the ones not reported ofcours)
@alcy Yeah , looks like VR was only the beginning lol

Lately there was a 6.5k sale GeniusXR (not mine) not so much of A keyword .
shows the potential!
Also I sold ARcreator a few months back for 6k
All end user sales which is highly important (besides the ones not reported ofcours)

yep... well.. as u know.. all these techs are barely starting and at their beginning.. hardly even scratching the surface.. be it vr ar or what not.. imo its worth renewing them for some years.. but hey... we each take our chances hehehe.. thats domaining.

some sales are more obvious good keywords like your arcreator.. and others like geniusXR are anyone's guess and tough to predict... and rightly so.. cause who in the end can predict the mind and domain wants and needs of all endusers out there.. but its not like I've not seen my share of "average" VR keywords sales in the past.. some of this stuff is real hard to predict.. once you get past the obvious keywords.. I mean who would have thought I'd sell virtualrealitystocks for 6k.. that sort of thing.. and with 1000+ public VR sales.. there are many more average keyword sale examples.. I had a few myself. though not as high as 6k.

all in all, the future looks pretty bright for all these techs.. some more than others.. as always is the case.. not everything is created eqaul or ends up with same mainsteam acceptance etc.. so when you're putting your eggs in different baskets folks.. remember that not all baskets are created same either... its an important thing to remember... even if most forget it ;)

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yep... well.. as u know.. all these techs are barely starting and at their beginning.. hardly even scratching the surface.. be it vr ar or what not.. imo its worth renewing them for some years.. but hey... we each take our chances hehehe.. thats domaining.

some sales are more obvious good keywords like your arcreator.. and others like geniusXR are anyone's guess and tough to predict... but its not like I've not seen my share of "average" VR keywords sales in the past.. some of this stuff is real hard to predict.. once you get past the obvious keywords.. I mean who would have thought I'd sell virtualrealitystocks for 6k.. that sort of thing.. and with 1000+ public VR sales.. there are many more average keyword sale examples.. I had a few myself. though not as high as 6k.

all in all, the future looks pretty bright for all these techs.. some more than others.. as always is the case.. not everything is created eqaul or ends up with same mainsteam acceptance etc.. so when you're putting your eggs in different baskets folks.. remember that not all baskets are created same either... its an important thing to remember... even if most forget it ;)


Thing is ,no one got a crystal ball:)
Most guys who invested in VR lost their pants with average keywords.

My two cents as always , focus on the KEYWORD

Great things ahead for strong keywords!
Thing is ,no one got a crystal ball:)
Most guys who invested in VR lost their pants with average keywords.

My two cents as always , focus on the KEYWORD

Great things ahead for strong keywords!

problem with average keywords is that the definition of average greatly varies from person to person too.. most people can get it right when it comes to premium keywords for these techs.. but anything after that, and we run into some problems.. so yeah.. its really not just as easy as saying all average keywords are bad... I have personal sales proof of this.. along with countless (figure of speech) namebio VR sales to show this point... u probably got a few examples of that too in XR AR etc...

many people still confuse average with bad. its pretty much that simple.

but if you put in some learning, observing and some hours put into this... it can become possible to be almost as clear abotu what average keywords are.. as about what are premium keywords.. ALMOST. ;)

My two cents as always , focus on the KEYWORD

I’ve seen you say this before, never got what you meant and still don’t.

Abbreviation next to the keyword is equally as important as the keyword itself, you can have ‘games’ as a keyword, but if it’s got a meaningless abbreviation next to it:- ie LR, it’s worthless.

As for XR, i still think it’s bad for the industry and so do many people who are involved within the VR/AR industry, certainly more people are becoming more vocal against it on social media. I still don’t think much as changed with it in the last 8 months (start of the year) and still see XR a social media term more than anything, little is posted in the news, it’s just something people go #XR #VR#AR #IoT #Tech after tweets and i don’t see any indication that is changing.

Sure there are some companies/start-ups branding around XR, but for every new XR company there are 50 more VR companies branding around VR or AR.

Quote from the guy who purchased ‘coins’ and why they opted for ‘coins’ over ‘crypto’

“Furthermore, we also see the word crypto being synonymous with secrets and is also a highly technical term, that may or may not stand the test of time. The terminology in this new world of digital currency evolves so fast. On the other hand, Coins doesn't suffer from that same inherent risk in the long term.”

I think that's a fantastic bit of insight from someone who isn't a domain investor, Ie:- someone heavily bias, registers a few $8.99 domains and then dreams that they are going to get rich, but from an actual end-user, investing in a term/keyword for their company, that doesn't confuse the public and stands the test of time.

End of the day many ‘newer’ terms still has question marks over them, 95% of the world doesn’t even know what XR is, but 95% of the world knows what VR is, so ‘VR’ as a term and what it represents isn’t going vanish as you may think since you said.

Yeah , looks like VR was only the beginning lol.
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I’ve seen you say this before, never got what you meant and still don’t.

Abbreviation next to the keyword is equally as important as the keyword itself, you can have ‘games’ as a keyword, but if it’s got a meaningless abbreviation next to it:- ie LR, it’s worthless.

As for XR, i still think it’s bad for the industry and so do many people who are involved within the VR/AR industry, certainly more people are becoming more vocal against it on social media. I still don’t think much as changed with it in the last 8 months (start of the year) and still see XR a social media term more than anything, little is posted in the news, it’s just something people go #XR #VR#AR #IoT #Tech after tweets and i don’t see any indication that is changing.

Sure there are some companies/start-ups branding around XR, but for every new XR company there are 50 more VR companies branding around VR or AR.

Quote from the guy who purchased ‘coins’ and why they opted for ‘coins’ over ‘crypto’

“Furthermore, we also see the word crypto being synonymous with secrets and is also a highly technical term, that may or may not stand the test of time. The terminology in this new world of digital currency evolves so fast. On the other hand, Coins doesn't suffer from that same inherent risk in the long term.”

I think that's a fantastic bit of insight from someone who isn't a domain investor, Ie:- someone heavily bias, registers a few $8.99 domains and then dreams that they are going to get rich, but from an actual end-user, investing in a term/keyword for their company, that doesn't confuse the public and stands the test of time.

End of the day many ‘newer’ terms still has question marks over them, 95% of the world doesn’t even know what XR is, but 95% of the world knows what VR is, so ‘VR’ as a term and what it represents isn’t going vanish as you may think since you said.

:-P I like this discussion.

U r stipud to add games to whatever but smart to add it to XR/crypto/VR/AR/Holo etc
So that's what I mean when talking about keyword . Dont mind if peoepe listen or not ,that's my path.

About XR I believe it's going to be big , not everyone agrees with me ,so hope I'm right and you are wrong haha
Btw , never said VR is going to vanish ,not a chance ! But that it's only the beginning :)
Good luck !
Btw , never said VR is going to vanish ,not a chance ! But that it's only the beginning :)
Good luck !

People should always do what they believe, but beginning of what? Virtual Reality is what it says on the tin and describes the tech perfectly (a Virtual Reality).

Virtual Reality isn’t just a headset strapped onto someone’s face, sure that’s what we have to do now to put someone inside a fully immersive virtual simulation but it won’t always be the case, next step to put someone inside ‘a virtual reality’ is probably glasses.

The ultimate end goal of virtual tech is to create a sort of holodeck from Star Trek, easiest way to define that and a Matrix/Metaverse if you will is ‘a virtual reality'.

When we ultimately do get to this stage of immersion why is a name change or new definition what we call it required?
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People should always do what they believe, but beginning of what? Virtual Reality is what it says on the tin and describes the tech perfectly (a Virtual Reality).

Virtual Reality isn’t just a headset strapped onto someone’s face, sure that’s what we have to do now to put someone inside a fully immersive virtual simulation but it won’t always be the case, next step to put someone inside ‘a virtual reality’ is probably glasses.

The ultimate end goal of virtual tech is to create a sort of holodeck from Star Trek, easiest way to define that and a Matrix/Metaverse if you will is ‘a virtual reality'.

When we ultimately do get to this stage of immersion why is a name change or new definition what we call it required?

I think the thing is though that Virtual Reality is seen as being totally immersed. When objects interact with the real world and it's surroundings that is something else which is why more terminology is needed than VR.

VR is great, and most my investment went to this segment. But the real future is people will have a choice of which level of immersion they wish to use for each given unique scenario.

XR does emphasise this because it opens up the future brandability that the company offers more than one immersive choice, ie VR, AR, Holographic etc
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