
discuss Domain Myths and Lies

Spaceship Spaceship


Top Member
I'd like to start this thread with the statement I hear so often from "so called" professionals in the domain industry, "All the Good Domains, especially the .coms are already taken"

This couldn't be further from the truth:xf.confused: Having started, operated and yes NAMED dozens of businesses in my lifetime, I know better. Regardless of the business you're looking to start, chances are I can find or locate a name that's more than satisfactory to run/operate your business within an hour. Seriously, naming a business isn't rocket science, but to listen to those who make a living from the domain industry, they would like for you to think it is:xf.rolleyes:

Having discovered this industry just a little over two years ago, I've hand registered a couple thousand names of which I still own a little over a thousand of which 80% are more than satisfactory for running a business.

Other myths to discuss;

"Shorter is better"

"Older is better"

"New gTLD's are garbage"

Please feel free to chime in. Thanks
The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
Just one more thing Joe....i'm known to be a pretty good judge of character, and while we've never met personally, I know for sure we could never work together, and there's something about you that I just don't trust. You've shown your colors to me, and I don't like what I see/read:xf.frown:

Joe has been nothing but cordial and has simply asked questions.
You are extremely disrespectful.

Just one more thing Joe....i'm known to be a pretty good judge of character, and while we've never met personally, I know for sure we could never work together, and there's something about you that I just don't trust. You've shown your colors to me, and I don't like what I see/read:xf.frown:
Can you clarify, Rich? I haven't had that type of feedback from anyone else, but I'm always open to self-improvement.
Joe has been nothing but cordial and has simply asked questions.
You are extremely disrespectful.


"You are extremely disrespectful.":ROFL:.......and you're not:ROFL::ROFL::ROFL:
I would like to say that @Joe Nichols in this thread, and others, has been, in my opinion, the model of reasoned, respectful language. His questions have focussed on something that is important for many of us (OK me at least :xf.wink:, but I am pretty sure there are others on NamePros too!) to apply: it is always critical to ask ourselves more than is this a name I like or could see someone using, but to also ask how many similarly good (in the view of end users) other options are out there and to reflect on what aspects make some names better than others.

I think we can all have different views of things, but your comment about Joe is unwarranted in my opinion.

I would like to say that @Joe Nichols in this thread, and others, has been, in my opinion, the model of reasoned, respectful language. His questions have focussed on something that is important for many of us (OK me at least :xf.wink:, but I am pretty sure there are others on NamePros too!) to apply: it is always critical to ask ourselves more than is this a name I like or could see someone using, but to also ask how many similarly good (in the view of end users) other options are out there and to reflect on what aspects make some names better than others.

I think we can all have different views of things, but your comment about Joe is unwarranted in my opinion.

Bob my friend...that's your opinion and I have mine. I deserve to be questioned, but questioned on everything I say is beyond the pail imho. Have you ever been in a class where one student dominates the class by asking one question after another, and the professor can't teach for all the noise. Regardless of whether it's being done on purpose, it's obnoxious and I refuse to give him any more of my time. Thanks
Bob my friend...that's your opinion and I have mine. I deserve to be questioned, but questioned on everything I say is beyond the pail imho. Have you ever been in a class where one student dominates the class by asking one question after another, and the professor can't teach for all the noise. Regardless of whether it's being done on purpose, it's obnoxious and I refuse to give him any more of my time. Thanks
I've been in a class like that. Heck, I've been that student! Teachers are usually only bothered by it when they don't have the answers, and frustration with the inquisitive student is typically a defense mechanism.

I have an analytical mind, which often means having a desire to break down ideas / statements / arguments into separate components, trying to understand them individually, and then building them back together to form a complete picture that makes sense to me. I can definitely see how that can be viewed as an attack, or as obnoxious behaviour, and I sincerely apologize to you Rich if my questions felt that way.

When trying to understand your ideas and strategies, is there something I could be doing differently to make the questions less offensive? Would it be better to limit myself to one question per post?
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Have you ever been in a class where one student dominates the class by asking one question after another, and the professor can't teach for all the noise.
I have certainly been in classes where a few students liked to be very active in discussions. But as long as everyone is respectful and contributing I am totally good. Many of the best classes go somewhere bright student' imaginations and interests take them, rather than some pre-determined path. Classes, in my humble opinion, should always be about learning not teaching, so if questions get in the way of a teaching plan, more often than not, that is actually good.

On NamePros we often have different viewpoints and that is totally how it should be. If you dig you will find a really extended back and forth @Joe Nichols and I had one day a number of months ago (sorry can't immediately find it in search but remember it). Someone commented that it was great to see respect and solid points on two sides of an argument despite neither of us giving an inch in our views. I presume Joe still thinks he was right and I do too :-P.

I hope you will rethink a little your opinion @ThatNameGuy but I totally respect your right to the view, of course. Many threads involve someone needing to justify many parts of their view. You should, in my opinion, welcome the opportunity to explain your thinking.

Anyway, once more I would thank @Joe Nichols for what I see as a master class in positive discussion in this thread.

Have a good day everyone :xf.smile:.

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I have certainly been in classes where a few students liked to be very active in discussions. But as long as everyone is respectful and contributing I am totally good. Many of the best classes go somewhere bright student' imaginations and interests take them, rather than some pre-determined path. Classes, in my humble opinion, should always be about learning not teaching, so if questions get in the way of a teaching plan, more often than not, that is actually good.

On NamePros we often have different viewpoints and that is totally how it should be. If you dig you will find a really extended back and forth @Joe Nichols and I had one day a number of months ago (sorry can't immediately find it in search but remember it). Someone commented that it was great to see respect and solid points on two sides of an argument despite neither of us giving an inch in our views. I presume Joe still thinks he was right and I do too :-P.

I hope you will rethink a little your opinion @ThatNameGuy but I totally respect your right to the view, of course. Many threads involve someone needing to justify many parts of their view. You should, in my opinion, welcome the opportunity to explain your thinking.

Anyway, once more I would thank @Joe Nichols for what I see as a master class in positive discussion in this thread.

Have a good day everyone :xf.smile:.

Thanks Bob. Much appreciated feedback from the true master of respectful discourse.

I completely share those sentiments. True learning begins when we're taken off the beaten path and forced to challenge our pre-conceived views of the world. Having our opinions questioned should not be feared, but embraced.

@ThatNameGuy - Here's hoping that you're willing to keep digging into your ideas. Like I said, if I can do anything to phrase my questions in less obnoxious ways, just let me know.

@Bob Hawkes - I believe I found the discussion you mentioned:
Unless there was an older one that I'm forgetting.
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I have certainly been in classes where a few students liked to be very active in discussions. But as long as everyone is respectful and contributing I am totally good. Many of the best classes go somewhere bright student' imaginations and interests take them, rather than some pre-determined path. Classes, in my humble opinion, should always be about learning not teaching, so if questions get in the way of a teaching plan, more often than not, that is actually good.

On NamePros we often have different viewpoints and that is totally how it should be. If you dig you will find a really extended back and forth @Joe Nichols and I had one day a number of months ago (sorry can't immediately find it in search but remember it). Someone commented that it was great to see respect and solid points on two sides of an argument despite neither of us giving an inch in our views. I presume Joe still thinks he was right and I do too :-P.

I hope you will rethink a little your opinion @ThatNameGuy but I totally respect your right to the view, of course. Many threads involve someone needing to justify many parts of their view. You should, in my opinion, welcome the opportunity to explain your thinking.

Anyway, once more I would thank @Joe Nichols for what I see as a master class in positive discussion in this thread.

Have a good day everyone :xf.smile:.

Well, the repetitive questioning can definately be a form of "bullying" even if done with "respectful discourse." It seems to me the questioning was done to antagonize and chastise more than learn. I am actually quite surprised you didn't pick up on that. As someone who has been bullied yourself you should consider more than a one sided approach IMO. Consider how you would feel if you were @ThatNameGuy?
Unless there was an older one that I'm forgetting.
Thanks but the one I am remembering was older and around idea of hand regging and selling for low to mid $$$ as a possible domain investing model.
Well, the repetitive questioning can definately be a form of "bullying" even if done with "respectful discourse." It seems to me the questioning was done to antagonize and chastise more than learn. I am actually quite surprised you didn't pick up on that. As someone who has been bullied yourself you should consider more than a one sided approach IMO. Consider how you would feel if you were @ThatNameGuy?
Thanks, I didn't realize the questions were repetitive. Sometimes they get missed, and I ask them again (or in different ways) because I'm sincerely interested in the answer. I'll try to be aware of that, and hopefully @ThatNameGuy will let me know if there's anything else I can do to phrase my questions in less offensive ways.
Well, the repetitive questioning can definately be a form of "bullying" even if done with "respectful discourse." It seems to me the questioning was done to antagonize and chastise more than learn. I am actually quite surprised you didn't pick up on that.
I agree repetitive questions or sarcasm masked as questions can be a form of bullying. I don't share your view of Joe's questions in this thread. I just reread the entire thread as it applied to anything Joe wrote and how it was answered. It seems to me Joe was seeking important points and went out of his way in doing so in an unconfrontational way.

We all can sometimes see what we want in a thread. I am not trying to take any side, and hope both regard me as supportive and an online friend. I like the inventiveness of new ideas @ThatNameGuy presents at times, and respect his past business success and connections, but I also value the logical critical approach to questions that @Joe Nichols has used not just here but with other people in other threads.

I value your views and NamePros contributions @Internet.Domains. Thank you for expressing it here, even though my reading is different.

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I agree repetitive questions or sarcasm masked as questions can be a form of bullying. I don't share your view of Joe's questions in this thread. I just reread the entire thread as it applied to anything Joe wrote and how it was answered. It seems to me Joe was seeking important points and went out of his way in doing so in an unconfrontational way.

We all can sometimes see what we want in a thread. I am not trying to take any side, and hope both regard me as supportive and an online friend. I like the inventiveness of new ideas @ThatNameGuy presents at times, and respect his past business success and connections, but I also value the logical critical approach to questions that @Joe Nichols has used not just here but with other people in other threads.

I value your views and NamePros contributions @Internet.Domains. Thank you for expressing it here, even though my reading is different.

Theres nothing wrong with @Joe Nichols "logical" approach to domaining. At the same time there is nothing wrong with @ThatNameGuy free spirit, go with the gut, approach.

Domaining can be a science to some and an art to others. I just hope that the differing sides can debate and share the different approaches without piling on top of each other, which is the direction I saw this thread going. My apologies, but it seemed this thread was piling on @ThatNameGuy.

Moving forward I respect both @Joe Nichols for his logical (scientific) approach and also @ThatNameGuy for his free spirit (artful) approach. Let's continue to encourage the different approaches as the clock continues to move forward.
I agree repetitive questions or sarcasm masked as questions can be a form of bullying. I don't share your view of Joe's questions in this thread. I just reread the entire thread as it applied to anything Joe wrote and how it was answered. It seems to me Joe was seeking important points and went out of his way in doing so in an unconfrontational way.

We all can sometimes see what we want in a thread. I am not trying to take any side, and hope both regard me as supportive and an online friend. I like the inventiveness of new ideas @ThatNameGuy presents at times, and respect his past business success and connections, but I also value the logical critical approach to questions that @Joe Nichols has used not just here but with other people in other threads.

I value your views and NamePros contributions @Internet.Domains. Thank you for expressing it here, even though my reading is different.

Bob...Joe Nichols has little to no respect for me, and I see him as one of the cabal who has tried in vain to get me booted from NP practically ever since I arrived here 24 months ago. You do know there are those who don't want me around? Like I said earlier, I don't have ALL the answers, but I do have some OK ideas of how better to monetize domains. Remember a few months ago when we were trying to create a better secondary market for the 98% of domains that are hoarded, year after year, after year?

I've always believed there's a better way to do and accomplish most things in life. Total Quality Management "TQM" taught me years ago there's ALWAYS a better way. Unfortunately, not everyone agrees with that, and they're either jealous or they're conspirators who don't like me working to affect change in the domain industry. That's the way I see it, and I think that's the way Internet.Domains sees it too:xf.wink:

Cabal Definition;
  1. a small group of persons joined in a secret, often political, intrigue; junta
  2. the intrigues of such a group; plot
ps. i do know for a FACT, the Cabal exists
Marek...unfortunately the young man who was developing the site for me had to stop and pay attention to his catering business in Joburg, SA. I'd agreed to pay him a commission 30% of all sales made and make him a 30% partner in my business once we started making sales. I think he just spent maybe a few days doing what you see, and it's less than 50% complete as far as I can tell. For what it's worth he said he can start up again in January, but he knew I probably couldn't wait on him:xf.frown:

He also wanted to develop a couple of my ideas, especially GourmetOlympics.com that has global appeal. Can you imagine a global cuisine competition? With him being in the catering business, this would have been right up his alley.

As for my domains and landers...supposedly I kicked GD hard enough in the ass, they'll start paying more attention to me. I'm getting to be know in the domain industry, and anyone in their right mind doesn't want to be screwing with me. Make sense?

Thanks again Marek, and I'd luv to visit you in Prague some day.

This is such a horrible idea that will never work, probably worthy of it's own thread. The paying of 30% for somebody to make a site for you. You probably would be better off just paying for something like Efty, will save you money over the long term.

I think your pride/ego is getting in the way of you being successful with this business. People have tried to help you for 2 years now. You are not hands on enough for this business.

The routine is pretty easy to figure out:

Hand reg domains at GoDaddy and then...............do absolutely nothing. We can debate the quality of your hand regs all day long but you're simply not getting the part that comes after. Right now, they're all default GoDaddy pages which are horrible landing pages, and somebody would have to pay about $70 just to make you an offer. That alone would kill any potential sales.

I'm not sure why you're talking to GoDaddy, they're not supposed to sell your domains for you, or list them in their marketplace. You wanting to pay, what was it, 60%, 75%, some ridiculous number for somebody to sell your domains or chasing Rob around the forum hoping he'll do it for you, is not going to work either.

These are things you should be able to handle yourself. Login or open an account at GoDaddy, Sedo, Afterenic. Then it's copy and paste your names into a box, follow the simple instructions. Set them all to Make Offer just to get up and running, you can go back later to add Buy Nows if you want. You could have this done today.

Landing pages, if you want to do something quick until you figure out what you want to do. Pick a parking company, let's pick Voodoo. Upload domains, then mass update nameservers. Your landing pages could all have forms, or PPC ads, you choose. Also, stats on which names are getting traffic.

You should have learned how to do this by now.

This is how your current landing pages look like - http://cheesecakerealty.com/?reqp=1&reqr=
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Domain myths and lies:

do know for a FACT, the Cabal exists

Rich, just when @Internet.Domains is asking for respect and understanding on both sides you come up with this... C'mon man... let's not drag this into the discussion again. If you want to discuss what bothers you, feel free to DM. I know we don't always see eye to eye but I did enjoy our private conversation last time. My door is always open to a branding enthousiast!
Domain myths and lies:

Rich, just when @Internet.Domains is asking for respect and understanding on both sides you come up with this... C'mon man... let's not drag this into the discussion again. If you want to discuss what bothers you, feel free to DM. I know we don't always see eye to eye but I did enjoy our private conversation last time. My door is always open to a branding enthousiast!
Too funny:ROFL:...you just don't know. I didn't start, operate and NAME a business Inquisitor Investigations because i needed to know who my neighbors are.....they need to know who I am:xf.wink:
Too funny:ROFL:...you just don't know. I didn't start, operate and NAME a business Inquisitor Investigations because i needed to know who my neighbors are.....they need to know who I am:xf.wink:

No worries. Just keep it in mind.
I have to agree with JB Lions The idea that someone should do 'most'of the work for a 30% return of your holdings as potential sales, seems a bit amiss to me.given the domains your offering him to work with

As Brands International has already kindly pointed out 'DomainGourmet.com' is/was in part build by someone, at least willing to offer a hand. Perhaps since realizing this might not be a good idea

It may enlighten a few members here just to look at those lists so far showing at DomainGourmet.com to come to their own conclusions about ThatNameGuy's own ability to offer anything from his end.

I'm not inviting personal comments of individual domains or concepts - Just to get a picture of the futility of trying to get through to someone who is clearly working outside of any workable concepts regarding ANY alternatives to domain selling.or sensible domain registrations

As I've said before it is only a matter of time before ThatNameGuy says He's out of here, blaming everyone else for his failure
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I have to agree with JB Lions The idea that someone should do 'most'of the work for a 30% return of your holdings as potential sales, seems a bit amiss to me.given the domains your offering him to work with

As Brands International has already kindly pointed out 'DomainGourmet.com' is/was in part build by someone, at least willing to offer a hand. Perhaps since realizing this might not be a good idea

It may enlighten a few members here just to look at those lists so far showing at DomainGourmet.com to come to their own conclusions about ThatNameGuy's own ability to offer anything from his end.

I'm not inviting personal comments of individual domains or concepts - Just to get a picture of the futility of trying to get through to someone who is clearly working outside of any workable concepts regarding ANY alternatives to domain selling.or sensible domain registrations

As I've said before it is only a matter of time before ThatNameGuy says He's out of here, blaming everyone else for his failure
Oh thanks for your kind words:xf.wink: As an fyi, the few names that are listed on Domain Gourmet have either expired or are soon to expire, and most likely will not be renewed. Do you care to know why? I didn't think so. If you're the JB of the UK, I really feel sorry for you. Much to your chagrin Bailey, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon so you have a lot more of me to look forward to.

Maybe you'll see me at the GourmetOlympics.com or when you come to NY I'll sign a copy of SavorManhattan.com for you to put on on your tea table back home. Or maybe when you make it stateside to Virginia Beach, I can take you and JB to dinner at JumboLumpDaddys.com...that is if you know anything about crab meat. You're so much fun Bailey...even for a Brit:xf.rolleyes: Cheers!
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There's no cabal here. In fact, I've watched as many folks have come and gone trying to rescue you from yourself. I also guarantee that you're the most ignored member of NP. As far as the reason I'm here, well, I come for the laughs now.
There's no cabal here. In fact, I've watched as many folks have come and gone trying to rescue you from yourself. I also guarantee that you're the most ignored member of NP. As far as the reason I'm here, well, I come for the laughs now.
I'm glad you find me entertaining....most people do, even the ones who have me on ignore:xf.laugh:

Back on topic, lets talk about another Myth, "Older is Better". Hint, domains get "old" for a reason, and unlike Scotch, an aging domain is just an aging domain. They don't get better with time, like old cowboys, they just fade away:xf.wink:
Back on topic, lets talk about another Myth, "Older is Better". Hint, domains get "old" for a reason, and unlike Scotch, an aging domain is just an aging domain. They don't get better with time, like old cowboys, they just fade away:xf.wink:
I think there are some misunderstandings about domain age. Best way to think of it is this: A name isn't good because it's old; it's old because it's good.
Well this got sadly controversial... Regardless great tips guys, these are all very interesting to read!
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