
information Top Topics 2025: Afternic, up your game! Best strategy to lure buyers; Popular ccTLDs in 2024; What's the scam? Price up after LTO failure

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Afternic needs to up their game; Best strategy to lure a buyer; Most popular ccTLD in 2024; What's the scam? Increasing the price after LTO failure to pay.

Afternic really needs to up their game
As Afternic remains a popular destination for domain investors in 2025, there are many annoying quirks that need to be addressed and fixed. For example, fake listings often lead to a frustrating acquisition process that is then reversed. Blow some steam in this discussion exchange!

Topic: @NameMaxi.com

Best Strategy to Lure a Specific Buyer for My Domain Name?
Finding potential buyers for your domains requires an amount of planning and strategy. When SEO comes into play, developing your "for sale" domains into something more than a landing page makes sense. Share your approach that enables you to reel in potential buyers.

Topic by @URL Stream

What was the most popular country domain in 2024?
Country domains are assigned ccTLDs that represent their locale around the globe. Some are island clusters or even extinct countries (Soviet Union) but when active they do attract domain registrations. Find out which ccTLDs topped the list in 2024.

Topic by @nicenic

What's the scam?
When you get an email from someone willing to pay a nice, or hefty even, amount of money for your domain, better be careful: It might be a scam, especially if it involves some type of valuation certificate as a prerequisite to actually buying the domain! Share your own experience with these types of threats.

Topic by @energyofaurora

Should I Increase the Price After Buyer Developed the Site?
Time for a fun scenario, one that involves a lease to own (LTO) sale that defaults after a few months. The buyer develops and seems to be actively using the domain until they no longer do. The domain is returned to the seller who now has the opportunity to assess the type of content and market the buyer used it for; it's a great chance to determine if a price increase, for future reference, would be justified.

Topic by @TBR07

Top Topics of the Week is a blog series featuring the most popular discussions and content within the domain community. Tune in weekly to see what's trending.
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Happy New Year everyone!

My best wishes for a prosperous, healthy, and fun 2025.

Keep on domaining!
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