
information Top Topics: Corporations, hire Domainers! Capitalize "i" or not? sold for 100k GBP; One-worders & TLDs; Try Atom's latest commission gig

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Hey! It's this week's Top Topics review at NamePros! B-)

Corporations need to hire domainers; Leading "i"s in domains—capitalize or not? was sold for 100,000 British Pounds; Are one-word domains created equal regardless of TLD? Launches Commission Match Guarantee.

Corporations need to hire domainers
Domain investors, known as "domainers" among their peers, are self-motivated, knowledgeable, and driven to achieve success with their domain investments. Therefore, they'd be great assets to corporations as consultants. Are you up to the task? Let us know.

Topic by @Internet.Domains

Leading ‘i’s in domains—capitalize or not?
Capitalization of domain names offers a number of visual advantages but what about the letter "i"? Quite often, it can be confused for a lower case "L" and many domain investors are conflicted about how to be present such domains, particularly when "i" is the first letter. Let's settle this once and for all!

Topic by @Molly sold For 100,000 GBP
Crypto domain names are very hot regardless of TLD. An example of this is the recently reported sale of via Sedo for the sum of 100,000 British Pounds. Read more about this extraordinary crypto domain sale and who was the Sedo broker that achieved it.

Topic by @silentg

One word domains — are they created equal regardless of TLD?
Dictionary, one word domains are sought after but just how effective is this rule across any type of TLD? There are literally several thousand TLDs, gTLDs, and ccTLDs so does any one-worder establish value regardless of the extension? Discuss!

Topic by @Molly Launches “Commission Match Guarantee”
Atom announced it will pay sellers 10% of the Atom BIN price, up to $300, if their domain sells outside of Atom but on one of several Approved Selling Platforms. Confused? Find out what's this about, which platforms are on the approved list, and what this means for your domain portfolio at Atom.

Topic by @silentg

Top Topics of the Week is a blog series featuring the most popular discussions and content within the domain community. Tune in weekly to see what's trending.
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