
news Whois officially died today

Spaceship Spaceship
Domain registries and registrars are no longer obliged to offer Whois services as of today, the deadline ICANN set for formally sunsetting the protocol. It’s been replaced by RDAP, the newer Registration Data Access Protocol, which offers a more structured way to deliver domain ownership information. Under ICANN’s standard Registry Agreement and Registrar Accreditation Agreement,...

Whois officially died today | Domain Incite - News, Analysis & Opinion
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What will happen to Whois privacy ? Do we need to do anything for this ?
What will happen to Whois privacy ? Do we need to do anything for this ?
Seems it's just the way whois data is accessed at the backend by softwares and 3rd parties is going to get changed. We may not see any/much changes i believe.
that sucks
useful service

used it 10 times today
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