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Who is to Blame for the Troubled US Economy?

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Here you can spout your USA political views.

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4. US Political views, No Religious views
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Thanks mom.

Somebody should have gotten on you for you lack of work ethic. Learn to read for yourself. I have to put you on timeout, go do your homework John.
Trump does not care about freedom of press, a normal president in a normal democracy does not call the press enemies of the people.
So he stood by MBS, not even a slap on the wrist for the brutal murder of a US-based journalist.
And once again, he sided with a despot, against the assessment his own intelligence services.

Of course the US has an incestuous relationship with the Saudi government, but any other president would have said a little something. There would be repercussions.

Imagine if Kasoghi had been a Fox employee, then the reaction would have to be different, he would be forced to take a stand under the pressure of his friends from Fox.
But Kasoghi wrote for the Wapo, so good riddance. Good job MBS, go ahead man.

In all fairness Obama was bad too, but Trump takes it to a whole different level.
If you don't like this ranking, perhaps you can find another one. But there is always going to be a clear downward trend. Warnings signs should be acknowledged.
The Summit with Russia was a great success, except with the real enemy of the people, the Fake News Media. I look forward to our second meeting so that we can start implementing some of the many things discussed, including stopping terrorism, security for Israel, nuclear........
The New York Times reporting is false. They are a true ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!
Kilimnik, in case you need a guide to your Russians, is the Russian political consultant with ties to Russian intelligence, was briefed by Manafort on the "battleground states", plans to win the election, and the trump campaign's internal polling data.

Religious violence is rising in France - the true scale is still unknown...
Religious violence is on the rise in France with a spike in attacks against minorities.

However, the lion's share of incidents in the country target Christians, something that the Liberal mainstream media's coverage seems to miss.
Religious violence is rising in France - the true scale is still unknown...
Religious violence is on the rise in France with a spike in attacks against minorities.

However, the lion's share of incidents in the country target Christians, something that the Liberal mainstream media's coverage seems to miss.]

Even RT left out or didn’t bring to light the stats on who is doing this and/or if any specific anti Semites, or hate or racial groups are perpetuating the crimes. Have any Christians rented trucks to run over anyone?, or acid attacks? Or knife attacks?
Even RT left out or didn’t bring to light the stats on who is doing this and/or if any specific anti Semites, or hate or racial groups are perpetuating the crimes. Have any Christians rented trucks to run over anyone?, or acid attacks? Or knife attacks?

All kinds of violence:

Follow links to anti-abortion violence -

Our domestic terrorism issues in the United States right now is mainly from White Nationalists, some of them call themselves Christian.

All that sex abuse? Do you want to count that as violent? Anytime I see a story on that, guess who it is.

Can find old stories, Africa:

Tens of thousands of Muslims flee Christian militias in Central African Republic

"Tens of thousands of Muslims are fleeing to neighboring countries by plane and truck as Christian militias stage brutal attacks, shattering the social fabric of this war-ravaged nation.

In towns and villages as well as here in the capital, Christian vigilantes wielding machetes have killed scores of Muslims, who are a minority here, and burned and looted their houses and mosques in recent days, according to witnesses, aid agencies and peacekeepers. Tens of thousands of Muslims have fled their homes."


You're part of the problem tho and some others here. Hate begets hate.
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In 2015, James Risen, then a reporter at The New York Times, called the Obama administration "the greatest enemy of press freedom in a generation."

In 2017, in Obama's last days, The San Diego Union-Tribune Editorial Board echoed the criticism from Downie and Risen and called Obama's administration "the least transparent and the most antagonistic toward the media since the Nixon administration." In a nuanced analysis of his eight years, the newspaper wrote, "So much for Obama's promise to lead 'the most transparent administration in history.'"

We've never heard rhetoric like Trump's, and that's partly because of the legacy of Obama.

From HERE. Among other places.
@iowadawg are you in some contest with Gilsan on who can post the most dumb/inaccurate memes? Obama's birth certificate, Hillary and Benghazi? Have you been living in a cave or something? His birth certificate you can find online, Hillary has been cleared by multiple Republican led committees. And the Che stuff you've guys been posting sounds like you guys.
Even RT left out or didn’t bring to light the stats on who is doing this and/or if any specific anti Semites, or hate or racial groups are perpetuating the crimes. Have any Christians rented trucks to run over anyone?, or acid attacks? Or knife attacks?
Not on this particular video, but they are a lot less PC than the typical Liberal Media... but many of us know who the main culprits are, except those that are too brainwashed to see!
You're part of the problem tho and some others here. Hate begets hate.

Here we go again. I hate the lack of common sense. Thats about all I hate/ dislike. Anybody who does not respect their political office like Omar, or ignores facts or covers up facts or make up fake news like you and CNN lies for 2 years about Collusion, most Mainstream media, Google, etc are the problem. Jussie Smollett is probably your hero, and Omar and Tlaib. All hate activists and scam artists. Barr did an “inside job” is the CNN narrative today. Unbelievable crap.

I am a critic as you well know. I don’t like idiots or entitled people. If you watched the above Israel video, you could make up your own mind about what you would do with Africans arriving uninvited, similar to the USA Southern border but treated differently and taken care of well in the US. I make no comment. The US isn’t Israel, they have a national identity they wish to protect. Their choice. Same with Saudi Beheadings, totally legal punishment there, so be it. I support their right to handle criminals in whatever laws they have. Wearing cloth on a womans face is their choice, their culture, their country. Keep those values where they belong in those countries. China has concentration camps for the Uigjer people, is that right? I don’t care. None of my business. Its their culture and problem. Kosovo and that mess in former Yugoslavia, none of the US business but our leaders went over there and added to the mess. The US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan to fight against crazy Al Queda Guerillas, and the mistakes after killing Sadam caused ISIS. Bush and Obama both responsible. All were losing wars, supported by Politicians who don’t care about US Tax dollars or creating new enemies. We now have Veterans suffering with missing body parts and all those who died defending a Country where an Anti Semite like Omar was taken in as a refugee. Disgusting, she is a huge embarrassment. Tlaib had 12 brothers and sisters, her father worked Blue collar. Mother popped out all those kids, who paid her bills? Yet, she disrespects Working middle class native born Americans who paid for that? Meanwhile normal Anericans are lucky to have 2 kids.

@Kate slams Trump for not sticking his nose into Saudi and Turkeys affairs on the Kashohggi situation, or Yemen. Some of us don’t care. These are not US problems, if the EU wants to spend their money fine.

You call everyone you disagree with a liar, uninformed, dumb, Racist, bigot, idiot, etc. just keep at it, you exemplify why those of us call out the nonsense meanwhile you spin your story, keep bashing Trump, get out your shovels to dig deeper, get those deep sea fishing poles out and gold pans and discover what you want.

Your lack of objectivity is self evident, when was the last time you posted a postive thing here? Trump could write you a tax break or check for a $10,000. And you would send it back you hate him so much.

You and others here fail to have any open minded thought process to have any debate on any merit, your hate and that of others against Conservatives and the President blinds you. You should watch some videos like I posted and call out CAIR and Hamas and BLM and their hate agenda, instead silence, not one Liberal would say anything positive or against such bad behavior.

Adam Corolla that video you didnt watch isn’t party affiliated, its common sense- don’t have kids if you can’t feed them, a core problem in this world. Non partisan really, yet you seem to have zero tolerance for anyone who posts anything that isnt agreeing with you. @GILSAN has posted over and over interesting videos of how EU is having worse problems than the USA, and simply because you hate him, you would not watch even one of them.

You call Prager U as phony. Same with Candace Owens. Breitbart as though it is fringe, Fox News is the devil. I used to watch CNN until 2016, and it became lopsided. Your attitude is why nothing will get done in Congress, the same as Pelosi and Schumer just soundbites of calling Trump a racist, etc. It is so old, none of it is working. There is a silent majority that will reelect President Trump.

Oh, one more thing, Obama was born in Kenya.
Obama was born in Kenya.

It's true, you are a part of the hate on a daily basis. Anti-Muslim post after Anti-Muslim post, feeding the, they're dangerous, not one of us nonsense. It just leads to more issues, some of the same issues you complain about. You guys got more upset with a building burning (that is going to be rebuilt) than people actually getting murdered.

Nobody is watching those 20 minute - 1 hour videos you post. And the Birther stuff is just stupid.
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This was filmed by leftist anti-Jew journalists who refer to all these African invaders as migrants, therefore it's very biased. Israel has every right in the world to deport illegals back to their countries.

They already have enough problems having to deal with all the surrounding countries that have tried to wipe them off the face of the earth, in the past and in the present...

I'm 200% behind Israel.

Why do all these African invaders pay anywhere from €2000 to €4000 to traffickers to get them on boats heading to Europe or Israel, many of them risking their lives to reach Eldorado?

Why don't they use that money to start a small business, which in turn would help improve their miserable countries, instead of enriching human traffickers and just bringing all sorts of problems to Europe or in this case to Israel?

In the last 20-30 years about one million Chinese have gone to Africa legally, opened businesses selling Chinese products, or re-opened factories to manufacture stuff that previously were run by Europeans before these African countries became Independant 50-60 years ago?

Once the Europeans where kicked out of Africa, most of these industries and factories just closed down for several decades till the Chinese and lately also the Indians started opening them up again.

Before and even today it was and continues to be the white mans fault that Africa was exploited and therefore remained poor... how about now? I don't hear anyone saying the Chinese and Indians are exploiting them. I wonder why?

If Africans are incapable of starting their businesses, (even though they have money to pay the traffickers to get them across the Mediterranean) if they are incapable of opening factories and industries in their own countries, but instead have to rely on foreigners, mostly China, India and also some Western countries, why the hell do we need these unskilled people here in Europe for?

Even Che Guevara, that icon of the lefties had this to say after leaving the Congo in Africa, highly disappointed with his failed attempt to teach the locals about a revolution:

“The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.”
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And typical liberal, to deny the truth posted about CHE....

And typical liberal, to deny the truth posted about CHE....

Get your news from Bill O' Reilly of all people and wonder why you post such nonsense. You couldn't do a simple search on your own?

10 instances:

Trump is so stupid, he is just copying and pasting stuff from Fox. You know he didn't actually read it himself. Hiding from reporters today. They're going to ask him about it, he's not going to have a clue what they're talking about.
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Right after Clinton conceded someone (redacted) wrote to Dmitriev, “Putin has won.”
This was filmed by leftist anti-Jew journalists who refer to all these African invaders as migrants, therefore it's very biased. Israel has every right in the world to deport illegals back to their countries.

They already have enough problems having to deal with all the surrounding countries that have tried to wipe them off the face of the earth, in the past and in the present...

I'm 200% behind Israel.

Why do all these African invaders pay anywhere from €2000 to €4000 to traffickers to get them on boats heading to Europe or Israel, many of them risking their lives to reach Eldorado?

Why don't they use that money to start a small business, which in turn would help improve their miserable countries, instead of enriching human traffickers and just bringing all sorts of problems to Europe or in this case to Israel?

In the last 20-30 years about one million Chinese have gone to Africa legally, opened businesses selling Chinese products, or re-opened factories to manufacture stuff that previously were run by Europeans before these African countries became Independant 50-60 years ago?

Once the Europeans where kicked out of Africa, most of these industries and factories just closed down for several decades till the Chinese and lately also the Indians started opening them up again.

Before and even today it was and continues to be the white mans fault that Africa was exploited and therefore remained poor... how about now? I don't hear anyone saying the Chinese and Indians are exploiting them. I wonder why?

If Africans are incapable of starting their businesses, (even though they have money to pay the traffickers to get them across the Mediterranean) if they are incapable of opening factories and industries in their own countries, but instead have to rely on foreigners, mostly China, India and also some Western countries, why the hell do we need these unskilled people here in Europe for?

Even Che Guevara, that icon of the lefties had this to say after leaving the Congo in Africa, highly disappointed with his failed attempt to teach the locals about a revolution:

“The black is indolent and a dreamer; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and drives him to advance himself, even independently of his own individual aspirations.”

I realize and posted that as it was an example of how a nation is supposed to behave, opposite of the narrators intent. A nation is suppose to keep its origins and traditions in tact, and not succumb to the will of a small screaming minority of non assimilating outsiders. Assimilation is a huge problem around the world, and part of the agenda to disrupt within certain groups. They have an agenda to convert or control others religion as dictated by their God. A nation is supposed to protect its own Citizens and agree completely, as they state they are uninvited and arrive not to assimilate and or for free stuff. In some ways it is what is currently happening in the US is under a similar invasion and infiltration thanks to the Liberal Morons in Congress who refuse to control the border and allow a bunch of fake “Refugees” take over Dearborn and Minnesota and elsewhere. The EU has already suffered due to failed leadership allowing mass migration and non assimilation.

Africa has remained a failed continent economically and self governed or fit into the developed world historically. They always starve, cannot feed themselves, always have tribal wars, and their leaders steal any funds donated or at worst case create Genocide. Most of The financial AID programs never worked, nothing about self sufficiency ever has sunken in. I hope the Chinese continue to take over, maybe they can straighten out things.

Japan I believe was mentioned here before, probably the smartest nation to maintain their own culture and not allow outsiders to come in and attempt to hijack it.
I realize and posted that as it was an example of how a nation is supposed to behave, opposite of the narrators intent. A nation is suppose to keep its origins and traditions in tact, and not succumb to the will of a small screaming minority of non assimilating outsiders. Assimilation is a huge problem around the world, and part of the agenda to disrupt within certain groups. They have an agenda to convert or control others religion as dictated by their God. A nation is supposed to protect its own Citizens and agree completely, as they state they are uninvited and arrive not to assimilate and or for free stuff. In some ways it is what is currently happening in the US is under a similar invasion and infiltration thanks to the Liberal Morons in Congress who refuse to control the border and allow a bunch of fake “Refugees” take over Dearborn and Minnesota and elsewhere. The EU has already suffered due to failed leadership allowing mass migration and non assimilation.

Africa has remained a failed continent economically and self governed or fit into the developed world historically. They always starve, cannot feed themselves, always have tribal wars, and their leaders steal any funds donated or at worst case create Genocide. Most of The financial AID programs never worked, nothing about self sufficiency ever has sunken in. I hope the Chinese continue to take over, maybe they can straighten out things.

Japan I believe was mentioned here before, probably the smartest nation to maintain their own culture and not allow outsiders to come in and attempt to hijack it.

An "invader" of South America.

"A nation is suppose to keep its origins and traditions in tact, and not succumb to the will of a small screaming minority of non assimilating outsiders."

You know if you did some simple research you would find a lot of "American" customs were brought over/influenced from other countries. Obviously, we had some originate here.

The stuff about Africa, as if other countires haven't constantly raped that country, you left that part out.

Your post is basically saying you just want White, Christian, European types. Trump doesn't want people from Mexico (brown), Africa (black) but from Norway (white) he'll take them all day long.

Your post just repeated a lot of the same stuff found in that Manifesto from that NZ massacre.

It's the same kind of thing with this Birther stuff, you're an admitted Birther.

"Obama was born in Kenya."

Obama is black, different from what you're used to, so you wanted to make him an outsider, not American, not somebody we can trust.

He ran against McCain.

Obama was born in Hawaii, that's a state.

McCain was born in Panama, that's not a state.

No Birther stuff for McCain.
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It's true, you are a part of the hate on a daily basis. Anti-Muslim post after Anti-Muslim post, feeding the, they're dangerous, not one of us nonsense. It just leads to more issues, some of the same issues you complain about. You guys got more upset with a building burning (that is going to be rebuilt) than people actually getting murdered.

Nobody is watching those 20 minute - 1 hour videos you post. And the Birther stuff is just stupid.

Obama is a foreigner and Enemy of the state, so is Hillary. They fly around at taxpayer expense with Secret service protection talking shit to foreign Countries about a sitting President. You are simply a name calling, labelling Anti American. You are the Enemy of common sense and critical thought and fail at debating, you name call people thats your game. You intend to silence me, thats your agenda there is no room for debate or objections. Juvenile nonsense and zero objectivity. Call me whatever false names you want. Tlaib/Omar= CAIR=Hamas is a Anti terrorist description. Nothing to do with Religion other than extremism. FBI investigations proved it.

I made no comments on the Church, fires suck. So sorry, next story. Thats how much attention you pay to anything posted other than what triggers you. I paid little attention. Besides that, the stellar French leadership and their new inclusivity agenda will probably eventually build a Mosque there anyway, once their culture is bred out in 30 more years. I won’t ever enter their country to vacation, dislike their food, their non english friendly ideology and simply zero interest.

Here a Smart, educated independent Muslim woman calling out this POS Omar.

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