
discuss I have lost interest in domaining. What about you?

Spaceship Spaceship


THIS DOMAIN SOLD. Username is not valid.Top Member

I am not feeling ok without sales, my average sales in April total around mid xxx, meantime I spent much more on domain registrations because the domain addiction.

Currently listed around 100 dotcoms with bin $10 but they are are not selling.. . Is it only for me or not?

Please respond only real domainers with portfolios, do not respond affiliated registrar users and marketplace promoters (i do not belive in your reported cctld, new gtld sales for $xx,xxx...). I know what is marketing and understand your sales tactics.

#domainaddiction #domainbusiness

#domaininvesting is not really #investing because you can't liquidate your domains for reg-fee.
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
That’s what happens when you don’t put in effort to learn and know what works. It’s not a get rich quick scheme but surely rewarding if you put in the work.
That’s what happens when you don’t put in effort to learn and know what works. It’s not a get rich quick scheme but surely rewarding if you put in the work.
Everyone wants domaining to be like investing in Bitcoin. Lol

I am not feeling ok without sales, my average sales in April total around mid xxx, meantime I spent much more on domain registrations because the domain addiction.

Currently listed around 100 dotcoms with bin $10 but they are are not selling.. . Is it only for me or not?

Please respond only real domainers with portfolios, do not respond affiliated registrar users and marketplace promoters (i do not belive in your reported cctld, new gtld sales for $xx,xxx...). I know what is marketing and understand your sales tactics.
If you started investing around the time you registered for NP, then it's too early to throw in the towel. I didn't sell my first name for three figures until I was 9 months in. Some take even longer.

Stop buying for now, liquidate what you can, and take some lessons from what you have done to this point. If your names aren't selling, learn why.

Read a lot. Can't emphasize that enough. Watch old episodes of Domain Sherpa, and other shows that review portfolios and talk about what makes a good name and what doesn't. Review sales on DN Journal and NameBio.

Reach out to members on here who you've followed and whose opinions you respect. Many are very helpful, as long as you have the willingness to work and learn without having answers handed to you.
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Domains are mostly an illiquid asset class (there are some exceptions) that you need to look at holding for the long term

You only have 100 domains listed, if you can't even sell them for $10 that says a lot about the quality, or lack off......

I think you need to look at your expectations as they are not realistic.....also stop registering crap.....

I did the same in my first year, less in my second, but still did it and in year 3 have virtually stopped hand regging unless it is in new niches and I am willing to hold them for multiple years

I've seen what you been registering and it's not good, stay away from the reg of day thread as you will get superficial likes that encourage you to register more worthless domains - half the crap in that thread is...crap.....a few people know what their doing in there, most don't......
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Same as equity investing in a startup

Except 95% of startups fail, leaving equity investors with $0.

QUALITY domain names retain their value long after the startup has failed and the so-called "serial entrepreneurs" move on to their next attempt to sell their startup equity to wealthy individuals for cash.
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Except 95% of startups fail, leaving equity investors with $0.

QUALITY domain names retain their value long after the startup has failed and the so-called "serial entrepreneurs" move on to their next attempt to sell their startup equity to wealthy individuals for cash.
I was referring to his misconception about 'investing'. Like the inability to liquidate early means that domaining isn't investing
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I was referring to his misconception about liquidity

Domains are arguably more liquid than startup equity – DNWE.com gets 'er done pretty well!
Domains are arguably more liquid than startup equity – DNWE.com gets 'er done pretty well!
My point.

Meant to say 'investing' though. Corrected that in my post above yours
I'll always be interested in domaining - I'm a logophile at heart :)

As the funny money fiat currencies crash - best to be holding some ultra premium .coms than some of the imaginary numbers called dollars that get printed ad infinitum IMHO
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I'll always be interested in domaining - I'm a logophile at heart :)

As the funny money fiat currencies crash - best to be holding some ultra premium .coms than some of the imaginary numbers called dollars that get printed ad infinitum IMHO
Why don’t you just buy his whole portfolio at 10 each ? I’m sure he must have some domains beyond that value
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You have a domain on your list that I’m interested in. I’ll DM you.
Domaining in of itself is boring. Looking through lists of names, sending out cold emails, waiting for leads to come in, etc. Does not really fill any meaning in life that one needs to motivate or inspire them. However, I look at domaining like an artist looks at a blank canvass. The incredible life changing possibilities that come from quality domains. You have to choose a couple of your domains and create something special. Something that will motivate you and inspire you. And hopefully cover the renewal costs of your domains. If you cannot see the potential a domain has in someone's life or a business then it is probably not worth holding on to. You need to develop a philosophy that creates fire beneath you.

And domains are not like other assets, like gold, money or real estate. You can not liquidate domains in the instant you have an emergency requiring cash. It is a game of patience, waiting, and heightening demand. With the exception of relatively few category liquid domains, popular keywords, 3 letters, coms, etc. But in every case, if you are a highly motivated seller, you will lose money on the deal.
Spend more time to market your domains and less time to chit-chat.
Sell somewhere else - not here. We see all "Resellers" here.
i have too much time invested into this one day this will be my only source of income everyday i learn something new .
you really should wait a while right now the market is somewhat dead even on namepros LLLL.com auctions are taking hours to get few bids that should give you an idea
A couple of your domains are ok. The rest I am not too sure about. Given that you have put in a lot of effort to get this far why not just get rid of most of your domains and concentrate on quality.....maybe do some research and educate yourself more. Even the high quality domains take a while to sell, domaining is a slow business I am afraid and with bad domains you don't have much of chance. Have a 5 year or 10 year plan and don't rush to buy or register moving forward.
2 questions to ask yourself before registering / acquiring domains: Does this domain have a purpose for > audience, consumers ... and can I really afford it to refuse to sell?

I'm also without sales in April...
Were only 2 US inquiries (NYC and California, mid $xxx budget each) and that's all.
can you send me a list of all your domains ?
i right now the market is somewhat dead even on namepros LLLL.com auctions are taking hours to get few bids that should
I think NamePros is a real Industry indicator. I have monitored some domain auctions - low activity low interest rate. That's one of the reasons why I created the thread.
2 questions to ask yourself before registering / acquiring domains: Does this domain have a purpose for > audience, consumers ... and can I really afford it to refuse to sell?
before the reg or catch I make a deep research: similar domain sales on Namebio GoValue, how many taken in other gtlds, how many potential end users, CPC monthly searches...Sometimes I grab the name because it's really cool and such names are sells better..
can you send me a list of all your domains ?
My current list: https://www.reallybigidea.com/2021/03/BusinessNames.html
I'm also without sales in April...
Were only 2 US inquiries (NYC and California, mid $xxx budget each) and that's all.
Thank you for your sales info👍
Sales are always streaky, even with large portfolios.

Not trying to be rude, but I took a look at your registrations and I would say overall the quality is lacking. There are too many hyphens and random terms with limited resale value.

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And you really need to change your landingpages, mate.
Use some of the game leaders. DAN, Afternic, uniregistry, Epik ....

This website you are using is not that much professional designed / coded.
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