
news Covid19-Coronavirus updates and news

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Mister Funsky

Top Member
Having relatives and friends scattered all over the globe, I am getting an overload of input (some on the record and some off the record).

My intention for this thread is for community members from around the world to post first hand stories and/or links to information sources that, for the most part, should be reliable.

In my community, just outside a major southeastern city, 'assets' have been placed. Only because I have friends in both high and low places have I heard about some of this. At this point it is only some basic medical supplies that should be equally distributed anyway in preparation for a natural emergency (hurricane/wildfire/etc.).

I will start with posting a link to a site with current data that seems to come from an aggregate of sources and hope others will do the same as they come across similar sites/pages.

Because of the 'typhoid Mary' spread-ability of this disease, I feel we may be in for a really large spread globally which will impact the global economy and through extension, retail domain prices.

One thing is for sure...things will get worse before they get better.

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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Yes, stress is a killer in more ways than one. As my signature states, the [ignore] feature is an awesome thing! But after time it becomes easy to recognize those that have nothing to contribute and I've developed the ability to skip over those posts without seeing a single word unless I choose to...it is actually a good mental exercise that ultimately strengthens self control a bit.

Please visit and post info in this thread often. There are several contributors here that take the time to post relevant and informative articles and they are very much appreciated.

Miracles can happen, sometimes taking a break from the routines of the day and a change in the surroundings can have a very positive effect on the mind and the body.

I am going to take a break and take it easy for a while so that I can concentrate more on my health issues.

Good luck to everyone here, lets hope that the new approach and policies can help end the Pandemic soon.

PS: Sorry to hear about Larry King, if everyone cooperates in abiding by the Pandemic safety and precaution guidelines and protocols perhaps a lot of these deaths could be avoided.

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As usual if you are a celeb, you die by the numbers


Larry ‘King’, not his real surname, is dead on the 23rd day of 2021.


In light of him being born in ’33, and dead at 87, I have feeling this ritual is for the most famous “King” on the planet right now, King James, aka LeBron James.


King is dead 65 days after his birthday, on a 65 date numerology, and supposedly from Covid / Coronavirus.

11/23/2021 = 11+23+20+21 = 65 *Pandemic = 65

Read more about Larry King’s covid diagnosis by the numbers.

You’ll notice he is dead 21 days after his January 21, 2021 diagnosis.

Jesuit = 21 (’21)


Larry King hospitalized with coronavirus, January 2, 2021
Celebrity Coronavirus Entertainment News


Larry King has the coronavirus, eh?



I spy another 56.



And it’s not looking good for Larry, this news coming 44 days after his birthday, on a 44 date numerology.

1/2/2021 = 1+2+20+21 = 44





Let’s over that before Larry goes, he can reveal the truth about his Dave Dave interview after Michael Jackson’s reported passing, who also kicked the bucket at Cedars Sinai Medical Center.
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Sri Lanka Minister who promoted 'Covid syrup' tests positive

Sri Lanka's health minister, who endorsed herbal syrup to prevent Covid, has tested positive for the virus.

Pavithra Wanniarachchi tested positive on Friday, a media secretary at the Ministry of Health told the BBC.

She had promoted the syrup, manufactured by a shaman who claimed it worked as a life-long inoculation against the virus.

Sri Lanka Minister who promoted 'Covid syrup' tests positive

Sri Lanka's health minister, who endorsed herbal syrup to prevent Covid, has tested positive for the virus.

Pavithra Wanniarachchi tested positive on Friday, a media secretary at the Ministry of Health told the BBC.

She had promoted the syrup, manufactured by a shaman who claimed it worked as a life-long inoculation against the virus.


Should have endorsed HCQ as a prophylactic :ROFL:
I just wanted to comment about this. Every health professional in my family, those I interact with on a personal/friend level and those I speak with on a regular basis due to my health issues (including a top researcher at Duke) say the same thing. Vitamin D is VERY important in preventing/battling covid19.

The sun is one of my favorite things and if I am not on the computer or sleeping, I am outside...even when it is freezing (exposing my face/hands to the sun). On a weekly basis, since childhood, I drink 1 to 2 gallons of whole milk (grew up next to a dairy farm and got free fresh milk daily if I cared to hike through the fields). Of course I take a multivitamin daily and I also take a low dose Vitamin D tablet 12 hours after the multi.

Other things I consume are mass quantities of anti-oxidants, blueberries and broccoli. The vaccine will be part of my routine (likely it will be necessary on a yearly basis) but I will continue to do the best I can to feed my body the building blocks it needs. Stay well my friends and have a stalk of broccoli with dinner tonight! :xf.smile:

Recruitment is currently underway for a new trial. Recruitment is expected to be completed in April 2021:

COvid-19 and high-dose VITamin D supplementation TRIAL in high-risk older patients (COVIT-TRIAL): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

COVIT-TRIAL is to our knowledge the first randomized controlled trial testing the effect of vitamin D supplementation on the prognosis of COVID-19 in high-risk older patients. High-dose vitamin D supplementation may be an effective, well-tolerated, and easily and immediately accessible treatment for COVID-19, the incidence of which increases dramatically and for which there are currently no scientifically validated treatments.

Recruitment is currently underway for a new trial. Recruitment is expected to be completed in April 2021:

COvid-19 and high-dose VITamin D supplementation TRIAL in high-risk older patients (COVIT-TRIAL): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

COVIT-TRIAL is to our knowledge the first randomized controlled trial testing the effect of vitamin D supplementation on the prognosis of COVID-19 in high-risk older patients. High-dose vitamin D supplementation may be an effective, well-tolerated, and easily and immediately accessible treatment for COVID-19, the incidence of which increases dramatically and for which there are currently no scientifically validated treatments.


vitamin D is a popular one
vitamin D is a popular one

I highly doubt it will be a magic bullet, but may help some people fight the infection.
The race for a COVID-19 vaccine, explained [WHO]

As of December 2020, there are over 200 vaccine candidates for COVID-19 being developed. Of these, at least 52 candidate vaccines are in human trials. There are several others currently in phase I/II, which will enter phase III in the coming months (for more information on the clinical trial phases, see part three of our Vaccine Explained series).

Why are there so many vaccines in development?
Typically, many vaccine candidates will be evaluated before any are found to be both safe and effective. For example, of all the vaccines that are studied in the lab and laboratory animals, roughly 7 out of every 100 will be considered good enough to move into clinical trials in humans. Of the vaccines that do make it to clinical trials, just one in five is successful. Having lots of different vaccines in development increases the chances that there will be one or more successful vaccines that will be shown to be safe and efficacious for the intended prioritized populations.

Read on...


This article is part four in a series of explainers on vaccine development and distribution.
Part one focused on how vaccines work to protect our bodies from disease-carrying germs.
Part two focused on the ingredients in a vaccine and the three clinical trial phases.
Part three focused on the steps from completing the clinical trial phases through to distribution.
Autumn COVID-19 surge dates in Europe correlated to latitudes, not to temperature-humidity, pointing to vitamin D as contributing factor.

To determine the factor triggering the sudden surge of daily new COVID-19 cases arising in most European countries during the autumn of 2020. The dates of the surge were determined using a fitting of the two last months of reported daily new cases in 18 European countries with latitude ranging from 39° to 62°. The study proves no correlation between the country surge date and the 2 weeks preceding temperature or humidity but shows an impressive linear correlation with latitude. The country surge date corresponds to the time when its sun UV daily dose drops below ≈ 34% of that of 0° latitude. Introducing reported seasonal blood 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration variation into the reported link between acute respiratory tract infection risk and 25(OH)D concentration quantitatively explains the surge dynamics. Several studies have already substantiated a 25(OH)D concentration impact on COVID-19 severity. However, by comparing different patient populations, discriminating whether a low 25(OH)D concentration is a real factor underlying COVID-19 severity or only a marker of another weakness that is the primary severity factor can be challenging. The date of the surge is an intrapopulation observation and has the benefit of being triggered only by a parameter globally affecting the population, i.e. decreases in the sun UV daily dose. The results indicate that a low 25(OH)D concentration is a contributing factor to COVID-19 severity, which, combined with previous studies, provides a convincing set of evidence.

Colchicine reduces the risk of COVID-19-related complications
January 23, 2021

Positive results from COLCORONA trial show that colchicine is the only effective oral medication for treating non-hospitalized patients

MONTREAL, January 22, 2021 – The Montreal Heart Institute (MHI) announced today that the COLCORONA clinical trial has provided clinically persuasive results of colchicine’s efficacy to treat COVID-19. The study results have shown that colchicine has reduced by 21% the risk of death or hospitalizations in patients with COVID-19 compared to placebo. This result obtained for the global study population of 4488 patients approached statistical significance. The analysis of the 4159 patients in whom the diagnosis of COVID-19 was proven by a naso-pharyngeal PCR test has shown that the use of colchicine was associated with statistically significant reductions in the risk of death or hospitalization compared to placebo. In these patients with a proven diagnosis of COVID-19, colchicine reduced hospitalizations by 25%, the need for mechanical ventilation by 50%, and deaths by 44%. This major scientific discovery makes colchicine the world’s first oral drug that could be used to treat non-hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

Current Covid19 death numbers as of 9:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus). If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 2,132,164
United States: 427,637
Brazil: 216,475
South Africa: 40,574
United Kingdom: 97,329
Canada: 18,974
Mexico: 149,084
Poland: 35,363
Russia: 69,462
India: 153,433
Bolivia: 9,927
Japan : 4,935
Indonesia: 27,835
Italy: 85,162
Spain: 55,441
Belgium: 20,726
France: 72,877
Netherlands: 13,510
Chile: 17,854
Philippines: 10,242
Dogs are awesome.

Czech trainers teach dogs to sniff out COVID

The team of dog trainers are working in their own time and report a 95-percent success rate in COVID-19 detection in samples of human scent.

"The study is designed to verify dogs' ability to detect COVID-19 and generate a method enabling the use of trained dogs in combatting the pandemic," project head Gustav Hotovy told AFP.

"The method should also work with other diseases, even more lethal than COVID-19," Hotovy said.

Dogs are awesome.

Czech trainers teach dogs to sniff out COVID

The team of dog trainers are working in their own time and report a 95-percent success rate in COVID-19 detection in samples of human scent.

"The study is designed to verify dogs' ability to detect COVID-19 and generate a method enabling the use of trained dogs in combatting the pandemic," project head Gustav Hotovy told AFP.

"The method should also work with other diseases, even more lethal than COVID-19," Hotovy said.


Yes, dogs are awesome!

I've heard that they can detect cancers in a similar fashion.

This will be an amazing tool for detecting infections in high-traffic places like airports and subways in real-time.
In these pandemic times, disease detection technology is crucial to a country’s ability to control an outbreak. Today in our Sunday special report, we turn to an unconventional technology for sniffing out disease: dogs! Researchers are exploring the potential of detection dogs, finding them to be useful in the screening of diseases like COVID and even cancer. Researchers are also experimenting with robotic systems that can act in a similar way to detection dogs. These robots and detection dogs open up new possibilities for countries seeking to screen for contagion and protect their borders.

Current Covid19 death numbers as of 8:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus). If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 2,140,577
United States: 429,490
Brazil: 217,081
South Africa: 40,874
United Kingdom: 97,939
Canada: 19,094
Mexico: 149,614
Poland: 35,401
Russia: 69,918
India: 153,508
Bolivia: 9,985
Japan : 5,019
Indonesia: 28,132
Italy: 85,461
Spain: 55,441
Belgium: 20,779
France: 73,049
Netherlands: 13,540
Chile: 17,933
Philippines: 10,292
COVID-19 warnings were on Twitter well before the outbreak of the pandemic

Even before public announcements of the first cases of COVID-19 in Europe were made, at the end of January 2020, signals that something strange was happening were already circulating on social media. A new study of researchers at IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, published in Scientific Reports, has identified tracks of increasing concern about pneumonia cases on posts published on Twitter in seven countries, between the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020. The analysis of the posts shows that the "whistleblowing" came precisely from the geographical regions where the primary outbreaks later developed.

To conduct the research, the authors first created a unique database with all the messages posted on Twitter containing the keyword "pneumonia" in the seven most spoken languages of the European Union - English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, and Dutch - from December 2014 until 1 March 2020. The word "pneumonia" was chosen because the disease is the most severe condition induced by the SARS-CoV-2, and also because the 2020 flu season was milder than the previous ones, so there was no reason to think it to be responsible for all the mentions and worries. The researchers then made a number of adjustments and corrections to the posts in the database to avoid overestimating the number of tweets mentioning pneumonia between December 2019 and January 2020, that is to say in the weeks between the World Health Organization (WHO) announcement that the first "cases of pneumonia of unknown etiology" had been identified - on 31 December 2019 - and the official recognition of COVID19 as a serious transmissible disease, on 21 January 2020. In particular, all the tweets and retweets containing links to news about the emerging virus were eliminated from the database to exclude from the count the mass media coverage of the emerging pandemic.
The Coronavirus 10 Times More Deadly Than Covid

"Researchers are working to prevent a dangerous coronavirus – Mers – from jumping from camels to humans again. But climate change is making their job more difficult. Seventy-five percent of the newly emerging diseases currently affecting people originate in animals. Scientists have identified 1,200 new zoonotic, or animal-borne, diseases. But estimate there are some 700,000 more zoonotic diseases we don’t even know about yet. "

I highly doubt it will be a magic bullet, but may help some people fight the infection.

vitamin D is a popular one

Vitamin D deficiency and co-morbidities in COVID-19 patients – A fatal relationship?

"The calculated COVID-19 mortality rate from 12 European countries shows a significant (P = .046) inverse correlation with the mean 25(OH)D plasma concentration [9]."

(P values of .05 and less mean there is evidence for correlation)

There is a statistical correlation.

Some areas show that nearly all the older people who weren't strong enough to make it were deficient.
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The Coronavirus 10 Times More Deadly Than Covid

"Researchers are working to prevent a dangerous coronavirus – Mers – from jumping from camels to humans again. But climate change is making their job more difficult. Seventy-five percent of the newly emerging diseases currently affecting people originate in animals. Scientists have identified 1,200 new zoonotic, or animal-borne, diseases. But estimate there are some 700,000 more zoonotic diseases we don’t even know about yet. "


I've spent a few days with camels in Aus.
Kudos to anyone game enough to stick a swab up their nose. They're not happy campers ;)
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Moderna announces vaccine upgrades to protect against emerging variants


"The upgrades will be designed to better protect against the different strains and could be used as a booster shot."

"Moderna is tweaking its coronavirus vaccine to make it more effective against emerging variants of the virus, the company announced Monday.

The upgrades will be designed to better protect against the different strains and could be used as a booster shot. The announcement comes as scientists around the world scramble to get ahead of a constantly mutating virus that has already killed more than 2 million people worldwide.

“As we seek to defeat the Covid-19 virus, which has created a worldwide pandemic, we believe it is imperative to be proactive as the virus evolves,” Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel said in a statement.

Moderna said its existing vaccine is effective against a more contagious variant that is thought to have emerged in the United Kingdom. But the vaccine was less protective against a strain that was first reported in South Africa. An early study found that with the South African variant, the level of antibodies produced from the vaccine diminished sixfold, according to the company."
Attention to this drug:

Science Magazine confirms efficacy of PharmaMar's Plitidepsin against COVID-19


"A study carried out in vitro and in vivo by a team of scientists in New York, San Francisco and Paris showed the drug leads to a reduction of viral replication, resulting in a 99% reduction of viral loads in the lungs of plitidepsin-treated animals, the Science paper reported, according to a PharmaMar statement. “We believe that our data and the initial positive results from PharmaMar’s clinical trial suggests that plitidepsin should be strongly considered for expanded clinical trials for the treatment of COVID-19,” Science said."


Plitidepsin has potent preclinical efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 by targeting the host protein eEF1A



"SARS-CoV-2 viral proteins interact with the eukaryotic translation machinery and inhibitors of translation have potent antiviral effects. Here we report that the drug plitidepsin (aplidin), which has limited clinical approval, possesses antiviral activity (IC90 = 0.88 nM) 27.5-fold more potent than remdesivir against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro, with limited toxicity in cell culture. Through the use of a drug resistant mutant, we show that the antiviral activity of plitidepsin against SARS-CoV-2 is mediated through inhibition of the known target eEF1A. We demonstrate the in vivo efficacy of plitidepsin treatment in two mouse models of SARS-CoV-2 infection with a reduction of viral replication in the lungs by two orders of magnitude using prophylactic treatment. Our results indicate that plitidepsin is a promising therapeutic candidate for COVID-19."
Current Covid19 death numbers as of 9:00 am EST are below, primarily from the source in the original post (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus). If your country of interest is not listed below, simply go to the link above to do a search for relevant information.

Total: 2,152,433
United States: 431,397
Brazil: 217,712
South Africa: 41,117
United Kingdom: 98,531
Canada: 19,238
Mexico: 150,273
Poland: 35,665
Russia: 70,482
India: 153,644
Bolivia: 10,051
Japan : 5,084
Indonesia: 28,468
Italy: 85,881
Spain: 56,208
Belgium: 20,814
France: 73,494
Netherlands: 13,579
Chile: 18,023
Philippines: 10,386
Regeneron's antibody cocktail effective in preventing Covid-19, company says


"Pharmaceuticals said on Tuesday its antibody cocktail was effective in preventing Covid-19 in people exposed to those infected with the new coronavirus, based on interim results from a late-stage study.

The two-antibody cocktail, REGEN-COV, caused a 100 percent reduction in symptomatic infection and roughly 50 percent lower overall rates of infection, based on an analysis of about 400 participants in the trial who had a household member with Covid-19.

REGEN-COV may be able to provide immediate passive immunity to those at high risk of infection, in contrast to active vaccines that take weeks to provide protection, the company said.

“These data using REGEN-COV as a passive vaccine suggest that it may both reduce transmission of the virus as well as reduce viral and disease burden in those who still get infected,” said George Yancopoulos, president and chief scientific officer of Regeneron."
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Nasal spray that 'stops coronavirus' could be in shops by summer after being developed in Birmingham

The University of Birmingham has developed a nasal spray which it says "protects against coronavirus and prevents transmission".

Researchers say the spray protects against COVID-19 and can also prevent the virus being passed from person to person.

Dr Richard Moakes, from the University of Birmingham, says his formula could help bring the UK out of crippling lockdown restrictions.

Dr Moakes told the Telegraph : “As an over the shelf product, we have spoken to companies with a presence on the high street as we think they could distribute it effectively.

“I am confident that the formulation can make an impact. Our goal is to make an impact as soon as possible, we would really like to see this happen by summer.”

They believe using the spray four times a day would be enough for general protection, and that it is safe to be applied every 20 minutes if in a high-risk, densely populated environment such as schools.

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