NameWorth scam?

Has anyone had experience with NameWorth?

I gave it a try because I wanted to see if it would help organize some names, the sign up was easy, the website works. The valuations are okay.

However, the owner or "staff" if there is any, are completely unresponsive. Keep in mind all their plans are billed monthly. However, there is NO option on the website to cancel any plan. No problem, you can just ask them to cancel, right? No. I reached out via their contact - no response. I reached out to here - no response. I reached out via WHOIS - no response. This was in beginning of March! Luckily for me, I used a disposable credit card and I can't be billed again.

I see it being advertised here, so if anyone is considering trying it out - don't.

Update: responded to my e-mail, although after a long while, but it was solved.
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Welcome to the club. ))) I used to be a member of NameWorth back in the past, and it was always exactly how you described it.
The owner will get back to you eventually and frankly speaking - he is a very nice guy, his name is Garett. We chatted a few times, he gave me an opinion on a few names of mine. He is definitely a very experienced domainer himself. But yeah, let's put it mildly - customer service on NameWorth and is quite on the bottom on the list of his priorities )))
Good luck! ))
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Keep in mind all their plans are billed monthly.

billed monthly.... and domain renewal is yearly?

i'd be more responsive to my rpu's

also, it's not a scam since you already know about appraisal tools, right?

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billed monthly.... and domain renewal is yearly?

i'd be more responsive to my rpu's

also, it's not a scam since you already know about appraisal tools, right?

I put a question mark at the end of scam, because I wasn't sure if it was just my experience and if they are purposively not responding to someone requesting how to cancel their service.
I put a question mark at the end of scam, because I wasn't sure if it was just my experience and if they are purposively not responding to someone requesting how to cancel their service.

since i assume the site is still working and you can get the queries that you paid for.
maybe another adjective, like "unresponsive",

peeped around and they don't have a TOS on the site that i can see without becoming a user.

Contact your bank about the charges.
Most customers cancel their membership via Paypal directly. This inquiry, as well as all other financial related inquires are fully taken care of regularly.

It isn't always taken care of immediately. But they have always been taken care of in a reasonable amount of time and fully.
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Well search G for "is nameworth a scam" and you get this thread so I'd imagine somebody will be taking notice.
Well search G for "is nameworth a scam" and you get this thread so I'd imagine somebody will be taking notice.

As mentioned above there is no one that is owed anything and everything is normally taken care of within 48 hours.

Why bring up a thread from June that has already been addressed and updated by OP?
As mentioned above there is no one that is owed anything and everything is normally taken care of within 48 hours.

Why bring up a thread from June that has already been addressed and updated by OP?
Are you trying to censor debate? I didn't look at the post date. But it was one of the first threads on that board. Try fixing your customer service and threads like these won't appear in the first place. Seems like the o.p. is helping you provide a better product.
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Are you trying to censor debate? I didn't look at the post date. But it was one of the first threads on that board. Try fixing your customer service and threads like these won't appear in the first place. Seems like the o.p. is helping you provide a better product.

No, I said that because the debate was over months ago and was addressed. The only reason there was an issue was because I was sick for a short time period.

OP already said it was addressed. I had no issue responding to OP and their concern was warranted while I was out sick.

Was there something you need help with? I didn't see a request from you on here or via support.
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Most customers cancel their membership via Paypal directly. This inquiry, as well as all other financial related inquires are fully taken care of regularly.

It isn't always taken care of immediately. But they have always been taken care of in a reasonable amount of time and fully.
i pmd a query about not able to pay via paypal 6 months back via dm till now no answer
Was there something you need help with? I didn't see a request from you on here or via support.
No thanks I don't use appraisal websites because I don't need to know someone else's opinion of the value of my domain names. Since all appraisals are different if you use 10 sites then 9 are not accurate. So it's a false economy. But I admire your efforts in trying to solve this problem and I genuinely hope that you are successful.
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No thanks I don't use appraisal websites because I don't need to know someone else's opinion of the value of my domain names. Since all appraisals are different if you use 10 sites then 9 are not accurate. So it's a false economy. But I admire your efforts in trying to solve this problem and I genuinely hope that you are successful.
Well, I use it regularly and have over $120,000 per year in sales. So if you are doing better than that, great!
i pmd a query about not able to pay via paypal 6 months back via dm till now no answer
I’ve had 2 out of 300+ people that had payment issues. The current system is supposed to work without a PayPal account as well.

If it isn’t let me know and I’ll look into adding a new payment method.
Well, I use it regularly and have over $120,000 per year in sales. So if you are doing better than that, great!
Well, that's the last time I apologise for something mate. You bumped your own negative thread.
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Well, that's the last time I apologise for something mate. You bumped your own negative thread.
I’d rather have truth and actual sales numbers than opinions and conjecture as the final comment.

I use the tool everyday for my own investing and for a newsletter that gets sent out to 3,000+ investors and I see firsthand that it does great at valuation everyday.

If you are also getting $100k+ in sales and have run 1,000s of results through it, I’d love to get your opinion as well.
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I’d rather have truth and actual sales numbers than opinions and conjecture as the final comment.

I use the tool everyday for my own investing and for a newsletter that gets sent out to 3,000+ investors and I see firsthand that it does great at valuation everyday.

If you are also getting $100k+ in sales and have run 1,000s of results through it, I’d love to get your opinion as well.
Your customers are always right. Remember that. One unhappy customer is one too many.
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Your customers are always right. Remember that. One unhappy customer is one too many.

The point being that you’ve never been a customer. You are just trolling based on your responses.
The point being that you’ve never been a customer. You are just trolling based on your responses.
I'm not trolling, I'm simply leaving the thread dude. $140000 is a big success. Well done. Chow!
Easy PeePs, a couple of things, I disagree that the product is a waste, just as Esitbot, It has its place within the industry, I like both NameWorth and Estibot both , they offer other useful tool besides just a domain valuation tool, all the automated valuation tools use different algorithms to determine a names value. but many that exist are pretty raw, NameWorth has a nice service IMO, No, i am not affiliated with NameWorth , I don't know who owns the service , or anyone that works for the service.

My other thing is, These services usually use Paypal as their source of payment, it is a recurring subscription, Unless you go into to your Paypal account and Cancel the recurring subscription. anytime you sign up for an online service that has monthly recurring subscription, you will be withdrawn every month, Until you cancel the subscription in your Paypal account.

IMO, and i have used many services that use Paypal and the recurring subscription payment system, the reason these types of services that use automated script tools "May Not' have a fast turnaround on a return customer complaint is because the service or services provided do not require the owner to do anything themselves with the service, they built it, made the scripts to work automatically with out the need for human intervention.

So i do understand your concerns, but keep in mind, the owner of the services have already laid the work for the services to self produce results.
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Easy PeePs, a couple of things, I disagree that the product is a waste, just as Esitbot, It has its place within the industry, I like both NameWorth and Estibot both , they offer other useful tool besides just a domain valuation tool, all the automated valuation tools use different algorithms to determine a names value. but many that exist are pretty raw, NameWorth has a nice service IMO, No, i am not affiliated with NameWorth , I don't know who owns the service , or anyone that works for the service.
Admittedly, I'm having my doubts about Nameworth, and removed any comments about their valuations from my Dan and Sedo listings. My hope is that their tier estimates are correct. My recent experiences lead me to be very skeptical especially about their retail tiers.
The Paypal payment system is also curious, as virtually all the businesses I've dealt with have a way of directly cancelling a subscription service through their website. Hopefully, that will be fixed in the near future.
••• your paypal payment systrm is not working to subscribe and there is no other payment modebis available ,i tried dm u no response ,customer care email no response, can u help or respond
••• your paypal payment systrm is not working to subscribe and there is no other payment modebis available ,i tried dm u no response ,customer care email no response, can u help or respond
Sounds like perhaps it is out of business? Hopefully Garrett can respond here to clarify.
The high valuations in my portfolio cited by NameWorth were very uplifting to me when I first saw them. Those estimates never panned out in sales. And quoting these valuations did not appear to help with sales.
There was a possibility that some prospective buyers were turned off by it. If they started comparing the other valuation tools, such as GoDaddy, Estibot, and Nameworth, some might even have found the variations so questionable that they decided to simply choose a registry name instead. For seasoned investors or determined potential end-users, it might not make much of a difference.

At heart, I very much doubt this was a scam. The owner reportedly had many years of experience in domaining. His his valuation service had potential to be an asset to help sellers and buyers make informed, realistic pricing decisions based on different tiers of timing and need. This individual's experience may have reflected that the prices cited were very possible. With the right domain broker or seller, they may have been good guidelines. However, given all the changes in the market recently, it's hard to say at this point.
Hopefully, we will hear back from him.
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Sounds like perhaps it is out of business?

We're still in business. But if you need help, I suggest using the website because I usually don't catch every post on here. If you are asking for a feature we don't have, it's probably going to take some time especially if there's only 1-2 people asking for it. In this case the customer is asking for a whole new payment provider for their specific situation as the current system is working as expected.

Those estimates never panned out in sales. And quoting these valuations did not appear to help with sales.

Domain sales require you to have patience and be able to accurately assess a name's value. My recent sale below took over 8 years from the time I purchased the domain.

If you are selling a high-value domain, it makes sense to quote a high value appraisal (if the appraisal seems legit). I've seen NameWorth be as accurate in as much as 80%-90% of the time. But if it isn't due to some sort of mistake or partial term that it is picking up, you would need to know enough not to show it in those cases.

On a scale of 1-10, I'd say NameWorth is at about a 6 or 7 now, so you still need to apply some of your own decision making to the pricing process. We had some challenges in August from 3rd party companies that caused us a little bit of a set back, but we should be able to fully recover from that in the next month or two. In the next month or two, it should be up to a 7 or 8, and by the end of 2023 I'd estimate that NameWorth would be up to a 8 or 9 in terms of accuracy.

For most investors that are getting started, I'd say only price your best domains at the NameWorth value or above when it is in the $xx,xxx range. But to get consistent sales and get things moving, price the majority in the lower $x,xxx range. I have about 7,000 domains. I used to sell about 60+ domains for a total of $130k per year. Now, since converting my pricing strategy, I only sell about 15 domains per year for a total of $130k per year. Next, I'm going to get rid of most the domains that I have priced in the low $x,xxx range, because those are the domains costing me the most in renewals because of the sheer quantity while providing the lowest amount of revenue. So this should take me down to probably 4,000-5,000 domains while keeping just the domains I think can sell at $10k or more.

So, I wouldn't judge NameWorth based on the numbers you see being too high, because it's geared towards the higher end of the market, which may, or may not be a good fit for you depending on your situation.

For anyone needing to determine if they should stick with the NameWorth pricing, get the GoDaddy membership and do their Domain Academy. Even if you feel like you know everything already, it will likely give you enough to fine tune what you are doing. Sometimes the NameWorth value is off significantly. In these cases, you fall back on your skills to determine what to keep and what to let go.

An easy solution for this is just running parts of the domain through NameBio. I had a pretty good sounding name that ended in If I look up the term in NameBio, it shows there has never been a sale for a domain ending in So in a case like this, it's obvious you should drop the domain because you don't want to be breaking ground as the first person to sell a domain with a particular keyword especially with renewal prices increasing and the looming recession.

Personally, NameWorth helped me increase the price of indicor(dot)com this summer, which sold in November, 2022 for $29,500. It would have been about a quarter of that amount had it been my price before the NameWorth recommendation. So this one sale would have only been $5,400, rather than $29,500 had it not been for the NameWorth estimate. I don't know about you, but for me that difference was huge. I held this domain since 2014 with 0 offers. Most domains are going to have 0 serious offers until it sells. If a domain is truly worth it, make it sell for your asking price.

Some people say "no appraisals work", and that's the whole reason I created NameWorth in the first place, because I was seeing firsthand that they didn't work. After 20 years of investing, using it has made me better at more objectively looking at domain quality. When I was running the expired domains newsletter it was accurately predicting the highest quality domains of the day up to 80% of the time. I've seen it firsthand with my own eyes, including my recent sale below.

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