
Turning lemons into lemonade

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What best describes your approach to lemons?

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  • This poll is still running and the standings may change.

Rob Monster

Founder of EpikTop Member
Epik Founder
From time to time, I feel moved to start a thread that I think might help one person in particular. However, considering the collective wisdom of many independent thinkers, this might also help others. This thread is about turning lemons into lemonade. As a self-described incurable optimist, it is one of my favorite topics. In my experience, the folks who figure this out early are better off than the ones who never learn it.

As context, on NamePros, I have met lots of cool people, some of whom have really amazing life stories. In fact, in 2019 alone, I have gotten to know many people here whom I now consider to be my trusted friends whose advice I keenly observe and in some of whom I now blindly trust. There are some folks here that are now practically family. And, yes, Epik also hired some folks here too.

To illustrate what I mean about lemons and lemonade, I will share a couple of examples that will be familiar to some NP members:

- Back in March 2019, a few people in the domain industry thought it would be a good idea to chastise me for protecting lawful free speech. This happened in blogs and also here on NamePros. I am not sure about their intention, but whoever was condemning me, ended up making me a lot more popular. In short, my response to being condemned was to engage with authenticity, and to let the crowd conclude for themselves if the manufactured consensus actually held any water. Well, many of you know how that worked out. Much to the chagrin of my harshest critics, Epik has gone from strength to strength as we co-create without care for who makes money or who gets credit.

- Earlier this year, Epik began to make significant inroads as a provider of escrow services for domain investors. The topic was introduced in a thread on NamePros, and within weeks, our friends at Escrow.com dispatched at least 6 state regulators to our doorstep. Although that process was time consuming, and even a bit daunting, we navigated those inquiries. One of the state regulators was kind enough to leak us the complaint. It fingered the instigator as one Jackson Elsegood. At one point when Jackson thought to engage in more of his nonsense, I let him have it, exposing Escrow.com once and for all. Matt Barrie got cute and he got a beatdown too! Our escrow business is booming, by the way and we are just getting started.

This is what I call turning lemons into lemonade. It is all about perspective. What are some principles:

- Be authentic: An early boss at P&G told me this: "First figure out the truth. Then explain truth." If you don't know yourself well enough to explain yourself, go fix that. If you know you screwed up, go deal with that. Acknowledge your faults. Everyone makes mistakes. Live and learn.

- Listen to your critics: Some of them are smart. They can teach you stuff, even if they don't really want to help you. The ones that point out your errors, probably never read Machiavelli who famously says to never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.

- Try to find the upside: Is there some new circumstance that you had not considered before, consider whether you can accomplish something based on your unique situation. Most situations are not nearly as dire as you think they are. And indeed some things happen for a reason! That's providence.

- Find your tribe: Almost everyone loves an underdog. As long as you are not an unrepentant ass, people will come find you and share their wisdom for whatever you are dealing with at the moment. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. Humility is a great foundation for personal growth.

Here are a few simple examples that I know apply to some folks here:

- Spouse cheated on you? Be thankful, you are liberated. Learn from your mistakes. Up your game. Grow in grace. Have confidence that providence has a better spouse out there. Or go back, but on your terms.

- Lost a loved one? Consider setting up a charitable foundation in honor of what that person most cherished. In so doing, know that you are celebrating, preserving and extending their legacy.

- Lost your job? Perhaps that job was not right for you anyway. Assess your strengths and passions. Start a business, or find something that is more perfect for you. If you are diligent, it will work out great!

- Perpetually single? Consider becoming a Digital Nomad. Live anywhere for almost nothing and see the world. You will have way more stories to tell. I am trying to convince @franka46 to set up a Domainer Dojo.

- Sick or injured? Become an expert on personal health. Develop a spiritual practice. Make new friends. Let your light shine. Do you still think your life sucks? Listen to this guy:

The list goes on. I am sure everyone here has had their share of lemons. Curious to hear your story. If it involves domaining, even better!
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The views expressed on this page by users and staff are their own, not those of NamePros.
What video? What minute? I will finally check it and see if I agree to take it down as you seem extremely passionate about this particular video.

there are multiple


Spielberg's Hoax: The Last Days of The Big Lie

Spielberg's "documentary" The Last Days stars Irene Zisblatt, who claims to have had her Auschwitz tattoo removed by Dr. Mengele, had her skin selected to become a lampshade, escaped from inside a gas chamber, and repeatedly defecated and swallowed diamonds for a year.

In addition, Spielberg's documentary hoax features another woman who claims to have escaped from inside a gas chamber, a Nazi doctor framed with an "experimentation" lie, as well as an African-American "Liberator" who was actually hundreds of miles away at the time he claims he witnessed the liberation of Dachau.

The Last Days of the Big Lie uses Spielberg’s hoax documentary as a jumping off point to expose his “USC Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation” and the greater Holocaust myth.

search for:
Questioning the Holocaust: Why We Believed
https://us.tv/search?search=Questioning the Holocaust: Why We Believed

The Holocaust" is widely known as the murder of six million Jews, mostly in gas chambers deceptively disguised as shower rooms.

But how did these gas chambers work?
Did gas come out of the shower heads? How about water?
What were you led to believe?

We have all seen the terrible imagery of dead prisoners taken after concentration camps were liberated. However, a closer examination of the films and television we've been exposed to tell a very different story. Surprisingly, a large number of the bodies we were shown were the direct result of Allied bombing and strafing attacks.

Questioning the Holocaust: Why We Believed presents surprising information which has led many to question the legally sanctioned version of history. Watching this presentation with an open mind will surprise you and leave you asking questions of your own.

there are multiple


Spielberg's Hoax: The Last Days of The Big Lie

Spielberg's "documentary" The Last Days stars Irene Zisblatt, who claims to have had her Auschwitz tattoo removed by Dr. Mengele, had her skin selected to become a lampshade, escaped from inside a gas chamber, and repeatedly defecated and swallowed diamonds for a year.

In addition, Spielberg's documentary hoax features another woman who claims to have escaped from inside a gas chamber, a Nazi doctor framed with an "experimentation" lie, as well as an African-American "Liberator" who was actually hundreds of miles away at the time he claims he witnessed the liberation of Dachau.

The Last Days of the Big Lie uses Spielberg’s hoax documentary as a jumping off point to expose his “USC Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation” and the greater Holocaust myth.

search for:
Questioning the Holocaust: Why We Believed
https://us.tv/search?search=Questioning the Holocaust: Why We Believed

The Holocaust" is widely known as the murder of six million Jews, mostly in gas chambers deceptively disguised as shower rooms.

But how did these gas chambers work?
Did gas come out of the shower heads? How about water?
What were you led to believe?

We have all seen the terrible imagery of dead prisoners taken after concentration camps were liberated. However, a closer examination of the films and television we've been exposed to tell a very different story. Surprisingly, a large number of the bodies we were shown were the direct result of Allied bombing and strafing attacks.

Questioning the Holocaust: Why We Believed presents surprising information which has led many to question the legally sanctioned version of history. Watching this presentation with an open mind will surprise you and leave you asking questions of your own.

I checked.

It looks like investigative journalism to me. This doctor is being accused of war crimes and the documentary assets that it was Mengele-style experiments but rather stool sample testing for disease.

As much as I enjoyed Schindler's List, I don't consider Steven Spielberg to be an investigative journalist. He is 100% Hollywood: ET, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, etc.

So, I think the video stands but people can down-vote it and right comments to referencing why it is a bad documentary.

As near as I can tell, the doctor is still a free man and has yet to be burned at the stake let alone tried in the Hague for War Crimes even though Charlie Rose decided to try him in the Court of Public Opinion.

You see, I have first-hand experience with this stuff. According to Huffington Post I am a Nazi:


We all know that's nonsense, but there it is.
I checked.

It looks like investigative journalism to me. This doctor is being accused of war crimes and the documentary assets that it was Mengele-style experiments but rather stool sample testing for disease.

As much as I enjoyed Schindler's List, I don't consider Steven Spielberg to be an investigative journalist. He is 100% Hollywood: ET, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, etc.

So, I think the video stands but people can down-vote it and right comments to referencing why it is a bad documentary.

As near as I can tell, the doctor is still a free man and has yet to be burned at the stake let alone tried in the Hague for War Crimes even though Charlie Rose decided to try him in the Court of Public Opinion.

You see, I have first-hand experience with this stuff. According to Huffington Post I am a Nazi:

Show attachment 134584

We all know that's nonsense, but there it is.

I really can't believe it
I checked.

It looks like investigative journalism to me. This doctor is being accused of war crimes and the documentary assets that it was Mengele-style experiments but rather stool sample testing for disease.

As much as I enjoyed Schindler's List, I don't consider Steven Spielberg to be an investigative journalist. He is 100% Hollywood: ET, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, etc.

So, I think the video stands but people can down-vote it and right comments to referencing why it is a bad documentary.

As near as I can tell, the doctor is still a free man and has yet to be burned at the stake let alone tried in the Hague for War Crimes even though Charlie Rose decided to try him in the Court of Public Opinion.

You see, I have first-hand experience with this stuff. According to Huffington Post I am a Nazi:

Show attachment 134584

We all know that's nonsense, but there it is.

simple question:
are they denying the holocaust?
The word Monster ... It's not what you think it is! It comes from the French Mon, meaning My and from the Dutch Ster, meaning Star. (In 1811, the French (under Napoleon) occupied the Netherlands and forced everyone to have a family name, As it turns out t Dutch resistance / rejection invented brand-driven storytelling surnames.)


The word Monster ... It's not what you think it is! It comes from the French Mon, meaning My and from the Dutch Ster, meaning Star. (In 1811, the French (under Napoleon) occupied the Netherlands and forced everyone to have a family name, As it turns out t Dutch resistance / rejection invented brand-driven storytelling surnames.)



I have no idea if that is true, but clever story nonetheless!
I checked.

It looks like investigative journalism to me. This doctor is being accused of war crimes and the documentary assets that it was Mengele-style experiments but rather stool sample testing for disease.

As much as I enjoyed Schindler's List, I don't consider Steven Spielberg to be an investigative journalist. He is 100% Hollywood: ET, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, etc.

So, I think the video stands but people can down-vote it and right comments to referencing why it is a bad documentary.

As near as I can tell, the doctor is still a free man and has yet to be burned at the stake let alone tried in the Hague for War Crimes even though Charlie Rose decided to try him in the Court of Public Opinion.

You see, I have first-hand experience with this stuff. According to Huffington Post I am a Nazi:

Show attachment 134584

We all know that's nonsense, but there it is.

simple question:
are they denying the holocaust?
simple question:
are they denying the holocaust?

I don't think anyone denies that there were concentration camps nor even that there were psychopaths that worked there, e.g. Dr. Mengele and his experiments on twins.


That site is not sketchy, by the way. I think it is holocaust-affirming.

Let's say there was a bank that burned down and 1000 people claimed that they had valuable assets were stored in that bank, and they all claimed losses for insurance. Should the insurance company have the right to verify the claims?

More to the point: if some guy claimed your Dad was a Nazi, should you have a right to clear his name?
I don't think anyone denies that there were concentration camps nor even that there were psychopaths that worked there, e.g. Dr. Mengele and his experiments on twins.


That site is not sketchy, by the way. I think it is holocaust-affirming.

Let's say there was a bank that burned down and 1000 people claimed that they had valuable assets were stored in that bank, and they all claimed losses for insurance. Should the insurance company have the right to verify the claims?

More to the point: if some guy claimed your Dad was a Nazi, should you have a right to clear his name?

You don't think ????
>>I don't think anyone denies that there were concentration camps nor even that there were psychopaths that worked there<<

they do
and you host them

they pretend to be journalists
come on
you are not stupid, aren't you?
My takeaway - just because you can host neo-nazi content online, doesn’t mean you should.
My takeaway - just because you can host neo-nazi content online, doesn’t mean you should.

My starting point is to discern whether the person behind a site is actually a hateful. We had the opportunity to empower both DailyStormer and 8 Chan. We don't.

On the other hand, we do enable investigative journalism from people who are deemed to be not hateful at their core.

I am not saying this is easy or fun. Sometimes you end up talking with weirdoes. I try to avoid those but you don't always know right away.

As an industry, we do a relatively poor job of comparing notes. The registrar stakeholder group is actually a dysfunctional community for anything other than creating the patina of multi-stakeholder alignment.
My starting point is to discern whether the person behind a site is actually a hateful. We had the opportunity to empower both DailyStormer and 8 Chan. We don't.

On the other hand, we do enable investigative journalism from people who are deemed to be not hateful at their core.

I am not saying this is easy or fun. Sometimes you end up talking with weirdoes. I try to avoid those but you don't always know right away.

As an industry, we do a relatively poor job of comparing notes. The registrar stakeholder group is actually a dysfunctional community for anything other than creating the patina of multi-stakeholder alignment.

you are hosting holocaust denial videos
you claim it's journalism
you are playing stupid

you are supporting
the continued brainwashing of people
aiming to question the unbelievable cruelties
that happened in the concentration camps

pretending it was medical care

unfortunately, the average time that inmates survived this treatment
was 6 months as the doctor says in the quoted video

just because they have taken stuhl-proben
stool samples
that doesn't mean the treatment was meant to cure anybody

these people died
because they were murdered

just because they use soft tone
to manipulate
doesn't mean it's not pure hate content

why do not investigate 10 minutes

why do you support them?

so say you are no nazi - so why do you support this ?????????
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you are hosting holocaust denial videos
you claim it's journalism
you are playing stupid

you are supporting
the continued brainwashing of people
aiming to question the unbelievable cruelties
that happened in the concentration camps

pretending it was medical care

unfortunately, the average time that inmates survived this treatment
was 6 months as the doctor says in the quoted video

just because they have taken stuhl-proben
stool samples
that doesn't mean the treatment was meant to cure anybody

these people died
because they were murdered

just because they use soft tone
to manipulate
doesn't mean it's not pure hate content

why do not investigate 10 minutes

why do you support them?

so say you are no nazi - so why do you support this ?????????

I watched the segment that you referenced. I saw a guy being accused of being a murderous doctor. I saw him defending himself in front of his accuser. As far as I know, he is not in jail. War criminals have mostly been tracked down and punished. Why is that you put more weight on the court of public opinion versus allowing the courts to investigate and adjudicate?
I watched the segment that you referenced. I saw a guy being accused of being a murderous doctor. I saw him defending himself in front of his accuser. As far as I know, he is not in jail. War criminals have mostly been tracked down and punished. Why is that you put more weight on the court of public opinion versus allowing the courts to investigate and adjudicate?

the doctor is open and friendly to the lady
I would think he had a lot of time to regret what he had done

my concern is not the doctor

he actually confirms the murders
that happened in the concentration camp

the "speaker" and his message is the one
to watch closely

and it's not only the part of the video
I took to make life easy for you

it's the hole video of course
trying to debunk the story of the deadly concentration camps

and other videos too

actually I refered 2 videos
openly declaring
that the holocaust is a hoax

I guess you try to exhaust me

I will have a good sleep
I have no idea if that is true, but clever story nonetheless!

The French and Dutch family names is a true story , the monster part probably also.
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The French and Dutch family names is a true story , the monster part probably also.

I might have to go with your story. Here I thought it was just because my ancestors were big and ugly!
I might have to go with your story. Here I thought it was just because my ancestors were big and ugly!

example: how the dutch got their funny names . (The vast majority still keep the old & hilarious surnames, some has to change it f.e. the last name pannenkoek (pancake) ... one big TV Ads agency hired an art director - Mr. Pancake ,.. clients laughing :)

example: how the dutch got their funny names . (The vast majority still keep the old & hilarious surnames, some has to change it f.e. the last name pannenkoek (pancake) ... one big TV Ads agency hired an art director - Mr. Pancake ,.. clients laughing :)


We have quite a popular comedian going by the name Pannekoek (pancake) actually :) and yes, that's his real name.

Lots of people just stick with the name as well. One of my friends is called Sukkel which loosely translates to Dimwit :)
"When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Unless you don't have any water or sugar. And then you just eat the lemons. And the rind will give you diarrhea..."


Or the branded literal approach...

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We can complain because rose bushes have thorns,
or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.

(- Alphonse Karr? Abraham Lincoln?)
We can complain because rose bushes have thorns,
or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.

(- Alphonse Karr? Abraham Lincoln?)

That is awesome.

Glass half full mindset.

Love that.
Glass half full mindset.

The optimist sees the glass as half full – the pessimist sees the glass as half empty – the engineer sees the glass as being twice as big as it needs to be.

I'm a practical guy.
That is awesome.

Glass half full mindset.

Love that.

The things one sees on calendars.... : )

Another not as good for lemons/lemonade, but thought provoking. Think it could be applied to people, as well - some store light in their roots, and others, darkness:

"Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light." - Theodore Roethke
I don't think I agree with the 1st line (unless someone can convince me), but turning death into lemonade:

"I think there would be little point to life if it did not end in death.
I do not give up on life simply because it ends in death.
Rather, life is much more meaningful and important because of its perishable nature.
I only have one life to live, and I want to make the most of it."
- Nick Otani
I don't think I agree with the 1st line (unless someone can convince me), but turning death into lemonade:

"I think there would be little point to life if it did not end in death.
I do not give up on life simply because it ends in death.
Rather, life is much more meaningful and important because of its perishable nature.
I only have one life to live, and I want to make the most of it."
- Nick Otani

Two thoughts:

1. From a mortal perspective, the notion of a finite window to accomplish something creates urgency that would otherwise not be there, particularly as bodies and mind change through the progression of life.

2. From an eternal perspective, to die to self, crucifying the flesh, is a large part of what it means to be "elect" for the purposes of being a vessel for God's purpose.

My guess is that the author, when he wrote that passage, was focused on #1. History is full of secular folks who did great things who probably had a similar idea. For example, though not widely known, most of the founding fathers of the USA were deists -- moral atheists.

The more interesting scenario is #2 which speaks to notion of life as we know it being preparation and qualification for a version of eternity. The people who initially made America great were very possibly the Puritans who began arriving in 1630 and turned New England into the envy of the world.

For those who are already seated in heaven, to be called home will be lemonade. That said, a faithful servant should be in no rush to get there no matter how many "Lord, take me home" days they encounter.

Have a blessed day!
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