
sales 2017 Domain Sales Season Closes With 2 Sales Totaling $450,000 Topping Year's Final Chart

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The new weekly domain sales report is out at DNJournal.com bringing the curtain down on the 2017 domain sales season. We had a long string of solid sales come in over the final days of the year including one at $250,000 and another at $200,000. The top five sales on our latest all extension Top 20 Sales Chart totaled more than $700,000. That top five also included names from every category with three .coms, a ccTLD and a non .com gTLD. You can get all of the details here (including a link to our Top 100 Sales Charts for the entire year): http://www.dnjournal.com/archive/domainsales/2017/20180104.htm

Also new since my last note to you is our latest Cover Story – a profile of domain investor/developer George Verdugo detailing how he used some extremely tough times in his life as motivation to excel and make the dreams he had for his family come true. You can read his full inspirational story here:
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
George Verdugo life story is awesome, it is worth reading material, there is not of inspiration and encouragement in his life story. Thank you very much.
George Verdugo life story is awesome, it is worth reading material, there is not of inspiration and encouragement in his life story. Thank you very much.
Pls correct "not" to "Lot" :)
George Verdugo life story is awesome, it is worth reading material, there is LOT of inspiration and encouragement in his life story. Thank you very much.
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